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Everything posted by krzychuzokecia

  1. krzychuzokecia

    I need M1A1.pbo file

    Are You sure that's Red Hammer campaign? Because I can't see any "Savior" mission there...
  2. krzychuzokecia

    West German Army 1985

    Wow, that's very nice of You! And soldiers also look good! What are those G3s they're holding? Some 3rd party addon or Your work too?
  3. krzychuzokecia

    [WW4 EXT] [SP] Rabbit Hunt

    Jeez... Are You allright? :P Rabbits are living beings too! Well, I think that instead of automatic "no-ammo" detector, I'd make mission end by getting into the car. That may work better than it does now.
  4. krzychuzokecia

    [WW4 EXT] [SP] Rabbit Hunt

    Thanks! ;) Hmm... Are You sure that mission was failed? There are three possible endings: 1. You've run out of ammo without 15 bucks killed (mission failed) 2. You've got 15 bunnies, but run out of ammo later (mission accomplished, but "ammo" task is marked "failed") 3. You've got all the rabbits (mission accomplished fully). As You can see mission doesn't end when one's got 15 rabbits - it waits for player to hunt them all, or miss last bullet. So You may have finished the mission (with 15 rabbits killed), but failed to hunt them all. Though I admit that second ending may appear misleading, mainly because I was too lazy to set up the points. :p Deer Hunter?? You want to hunt Americans or Vietnamese?! :) But cheap jokes aside: there is a hunting mod by some Russian modding team, but it's kind of "rough" - more like a technology demo than real playable mod.
  5. krzychuzokecia

    what rifle is this?

    Either? Hollywood isn't realistic in first place! :p
  6. krzychuzokecia

    what rifle is this?

    I'd say that it IS the very same prop ;) That'd be the most possible option. Yes and no - in TV series such prop could be an important "story item", so it'd be re-used in various episodes. In "expensive Hollywood blockbuster", if protagonist have some special weapons, then your propmaster would make them too (think all the gadgets in older 007 movies, or EMP-rifle in last Nolan's Batman). But usually you don't need such stuff, and use commercial off the shelf weaponry. But even then some weird props may have some use - I believe that "Bourne/Leipzig rifle" was used in more movies than those two. Probably it was made as a Walther WA2000 stand in, and as such it was used in Bourne - prop companies often have such items, because producers want to use guns that are too expensive to obtain. Even for Hollywood companies. Maybe because CheyTac is kind of "famous" among people - they know the name from other movies/computer games/books, but no one will recognize that this isn't real CheyTac? But the name, it is what matters: "wow, this guy use CheyTac, must be really badass killer!". Actually, such "inaccuracies" don't really annoy me. What's driving me mad is rather "cinematic gun-fu": hip-shooting snipers, hundreds of rounds from one mag, or (the worst kind) "I'm gonna unload my gun - see? I've removed the mag, now it's safe!" (not). Many people see such behaviour in movies, and then "replay" it on shooting ranges, thus being dangerous to themselves and others. Don't take me wrong: I don't expect people on range to be Olympic champions, but often you see "I've watched Die Hard 400 times in a row!" types who have no idea about safe gun handling. Still, they act so confident and don't pay attention to instructor's commands.
  7. krzychuzokecia

    what rifle is this?

    It's a movie prop, made to look like a Keppeler KS-II. For those who are interested in "weird guns" - this is Keppeler KS-III, and this is KS-V (the nicest one IMHO). They have magazine well on the left side of the receiver (movie prop seems to have no magazine - even if it fires, it must be a single-shot rifle). Actually, they often do - see weird "bullpup-bolt-action-that-fires-like-semi-auto" in Skyfall. It was used (apparently) in only one movie! EDIT: Keppeler KS-II used in British TV series (nice close-ups that allow us to compare it with Bourne/Soko Leipzig prop).
  8. Sorry if this is wrong place for this, but I had no idea where to post it... So, I have a really weird issue with Ruprt's Mission Development Enviroment - tool "bundled" with CSLA II. It served me greatly for a long time, but after I've updated my PC*, I'm having following problem: every time I save a file in MDE (be it .cpp, .sqs, .sqf - whatever), the last sign (letter/digit) is "eaten" - it's not there after saving. Anybody ever had such an issue? I'd really like to sort it out, because going back to Notepad doesn't sound well... :( *New rig is 64bit, but OS is still 32. Can the problem lie here?
  9. krzychuzokecia

    [Tool] Ruprt's MDE problem

    Nope, problem is not about file name, but it's content. For example, when I try to save the following (this is WW2EC demo settings file): ECA_DEVMODE=False; ECA_DEBUG_OUTPUT_LEVEL = 1; SetViewDistance 1400; ECA_METHODS_INHERITBYREF = True; ECA_METHODS_PRELOAD = True; ECA_FUNCTIONS_PRELOAD = True I'm getting this: ECA_DEVMODE=False; ECA_DEBUG_OUTPUT_LEVEL = 1; SetViewDistance 1400; ECA_METHODS_INHERITBYREF = True; ECA_METHODS_PRELOAD = True; ECA_FUNCTIONS_PRELOAD = Tru And because MDE changes last "True" to "Tru", no scripts are loaded. The same happens with scripts, config files, etc. - last sign dissapears after save (in most cases it renders file unusable in game - code isn't "closed").
  10. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    Not to mention that they'd be likely to disappear in some situations (depending on unit's stance) - yep, I tried to make such insignias and finding the "sweet spot" was driving me mad.
  11. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    I'd say yes, but someone have to do it manually. A rather tedious job, I'd think.
  12. No, not weird - banner can appear in two versions: English and Thai. However, because Thailand is a bit far and I can't make as nice textures as they show on their page, I guess I'll have to pass on this offer... ;)
  13. krzychuzokecia

    Mission involving truck transport

    Have You tried with "Load" and "Get In" waypoints? Give Your truck "Load" WP, and for soldiers give them "Get In", and then connect those two WPs with "Synchronize [F5]". Then, to have soldiers get out of the vehicle, just give that truck a "Transport Unload" WP. Should do the job.
  14. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 Extended: Arctic

    @Keno: Thanks for the update. M16A2 - yessss! ;) Mission is really nice, though a little bit easy (I'm lame in "sneaky" missions, but completed this one on first try). But as an intro to campaign - very good! There's only one problem at the end, when the boat appear, but it immediately swims to the south - I've got to force my team to board it, and only then boat stopped at the shore.
  15. krzychuzokecia

    FXAA Injector for OFP

    Night-vision on weapon scopes? But I'm too stupid too make it happen :(
  16. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    I believe that these are final versions of F-15C and F-15E. If there's something newer, then I don't know it, and would like to see it too!
  17. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 Extended: Arctic

    Wow, looks great! Reminds me of the movie titled The Fourth War, where Soviet and American officer started their own private war. In winter scenery of German-Czechoslovakia border.
  18. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    Thanks Kenoxite for update, and JdB for mirror!
  19. krzychuzokecia

    Apocalypse83's Release Thread

    Wow! These came out really good! I really like cars and Iraqi soldiers.
  20. krzychuzokecia

    JdB Addon Releases

    Err... Mine question was targeted at JdB (and his Dingo), but this is also good news! :)
  21. krzychuzokecia

    JdB Addon Releases

    Jeez, I feel so stupid now - second screen was immediate give away... Can't argue with that! BTW: do You plan only WWII era-specific variant(s), or maybe some crazy, DIY-uparmored variant for FIA?
  22. krzychuzokecia

    JdB Addon Releases

    My last try: Daimler Dingo? If not - I give up, I know nothing about WWII armored vehicles (I can tell apart T-43 from Tiger, but that's all).
  23. krzychuzokecia

    JdB Addon Releases

    Oh, yes, that's true! Really?! Well... So it's a car (or truck?), used in France (but that doesn't mean it was used by French), and it's obsolete now... Probably something of US, or German origin, am I right? But I can't name it still, give us some more time (BTW: I bet that second picture shows front grill?). :p
  24. krzychuzokecia

    JdB Addon Releases

    :( Why? Your guns were... cute! :) Wild guess: a door handle on a car.
  25. krzychuzokecia

    Need Particular Help.

    Are You leader of the group? If yes, then such behavior is normal - You've got to order them to get out and get in.