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Everything posted by papanowel

  1. papanowel

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    Was good. The view distance setting were not too high (2/3 km I guess). I was playing on an empty map (via the editor... ). I saw quite a few new things :a: I was looking around Marina and didn't notice any performance drop. This map is clearly a big step ahead, player will love it. Not true, the west part is clearly hilly... I was walking on the top of a tall one (something like 300m high).
  2. papanowel

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    I went to the gamescom yesterday. I tried to play on Altis. It's really nicely made, cities are big and full of details. Player will love to spend time with this huge map. You can get inside the old windmill. Just a couple of big building are partially open but for the rest you're free to move into.
  3. papanowel

    Okinawa Japan island?

    Have a look here: http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?172-ARMA-3-BETA-TERRAIN-(Visitor) You might find your way through :) Good luck with you project.
  4. papanowel

    M16a4 variants and more

    That's impressive for your first shot at modeling :)
  5. papanowel

    Drone Controls

    Is not stabilized... yet (WIP).
  6. Agree with you and the sound of the rotor while you're using it... is just annoying.
  7. Why don't you post here instead of creating a new thread?
  8. papanowel

    SOC WIP Thread

    Superb as always, it's getting very nice.
  9. papanowel

    Arma 3 - Sneak Preview Livestream

    Why we didn't see the waypoint system for the UAVs, what I saw was just a RC control quadrocopter. I must admit, I'm disappointed from what I saw. The only good thing was Altis. I really hope to see more and have more answer at Gamescom this year.
  10. papanowel

    Arma 3 - Sneak Preview Livestream

    Epicfail :D Too bad, it works in the past but today the bandwidth is already in holiday.
  11. papanowel

    Arma 3 - Sneak Preview Livestream

    http://www.twitch.tv/arma3official/b/414291657 http://www.twitch.tv/arma3official/b/411222908 Edit: a bit too late, my apology.
  12. papanowel

    Arma 3 - Sneak Preview Livestream

    When the rain is coming back? It's really missing
  13. papanowel

    Arma 3 - Sneak Preview Livestream

    I hope we will see more of Altis ;)
  14. papanowel

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I must admit that I feel a bit the same right now. But future will tell us what to expect.
  15. papanowel

    Localized versions

    Ok, I see my task, I just need to grab the right tool and I can start. ;)
  16. papanowel

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Me too. Where are the F35, MV22, XM25 that we saw in some screenshots? (I know those were made in 2011 but it's sad to not bring that to the game).
  17. papanowel

    Localized versions

    You add me, good, you know where to find me tom :p
  18. papanowel

    SOC WIP Thread

    Awesome work, keep it up :)
  19. papanowel

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Looks like this one: http://www.armyrecognition.com/forum_pic/LAND_Pandur_II_8x8_w_RCWS-30_lg.jpg
  20. papanowel

    Take On Mars (Early Access) Released!

    Thank you, I'll try it asap :)
  21. papanowel


    Very nice models indeed, keep up the good work ;)
  22. papanowel

    Navel Warfare

    There is a thread for your wishe ;) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148719-ARMA-3-Addon-Request-Thread/
  23. It also depending on the mission and custom addons. In A2, I played in a Berzerk server with 90+ players on it without any issue.
  24. papanowel

    astast: WIP Thread

    Nice helmet, I didn't expect you to see more pics. You must be busy with your different projects.