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Everything posted by tpw

  1. Do you mean install.bat? Strangely enough, it will install TPW MODS. There is no other .bat file in the TPW_MODS.zip that I distribute. If you got yours from Steam (even though I expressly forbid its upload there), then it might contain other files that I can't vouch for and won't support you with. sorry.
  2. If you drop the two scripts into your mission folder and then run 0 = [["c_man","c_man","rds","afghan","c_man","c_man"],[],5,22] execvm "tpw_core.sqf"; 0 = [10,50] execvm "tpw_houselights.sqf"; it should work. I say this because I just did exactly that. Remember it might take up to 30 seconds for the lights to come on.
  3. I always run tpw mods from scripts as part of the development process. This is my setup to run just tpw houselights: 0 = [["c_man","c_man","rds","afghan","c_man","c_man"],[],5,22] execvm "\scripts\tpw_mods\tpw_core.sqf"; 0 = [10,50] execvm "\scripts\tpw_mods\tpw_houselights.sqf"; tpw core does various things but unless you're running other scripts that rely on it you'll never notice them.
  4. Are you running tpw_core.sqf also? Houselights needs the building scanning functions of core in order to work.
  5. Many thanks to @-ben- and CUP team for this outstanding map, to my mind by far the best reworking of the beloved Chernarus map. Every bit as detailed and beautiful as Livonia, but actually running at a great framerate everywhere. As my interest in A3 wanes, I find that I only get drawn to maps where the authors have gone to decent lengths to get the natural environment aspects looking, well, natural. And with the latest work, the forests and most of the environment have been absolutely nailed! My only problems are satmap and ground texture related. The almost brown black forest satmap that resolves to light green as you move closer. The overly contrasty and blotchy grass satmap that resolves into patchwork grass. And the abundant pale satmap fields (wheat?) that resolve into dark brown and green grassy areas or brown plowed earth. The last one particularly annoys me, so I wrote a little config patch so that these pale areas resolve to either wheat fields, or pale stubble/dry grass: To my eye they reduce visual mismatches help create a more dry summery agricultural vibe. Please feel free to ignore these suggestions! Thanks again, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how this already phenomenal map develops.
  6. Hi mate I looked at your HPP. So basically TPW SKIRMISH will default to using Arma3 blufor, opfor and indfor units if the strings you specify cannot be found in the classnames of the mod you are using. I don't use the star wars mod you use, so I have no idea if the classnames are correct. Is there a list of classnames for this mod I could check?
  7. Can you please send me your TPW SKIRMISH settings, either from the HPP file or from the script you use to launch it?
  8. I actually looked into it but couldn't replicate it. Then I forgot about it :) I'll reopen the ticket.
  9. tpw

    Flowing water

    Well you’ve been involved in overcoming two of my greatest visual peeves in A3: lack of flowing water and lack of females. That puts you up the deity ladder in my book. Best of luck bringing your incredible concepts to fruition.
  10. Thanks so much for this bludclot et al. In my opinion RHSPKL is quite simply one of the greatest mod (or official for that matter) maps ever made. The sense of immersion in a real place is unparalleled. My only problem is that the ambient wind noise gets very very loud as ASL increases, even when wind strength is zero. At 150m it sounds like a storm. Is this a design decision or something that could be changed in a future update?
  11. TPW MODS 20200201: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u7w3b1h0l0834un/TPW_MODS.zip Changes: [ANIMALS 1.59, CORE 1.79, FOG 1.81, SOAP 1.54] Added RKSPKL and Chernarus 2020 support. Hi everyone. Happy 2020. I thought things couldn't be worse than 2019 but from where I'm standing they definitely are. Regardless, here's my 1st release for 2020 which basically just introduces proper support for the sublime RHSPKL (one of the greatest mod terrains ever made IMHO) , and for Chernarus 2020 (which aside from terrible clutter popping and nasty satmap/ground texture mismatches is a fantastic attempt to port that beloved terrain to modern A3 standards). For those having trouble with RHSPKL please try this new version and let me know how you go. For what it's worth, I always run tpw_livonia.pbo and have not experienced issues.
  12. Thanks mate. I’ll download the new PKL and have a look..
  13. I know it's not full release yet but Livonia is a bit of a mixed bag for me. It's a beautiful map no doubt, with some pretty glaring issues regarding performance, building size, satmap mismatches etc. One particularly annoying "feature" of this map is the constant loud ambient background noise which sounds like wind or distant city traffic or distant surf. It may or may not be on the devs long list of things to fix, but I know I have trouble dealing with this particular first world problem, which overshadows the otherwise beautiful audio of the map. So, would any of you config wrangling legends be able to point me in the direction of being able to patch out this particular annoyance? Thanks in advance for any help.
  14. TPW MODS 20191231: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u7w3b1h0l0834un/TPW_MODS.zip Changes: [SOAP 1.53] Added Finnish soundpack. Fixed car stereo errors on maps with undefined ethnicity. Hi everyone, I hope you had a good Christmas and managed to avoid the carb-pocalypse (I didn't). I thought I'd put down the celery and release a final update for the year and decade, mainly centered around adding Finnish ambience due to the rash of outstanding Finnish terrains which have been released by Temppa (Ruha, Hellanmaa, Vingesvingen, Ihantala, Summa, Suursaari), and most recently Furean (Virolahti). I've found myself playing a lot on these brilliant terrains which utilise Enoch assets to give really believable and immersive environments, devoid only of the noise of the famously exuberant and outgoing Finns. So I've put together a pack of Finnish conversation and modern music to give the maps a bit more of a Suomi feel. Enjoy your new year!
  15. Well aren't I a winner?!?! I managed to upload TPW_MODS.zip wihout the actual tpw_mods.pbo in it I need to fire my QC department. Please redownload https://www.dropbox.com/s/u7w3b1h0l0834un/TPW_MODS.zip
  16. I have. The satmap and ground texturing, the jumbled up architecture and the jumbled up biomes don't really make for a coherent experience at this stage in the beta.
  17. Ok people here's an early Christmas present from Uncle TPW. TPW ENVIRONMENT - CLUTTER/VEGETATION/LIGHTING/SOUND CHANGES Download (84kb): https://www.dropbox.com/s/tdmgs7klx5lpw61/TPW_ENVIRONMENT.zip TPW ENVIRONMENT is a set of config patches and scripts to modify the environment of some of my favourite maps. While I'm incredibly grateful and appreciative to the authors and developers of Arma3 terrains, I often found myself wishing that the clutter/vegetation, lighting and environmental audio was more to my taste. And now here we are. TPW ENVIRONMENT affects the following terrains, by the following authors to whom appropriate kudos are due: Anizay - Temppa Cham - Temppa Hellanmaa - Temppa Ihantala - Temppa Khoramshahr - Eagle Kujari - Temppa Livonia - BIS Lythium - Green_Beret/FFAAMOD Ruha - Temppa Svartmarka - Temppa Uzbin Valley - Max Vinjesvingen - Temppa Virolahti - furean Weferlingen Summer - mondkalb / Vertexmacht Some terrains are changed by config patch only, some by script only, and some by patch and script (although you don't absolutely have to run both). In general, config patches apply Enoch lighting and sounds, murkier water, increased clutter draw distance, and increased density and variety of clutter particularly in forested areas. You'll really notice the difference on Weferlingen, which has very austere forest clutter by default, but looks much more overgrown when patched by TPW ENVIRONMENT. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1938188379 Scripts work by dividing the terrain into a grid (usually 512m or 1024m) and removing/replacing vegetation and other objects in the grid elements nearest the player. Replacement stuff is spawned enablesimulation false to reduce CPU overhead, and dynamically hidden and unhidden as the player moves between grid elements. Trees spawned in this way do not move in the wind. Scripts are heavily commented and logically written, so you can easily adapt them to suit your taste or for other terrains. Several things to note: These scripts were written by me for me. If you don't like the effects, you're welcome to modify them, but not welcome to bitch to me about it. They are written to increase immersion, not performance. Your CPU will probably notice. They are written for SP use. You will need Livonia DLC, Global Mobilisation DLC, and CUP Terrains Core to provide the full range of needed vegetation. Please see point 1 if you're thinking of whingeing about these requirements. At this early stage, this mod is pretty much intended for advanced users, which means I expect you'll know how to get PBO addons working and how to execute scripts. If it gets some traction then I'll give it the same treatment as TPW MODS.
  18. Thanks EO. I thought you might be interested in this stuff. I'll put together a properly documented download shortly.
  19. TPW MODS 20191215: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u7w3b1h0l0834un/TPW_MODS.zip Changes: [ANIMALS 1.58, CORE 1.78, FOG 1.80, SOAP 1.52] Added Virolahti, Esseker and Uzbin Valley. [CORE 1.78] Hidden houses ignored for all ambience. [SOAP 1.52] Added car stereos to civilian traffic. Hi everyone. My apologies for the long time in between updates. The last few months have been a professional and mental health shitfest for yours truly, which further weakened my resolve to play and code for A3. To be honest I've spent most of that time playing around with clutter/environment/lighting/sounds/vegetation on my favourite official and mod terrains, to try to make the environment more to my taste. So I'm now sitting on a large number of config patches and vegetation replacement scripts for a range of terrains, including: Cham, Svartmarka, Ihantala, Khoramshahr, Kujari, Livonia, Lythium, Ruha, Uzbin Valley, Vinjesvingen, Weferlingen. If anyone is interested I may release them at some stage. In the mean time, here's a version of TPW MODS with a few improvements. I'll work on some of the bug reports from the last few months and will release fixes for them before too long hopefully.
  20. Phenomenal map, the amount of work that must have gone into it is mind boggling. Thanks so much @furean and your collaborators..
  21. Hi guys. Sorry, I’ve had a couple of months off the tools. I’ll look into the various issues
  22. Cheers mate, I wasn't trying to be a wanker, just pointing out that there other other code ideas that tinter could try.
  23. Not strictly true. I wrote an SP script called TPW Furniture for TPW Mods several years ago, which spawns simple compositions into defined house classes with minimal overhead. @tinter you’re welcome to grab any ideas out of my code if you want.