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Everything posted by krzychuzokecia

  1. Flintlocks! Cannons! Everything that is black powder powered have my interest! :) For a novice you've got quite nice models here too, so I'll watch carefully.
  2. krzychuzokecia

    New Island PÖRRES (BETA version)

    Gave it a try today, and I agree with Zulu and Weltmeister: Porres is very climatic, but suffers from performance point of view. Island is cluttered greatly with rocks, bushes and trees over the top. Such clutter works great in ArmA 2/3, but even islands in first ArmA were more barren than Porres. Funnily enough, the worst FPS gave me... map view! That's were I got this idea that number of objects make it less playable. But apart from that, it's great island, which shows that even with vanilla objects one can make very original, and realistic terrain. Maybe future version will contain a winter variant (Christmas is coming, Ya'll know!)?
  3. krzychuzokecia

    New Island PÖRRES (BETA version)

    Don't forget to add fields, and (how you could call it) "farming landscape" - even on small islands people must eat! :)
  4. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    Nope, however link to this one works for me.
  5. krzychuzokecia

    JdB Addon Releases

    What a coincidence! Last week I was playing with Your's Ithaca and one thought (yup, sometimes I think!) came to my mind: having AA-12 like in ArmA2 would be great! I'm waiting to see the results!
  6. krzychuzokecia

    Games for Linux

    This and this: Simple but very addictive! Smokin' Guns (rather Quake mod than CS) should be noted for it's realism when it comes to guns and way they... reload! There's no magic button for automatic reloading, and when your Peacemaker runs out of ammo, you got to press reload for every single cartridge. Or you can get Remington with it's cylinder you can change Clint Eastwood-style. Only things it lacks are open-spaced maps and horses. And Indians!
  7. krzychuzokecia

    (sp) The Garden of Death (pt1) mission/mod thread.

    I lack of free time lately, so I don't follow latest updates as I would like to, but from what I remember this is a mission, not a campaign, so You have to put it in the "Missions" folder... Anyway, congrats to Mr Moon for the final release, I'm sure it's as good as previous versions!
  8. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    Well, this time RuN beat You - it's Mapfact's Nogova-2 by Sniping-Jack, while one You've posted is Mapfact's Nogova by TSC-Plage. Somehow I'm also mixing that two releases: I have TSC-Plage Nogova 1.22 on HDD, but I was sure that this is Nogova-2 by Jack! Try WW3 Weapons Pack beta - it contains few AK variants including Type-56 and fictional "RPKs with milled receiver".
  9. krzychuzokecia

    Questions about replacing BIS units

    Then just try to write those paths manually - if You can open .pbo to check config, You can also find those textures ;) Check if there are wounded variants too. BTW: OFPL mod "walked around" this problem with EventHandler script in init of the... vehicle. But this gives You identical faces of gunner and driver/pilot.
  10. krzychuzokecia

    Questions about replacing BIS units

    In config You have class Man* - this is "base-class" for every (human) unit in game. In it You'll find "wounds[]" value which lists every texture used on human models in game: uniforms and faces. The same "wound[]" value, but with different texture paths, You can find in HYK's addon. So Your job is to find what are paths to face textures in HYK's addon, and paste them to original config, HOWEVER I'm not sure if this will surely fix Your problem, but this is the only "weak point" I can imagine. From what I understand - no: if there are two units with identical classnames, the one in addon takes higher priority. *If You're using Commented Config 1.91 by BIS, then You need to modify woundsFaces.hpp file.
  11. krzychuzokecia

    Questions about replacing BIS units

    Instead of adding Init Eventhandler, I'd just replace face textures defined in wounds[] that hides under class Man - this way You can also define wound textures for all replaced models. That should fix the problem with soldiers in vehicles (I think...). As for Resistance Sniper - his class is hidden in Resistance config. O.pbo or something like that.
  12. krzychuzokecia

    Polish Armed Forces Mod

    Yup, but what You've achieved here looks more like the first wz.93 variant issued to Army (Wojska Ladowe) in 1995 - more yellow than green. Usually green/olive shades are in the background (shade is different not only because of the year of mfg, but also differs between manufacturers and materials). Take note that Polish SF camo "Suez", a copy of Crye's Multicam, is more yellow than original pattern. Also, You're using unofficial names of Beryl prototypes: "wz. 2004" and "wz. 2008". Army designations are wz. 96A, wz. 96B and wz. 96C. This is, however, minor thing and it's not meant as criticism, just info ;) Anyway: nice work and keep up!
  13. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    While looking through the old OFP Photography thread, I came upon screenshots of an island described as Noe2. However it can't be Mapfact Nogova as it contains bridge connection between main island, and small northern island with airstrip (see pics). Anybody knows what is it?
  14. Hello everyone! Not an ArmA player (OFP for life!), but futuristic setting of A3, and theme of this developing mod, have caught mine attention. So first I'd like to say that I'm full of amazement, and admiration, to the author who's got no experience with RV engine modding - this is really ambitious project! It's also more difficult because of odd choices of BIS when it comes to the story line, and game's universe. Europe 2035 by BIS is a theater of war between US forces and Iran, and their allies. However BIS decided that some of the real-life NATO countries are under Russian influence - even if NATO uses their equipment, like in Finland case (AMV as NATO APC). It's not only one of such problems: see CZ Scorpion SMG used by OpFor (while Czech Republic is NATO ally in A3 story). That makes it really hard to imagine and equip another faction which will fit in this universe. OK, enough of talking: here are my propositions for Eurocorps (that name is really nice) equipment and armament. Small arms: - P07 pistol (already in-game) - CZ Scorpion (already in-game, however it's used by OpFor) - 6.5mm G36 - that's great idea: modular (LMG and DMR variants), used by many European countries, just remember to add that "tactical-modern-rails-all-over-and-magpuls" touch ;) - Mk20 (already in-game) - may be used by SF, or vehicle crews - for GPMG I'd go with some kind of mix between FN MAG, HK121 (that one looks almost like modernised MAG) with HK MG4 rail/optic (it's similar to G36 sight), 7.62 chambering preferred - sniper rifle should be bolt-action, maybe Steyr SSG04A1? - Gepard Lynx as anti-material rifle (already in-game). Ground vehicles: - Strider/Fennek (already in-game) - AMV-look-alike as IFV (already in-game, but modular design of AMV can justify different variants) - Leo 2A7-inspired MBT (it may, or may not be an exact copy) - SPAAG variant of above tank Air vehicles: - here I'd go with more fiction: light, medium and attack helicopter should be mixed from Eurocopter and Agusta products (like Mangusta cross with Tiger) - and F-35 as a fighter (already in-game, and it seems to be the future aircraft of many European countries). This list may go on: other guys already posted different propositions, so You'll have enough food for thought! Good luck!
  15. krzychuzokecia

    Arma Cold War Assault Mod Tools

    For .pbo extracting/packing I'm using Kegetys' cpbo - developed for Armed Assault, but works fine in OFP/A:CWA. I'm also using BIS TexView 2 for ArmA, instead of the OFP version - original one can produce weird artifacts on output files. Also, if You'll ever work at mapping, I'd suggest taking a look at P3dUnwrap, which makes the whole process of texturing a model, a lot easier.
  16. krzychuzokecia

    Operation SHOCK (Full Mod + Campaign)

    A bit late to the party, but congrats to Lenyoga for outstanding mod! I've never played System Shock, so I don't know if this mod "catches" that atmosphere, but it's really inspirational and original.
  17. Well, that's the white coupe (reminds me Skoda 110R but without two inner lights), but the black car is the one on the right of white coupe (opposite of that old-school cabrio which You linked). Yes, it was! In fact, I never saw a real one, but hours of watching it in the game are enough to remember it's shape :)
  18. Anybody knows what are that black sedan and white sports coupe hiding under the wing of an Albatros (Národní technické muzeum photos)? BTW: how come can't BI forums user recognize legendary Praga truck! ;)
  19. krzychuzokecia


    Coincidentally, I just saw it on Your Opera profile and wanted to send You a PM about this bird. So I logged into BI Forums and what I can see: An-26 by Lex released! You're reading in my mind! :D Congrats!
  20. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    Here ya go! Bielow's unofficial patch 2.7 for Invasion 1944 mod v. 2.5 (alpha) Zulu's unbeatable... ;)
  21. krzychuzokecia

    Franco Prussian War Mod - Work In Progress

    Well, well, well... He's back!
  22. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    Nice idea! Just like Rellikki I had plans for similar expansion, but due to lack of free time I had to scrap it (well, I remember that I did some small release, it should still be somewhere here). So I'm eagerly looking to what You'll make! BTW: new Multicam looks great on pics!
  23. krzychuzokecia

    JdB Addon Releases

    I'm looking at exceptionally long list of sights You're planning for the Mk5 and one thought comes to my mind: have You considered adding something like Fagus' Modular Weapon System? It'd open some interesting possibilities for mission-makers and players... Then: it's huge load of config job that may not give any effects. As for HESCO icons: WW4 2.5 got some, maybe it'll help You?
  24. krzychuzokecia

    Modern War(fare) Crisis

    Sorry for bumping the thread, but it looks like You've accidentally uploaded version 1.0 - I can't see no Juggernaut unit nor the BF1985 missions, even main menu text reads "Version 1.0". The archive is also virtually the same as original release...
  25. krzychuzokecia

    Modern War(fare) Crisis

    Congrats on the release! But as others - I see a need for some actions that'll help with promoting MWC: a dedicated server, and something for SP guys - Your options 5-7 sounds very interesting! BTW: are previous content drops included in this release? Oh, and what version of Tonal is MWC compatible with? Because "old" Tonal and Redux are very different in some places (for example: territory west of the southern airstrip).