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Everything posted by krzychuzokecia

  1. krzychuzokecia

    [SP] [OFP] Operation Fidel (Ver 0.6)

    After playing your "Operation Jeronimo" I can only hope that this mission will be as playable as previous one! Thanks Aldo!
  2. krzychuzokecia

    Binmod Release Thread

    Well guys, it's really ambitious project and it seems that you've done enormous amount of work already! Looking forward to see Binmod 0.9!
  3. krzychuzokecia

    New campaign - Spetsnaz Pride!

    Guess, everybody's playing WW4 in MP. :p But hey, it's your first news since October! Don't expect people to comment when it's nothing new to show ;) I'm sure that your campaign will get a lot of attention when it'll be out - we don't have too much campaigns which focus on the "bad guys"! Keep up and good luck!
  4. krzychuzokecia

    What the @*#* is China up to?

    That's why I was surprised. Really, my first thought was "Somebody's been reading Walker's News of the Day"! Well, remember that Chinese cameras are... made in China :p About your missile scan theory: it's believable, but isn't it more important for cruise missiles to "know" topology of ground below instead of street plan? Streets painted on the ground are... flat, so to have properly programmed missile Chinese would have to build 1:1 model of the city they want to bomb. At least, that's what I'm assuming.
  5. krzychuzokecia

    DXDLL Technical Support :-)

    Good to know freax0r69, as I'm probably getting ATI-based graphic card soon! BTW: What's addon is that Soviet infantry?
  6. krzychuzokecia

    What the @*#* is China up to?

    Funny, this morning I had read this thread and in the evening I saw that even serious Polish media* have looked into this matter! :p Do they read Walker's threads at BI Forums?! According to them it's used to calibrate Chinese spy-satellites - just what DarkXess said. *"Rzeczpospolita" is one of two biggest Polish newspapers
  7. krzychuzokecia

    Guerrilla Pack

    Hey Dan! That's what I'd call comeback! Thanks for your effort put into this and your other addons in the past (especially the M14/M21 pack!).
  8. krzychuzokecia

    DXDLL Technical Support :-)

    Well, I'm using DxDll on Athlon XP 1800+ (1534MHz), 512MB RAM and GeForce 4 Ti 4200 with 128 MB memory on board. Everything from year 2003 :p. I have no problems until I'll put many (like 40+) units on the map in one area. But it's not much better without DxDll - 64 units within view distance seems to be maximum of my PC. In case you'd be interested, my DxDll config file:
  9. krzychuzokecia

    Which guns do you own

    I've heard many good things about this design - it's on my 'to-buy' list when I'll finally get my license (it'll take approximately 2 years! :eek:). Interesting: it replaced previous Croatian service pistol (probably Makarov PM) only when it was licensed by Springfield. Before that, it saw only limited usage in Croatian Army.
  10. krzychuzokecia

    =brem-1= wip

    Wow Sapper! So much effort put in this, very rare in OFP, kind of vehicle! Keep up!
  11. krzychuzokecia

    Which guns do you own

    Hey wld427! Nice collection here. Is it me or are 2 of your's AKs are Polish Tantal and AKM? How they perform (in your opinion) in comparison to Romanian, Bulgarian and Yugoslav variants? (I bet that Russian Saigas are way better - fresh, out-of-the-box stuff made specifically for civilian market) Also - what's that G3 with scope and carrying handle? And what pistol you use (I can't recognize it while hidden in holster).
  12. krzychuzokecia

    OFPr.info / ofp.gamepark.cz

    It's fantastic initiative JdB, but also tremendous job to do! If at anytime you'd need help, don't hesitate to ask! Good luck! Edit: Drongo's Toolkit: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=125947
  13. krzychuzokecia

    Veni Vidi Vici Mod (Romans and Barbarians)

    Out of curiosity: are the sails animated? By this I mean, they're getting lowered when ship is faster than X kph?
  14. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 modpack 2.5 sound replacement mod

    Thanks Nikiller! Will definitely put it in mine WW4 modfolder when I'll get my speakers working :p
  15. krzychuzokecia

    Best Pilot Award goes to...!

    Well, it's true, but it's... not true. :) While in air, airplane was fully controllable - every system (apart from landing gear) was working. Hard part begun when plane hit the ground - without steerable wheels you can't control movement of the plane on the runway surface. All you can do to not end up on grass is use plane's rudder - that's what cpt. Tadeusz Wrona did. Yep, LOT has probably one of the best air personnel in Europe. Many from their pilots are retired military pilots with hours spend in cockpits of jet fighters, and they say that after such experience flying modern commercial airliner is child's play. But unfortunately there are still problems with ground personnel and maintenance - especially with LOT's Embraers which are told to be complete (and dangerous) rubbish (on a side note: LOT's Embs were chosen to serve as VIP planes after Smolensk air crash - how would you call that? Stupid, at least?). But it's also true what Dead3yez and Celery say - it wasn't really something special. First, training of such situations is normal in majority of airline companies. Second, cpt. Wrona was in very comfortable situation, with controllable plane and in good weather. In polish media I can hear comparing yesterday's accident with Hudson Bay landing or already mentioned Smolensk crash. To be honest we can't compare these situations: cpt. Sullenberger had lost his two engines while cpt. Protasiuk (pilot of Tu-154 in Smolensk) tried to land in bad weather and was mislead by the ATC (according to Polish report). We can only thank God that cpt. Wrona had no such problems... And interesting (and funny) information about captain's name: Wrona in Polish is name for Hooded Crow - bird species. Since yesterday many people say "fly like an eagle, but land like a crow". ;)
  16. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    Well, Cam McDonald's DSAI extension is something new to me, and there's 1.085e patch! Thanks Gunter! :) But to be more precise, I'm asking about list of ECP compatible addons, which was published by ECP team in good old times. It was available here (just like the Developer commented config, which I'm also looking for): http://www.ofpec.com/editors/ecfg/ but now link is dead...
  17. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    Not really an addon request, but does anybody have latest ECP (1.085 I guess) Developer commented config? I've searched through Ofpec and Forums, but all links are dead... Also: is Ofp.info mirror of ECP updated to the 1.085e version? And what about ECP compatible addons list, which was on ECP's site? I know only about Marine Assault Pack.
  18. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    Well, in real life An-12, An-72 and Il-28 Beagle were made also in AEW&C variants, but unfortunately that versions were never present in OFP. Probably because nobody could make them functional, but now with Drongo's Toolkit...
  19. krzychuzokecia

    Drongo's Toolkit

    Simply amazing Drongo, will definitely try it!
  20. krzychuzokecia

    WWII MP Released!

    Wow, over 800MB of stuff! So I'll test it after 4 hours of downloading... Who cares! Best WW2 mod outta here!
  21. krzychuzokecia

    M4's for weapon Individualism

    Very nice, have some questions to M203 variants though (take notice that I'm almost complete noob when it comes to M4s :p): - SOPMOD w/M203 - I'm not able to use the leaf sight the way I did in other addons - SOPMOD SD w/M203 - leaf sight is visible on model, but it's not there when pressing "V" key (I can see only front sight with suppressor) - M4A1 w/M203 - no leaf sight on model, no GL sight view mode. Is it right or wrong? C'ya! Oh, and MRE A w/ ACOG - rulez!
  22. krzychuzokecia


    Hey! Nice release, finally some Russian/Soviet equivalent to Combat! HEMMTs! One question: wouldn't it be better to have horn defined as weapon, instead of user action? It's done this way on most of OFP car/truck addons. Thanks Lex and Sapper! ;)
  23. krzychuzokecia

    JdB Addon Releases

    Hey! I'm not joking, your addons look really nice, and (AFAIK) you're the first who made working illuminated iron-sights (in Mk 20/01)! I hope that LCA is not your last addon (well you could add Mk10 with wooden stock :D). There is problem with female animations, because they're still BIS ones, but this is rather task for Sanctuary.
  24. krzychuzokecia

    JdB Addon Releases

    Yep, I know, but I wonder if anybody at BIS, knew in 2001 that someone might have made shotgun addon with buckshots... :rolleyes: That's also an explanation, my assumption was that characters in game are bound to have some experience with their weapon of choice, and should shoot better than average Joe. That's why I asked for lowering the reload time. Now it's way better! Let's call it licentia poetica. :) All I can say, that your addons keep this game alive, and I wish I'd be so talented as you... Thanks and good luck!
  25. krzychuzokecia

    JdB Addon Releases

    I gave it a try, today's morning, and it performs very well. I've set up three enemies in a distance less then 50 meters. For me it was really fast, even too fast to kill them. But AI was visibly slower - so I don't think that AI will have any handicap over human players. But on the other hand, slugs, SABOT and Bambi reload time could be a little shorter - experienced shooters can be amazingly fast in real life! :D Overall, it's a quality addon! I like very much your way to cross-hairs - kinda "simulated" iron-sight. Also Bambi round makes HUGE explosion with WW4 Mod effects! ;) But there is one thing that got my attention: M37 have rear sight mounted on the receiver, but search through Google gives me only photos of Ithaca with rear sight mounted on barrel. And it's only on hunter/sporting models. Have I missed something?