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Everything posted by krzychuzokecia

  1. krzychuzokecia

    Star Wars Ep. 7 - THE FORCE AWAKENS

    So it looks like they're going with practical effects instead of CGI? If so, then congratulations - a rare sight these times...
  2. krzychuzokecia

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Choo, choo! :) Remember that there's always AEF Train, to make the loco move!
  3. krzychuzokecia

    Operation SHOCK (Full Mod + Campaign)

    And here it comes again! That's how I'll look for upcoming hours! :cylon: Some random thoughts: @Prof.T: You're probably using higher level psi forces - for me health regenerating and cryokinesis work OK.
  4. krzychuzokecia

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    @Prof.T: are You launching a hype train? :p
  5. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    Does anyone have CoC Tomahawk Pack v. 2.0 (august 2006)? The one on OFPR.info is v. 1.0 from 2004... Nevermind - I found it on old HDD. If anybody will need this, here's a link.
  6. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    Stryker is in ww4ext_stryker.pbo (part of WW4 EXT Vehicles). The problematic texture is probably slat.pac and slat_d.pac, as these two have 16:1 aspect ratio.
  7. krzychuzokecia

    14th anniversary of OFP:CWC

    14th birthsday? So, that means OFP is now a teen game? :P @Rozek: Lots of gorgeous pictures. I recognize some of WaaZzaa's stuff. And there are some interesting addons that I've nevere played! But fake bipod is a violation of my copyright! :icon_twisted:
  8. krzychuzokecia

    Nostalgia - Infiltration (UT99 mod)

    Dyslexci of ShackTac (author of ArmA 3 Tactical Guide) wrote a very interesting article about it. This is the mod I've always wanted to try, but unfortunately I never had UT99...
  9. krzychuzokecia

    Operation SHOCK (Full Mod + Campaign)

    Looks great!
  10. krzychuzokecia

    Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

    Cobras, Hueys, CCR. Anyone remember intro to the Battlefield: Vietnam? Even logo looks similiar! :p
  11. krzychuzokecia

    Army-2015 military expo kicks off near Moscow

    Kalashnikov Concern presents it's new pistol - PL-14 Lebedev's Pistol For full story (in Polish) and pics go to Altair PL-14 is a modern, double-stack (15rd in magazine), semiautomatic pistol built on polymer frame. It features an ergonomic grip angle reminescent of modern Steyr M-Series. PL-14 is fully ambidextrous, with mag release, safety (yes!) and slide lever on both sides. It also sports a Picatinny rail and loaded chamber indicator. That's official version. Now for some personal observations. First, there's no indication if it's striker fired, or concealed hammer design. Second, while frame is polymer just like other modern handguns, the grip panels are of old-gen, screw-on design (think 1911/CZ/Beretta). They're even of brown, wood a like, color! Finally, the whole ergonomic grip angle, while works great during one handed firing (think classic sport shooting), is hard to use with modern, combat techniques. I've seen a few (and read about thousands others) shooter who had bought new Steyrs, only to sell them next month because it was too tedious to adapt to pistol's grip in practical shooting competition (IPSC/IDPA).
  12. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    I'm assuming that answer for my question is simply no, but still I'll try. Was AfrographX Ropucha class landing ship ever released?
  13. krzychuzokecia

    Dune Mod for OFP/CWA

    I think what Noob meant was to have two moons painted on this texture. That would give a fake two moons, very close to each other, and with one light source. Having real two moons might be impossible (just like two suns...).
  14. krzychuzokecia

    Dune Mod for OFP/CWA

    Well it seems that in 2015 Flashpoint went the sci-fi way! Lenyoga's Shock mod, Macser's Hoth stuff, and now Spad emerging from Dunes? Great! :)
  15. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    There's a Z-M LR-300 that should be enough tacticool for You! Though, there's no unit natively equipped with them, so You'll have to use scripting commands. Class names for the guns are: WW4EXT_LR300 WW4EXT_LR300Acog WW4EXT_LR300M203 WW4EXT_LR300Aim WW4EXT_LR300SD
  16. krzychuzokecia

    Operation SHOCK (Full Mod + Campaign)

    Fires, floods, earthquakes, locust - a usual day from the life of addonmaker? But seriously, I hope nobody was harmed.
  17. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    Thank You Great Zulu, Master of Ninja, Eternal Source of Flashpoint Goodness! :)
  18. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    Hello! I'm looking for MintyBoy's Modified Kegetys' RPG-7 and Rellikki's Guerilla Pack. If anyone have them, I'd be grateful for a link.
  19. krzychuzokecia

    OFP videography

    It's gonna be HOTh stuff! :p
  20. krzychuzokecia

    JdB Addon Releases

    Nice! I like that You've finally went with proper shape of the rails - it's the only flaw I could find on Your other weapons. I think that You could also ditch brass deflector on the left side - since in Armaverse everybody is right-handed, there's no need for any sharp part to stick into one's cheek! ;)
  21. krzychuzokecia

    JdB Addon Releases

    Looks cool! Though I'll be crying after conventional variant... :cry2:
  22. krzychuzokecia

    Star Wars Battlefront: impressive trailer

    Authenticity =/= realism. Original Battlefield: 1942 indeed was arcade, or rather simplified (note that even Arma isn't all that realistic, and with A3 it's going more into "balanced content - player friendly" territory). However later games in the series (especially after vanilla BF2) went from authentic simplicity into arcade over-the-top action. Now there's question of Battlefront and Star Wars in this scheme of things. You can't have realism in a game based on science-fiction space opera. But still You can have authentic gameplay. Let's compare space battles in A New Hope/Return of the Jedi with the one opening Revenge of the Sith. In original movies spaceships were flying in formations, attacks were carefully planned and executed, there was visible order of battle. But there was also chaos, just like it is in real life. Fictional war, fictional weapons and even fictional physics but it was authentic. And thirty years later, when we don't have expensive film stock, but we have powerful CGI, what's on the screen? Colorful chaos of firing lasers and explosions that makes Your eyes wide open. But RotS opening battle have no sense from what one can call militaristic point of view. When watching the movie another time, when You know all the special effects in this scene, You start to think where's the point? Why all those ships are flying frantically across the screen, what they're doing? And then You realise that all of this have only one purpose: to look cool. It's great from perspective of filmmaker's excellence but is not authentic. And this comparison IMHO is applicable also for BF1942 and BF4. And probably for Battlefront 2004 and 2015.
  23. krzychuzokecia

    Star Wars Battlefront: impressive trailer

    I've wanted to write a lengthy and elaborated post about how I would like to get on the Battlefront hype-wagon, but I can't, but this pretty much sums up all my thoughts: But hell with clarity and compactness of message! Here's my essay. :p I feel a catastrophy of a Hardline size. I mean: how they had screw up a great idea of cops and robbers multiplayer game? GTA: Online is all about that idea. Heck, even those "Life" mods are all about it. But EA/DICE Hardline is the worst imaginable realisation of such game: essentially a BF4 DLC, priced as a full game, but with police cars instead of jeeps (tanks are left intact). Now there's Battlefront coming, and even this cinematic trailer doesn't give me any hope. Again: we do know that EA is capable of making great trailers, full of special effects that You won't see in game. We also know that DICE is capable of making very cinematic, action-packed missions that will give chills to every casual player. However, Battlefield in it's first incarnations, wasn't about casual entertainment of linear missions. It was an atmospheric and authentic experience of massive air-land battle (even with naval assets), that let You feel how unimportant You are in a grand scheme of things. But times have changed and people who play these games too: BF now looks like a technically advanced version of Quake III Arena. Nicer models, shaders etc. but it's all about run'n'gun in multiplayer. With a few CoD-like cinematic moments. And there was also Battlefront, which was nothing more than a Battlefield with blasters in it's first iteration, but evolved in second, with such features like space battles with collosal motherships and fighters all around. And what's left of this idea in new EA/DICE Battlefront? Judging from trailer: nothing much. The first, Endor part is like every other trailer for big budget FPS. More like a movie than a game. There may be a singleplayer mission in this vein in finished game, but don't have high hopes about it - linear, almost rail-shooter of 1980's, that's what it'll be, because everybody does so. One way to kill AT-AT, and don't go behind those invisible level walls because invisible grenade will hit You! Then we've got second part of a trailer which shows how multiplayer may look: spam of Tie-Fighters and X-Wings. And it's all in atmosphere! Even in movies, which were a works of fiction, we've seen more authentic (realistic?) visualisation of battles between Empire and Rebels. Tie-Fighters and X-Wings weren't do-it-all weapons - they had specific tasks for which they were designed. When Rebels wanted to have air support during battles, they've used different vehicles, like Snowspeeders during battle of Hoth. This shows the level of ingenuity of Star Wars creators - a virtue which EA/DICE lacks. So - if You liked last Battlefield games and love Star Wars, You'll definately love new Battlefront too. But for people who want something more... Well, we've got to wait and see. I want to believe. Really.
  24. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    @Abhijan: grab it!