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bad benson

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Everything posted by bad benson

  1. yes. i've been planning for a while to convert all vanilla scopes to this tech. but it's a lot of repetitive work so i didn't have the inspiration yet. but i will definately convert my most used ones soon. but yea. you can do that yourself too.
  2. put some pants on that guy for god's sake :lol: no other objections. model looks great. make sure to make a lot of different paint jobs for it if that's possible. i wish more people and especially BIS would to that (more). adds a lot of options for personalisation.
  3. is that the original? that would be great! i was going to update this possibly in the future. so this is great. thx! i will also upload this to my google drive now. should stay up instead of disappearing over time. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5Y0VNgK9JXiOGNFVFJWbzBRY2M/view?usp=sharing adding this to the first post too.
  4. bad benson

    Coop Missions - Revive or Respawn

    i feel like the choice is not that binary. i personally prefer a mix of both like in l4d. so you can be revived but if you bleed out you spectate. but once your team "unlocks" the next checkpoint you respawn. that is how i did it in a mission i'm working on and it worked great when testing so far. i use my own systems but i think BIS spectate also supports 1st/3rd person only spectating. i prefer the latter over the free camera. kind of cool to watch your team mates try to complete the objective and rooting for them hoping to get respawned. there's a lot of variations and combinations possible. i feel like it depends a lot on overall pacing of the mission. if dying/specating means you are being inactive for atleast 30 minutes then it doesn't make much sense to me personally. i launch a game to actually play it. i get the hardcore approach too and i used to prefer that but these days i feel stuff needs to be well paced and crisp so no one feels like they are wasting their time. it's either a general age thing or just me having racked up too many hours on foot since ofp. :lol: i always get frustrated when it's very obvious that i'm only walking due to bad mission design. also the last thing you want when making something for the general public is a system that makes randos insta quit, when they die because it's not transparent about how long they might have to wait and if they will ever get back into the action and stuff like that. arma itself is notoriously bad at communicating these things and so are many missions. i was also thinking about having the option of doing recon with a drone or similar things as a spectator so you can be a little active while waiting.
  5. bad benson

    Advanced Urban Rappelling

    yea i would totally allow to use those anims if it makes it look better. or maybe a check if my addon is present to then use the right anim.
  6. you are doing it wrong then. i just tested my code and it works just fine endlessly looping. here's the trigger: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/267221800536150997/7AFC5AD5B8A4D6D4E920F73ECB619E0B63599071/ also be aware that triggers will run their code on every machine in MP. so make sure to wrap it all inside an isServer check. no worries about SP. isServer should be true in SP iirc.
  7. bad benson

    Question: remoteExec and AddAction!

    be aware that killzonekid's earlier note about actions having been removed and another action having been created that then uses the same ID like the old one, should still apply. but ofc it all depends on how much control you have over the overall creation of actions.
  8. trigger settings: bluefor present repeatable on activation: grp1 = [(position thistrigger), 3] call { _grp = creategroup east; for "_i" from 1 to (_this select 1) do { _unit = "O_SOLDIER_F" createUnit [_this select 0, _grp, "", 0.75, "private"]; }; _grp }; on deactivation {deleteVehicle _x} foreach (units grp1) make sure "grp1" is unique for each trigger. i personally would not use triggers and spawn a loop for checking instead to be able to use a less aggressive delay like 5-10 secs but this should work. haven't tested though.
  9. bad benson

    Advanced Urban Rappelling

    finally got to testing this. works like a charm. thx for this. keep it up! i hope you're at least trying to do the upwards thing with a hook too (tested the github thing...awesome). would make this amazing. still is though.
  10. bad benson

    Question: remoteExec and AddAction!

    yea but that is what i meant earlier. i don't think you can actually test that. afaik the id is just a number. like literally. like just a reference to be used with the remove action command. doesn't seem like there is a way to test it like for example ui controls to see if they are null. would be much better to be able to be sure to not have all actions removed. and seems like haleks will remove that from Ravage. so i guess it solved itself? you could try some other stuff like hacking the inventory dialog of the vehicle and add a button to save it using the "inventoryOpened" event handler. not sure if that one is stackable but if so, you at least would be a little safer from destructive measures
  11. bad benson

    Question: remoteExec and AddAction!

    yea so then you do removeAction using the id which should either remove it or do nothing, if the action has already been removed, and then you readd the action. all that in a loop, which is what you want, no?
  12. bad benson

    Question: remoteExec and AddAction!

    you would be able to save the ID on the vehicle that has the save action using setvariable like this: [_obj, { _id = _this addaction ["title", {hint "test"},nil,1,false,true,"","true" ,6]; _this setVariable ["action_Id", _id, true]; }] remoteExec ["call", 0, true]; i think the problem is how to find out if the action has been removed. even the ID doesn't help there as far as i know. it only helps you to remove it. so what you could do is just remove and replace the action ina certain interval using the id. since you seem to need the loop behaviour. although it would be better to know that no actions will be removed to keep things cleaner.
  13. bad benson

    Question: remoteExec and AddAction!

    the id will be returned by the addaction function and it is also passed into the code that is executed by the action. the question would be where you need the variable. only where the action is or on the server too?
  14. there is a huge amount of these floating roots all over Tanoa: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=737470233 i would suggest to extend the roots downwards inside the model by a lot. there's some crazy slopes on the map and the result is this issue being way too prevalent. looks unfinished.
  15. bad benson

    ArmaRig for Blender

    since arma 2 (i think) there is a second animation layer in addition to the main whole body one. they call it "Gestures". used for hand signals for example but stuff like reloading is using the same technology but controlled in a more hardcoded way. these gestures are pretty easy to configure because they are just overlayed over the main animation. the animation classes are based on the normal ones and have interpolations in their default parent class but i'm not sure if gesture do even connect at all to each other like normal anims. here's an example config: class CfgPatches { class babe_EM_gst { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F","A3_Sounds_F","A3_Anims_F"}; }; }; class CfgMovesBasic { class DefaultDie; class ManActions { babe_em_jump_rfl = "babe_em_jump_rfl"; babe_em_jump_pst = "babe_em_jump_pst"; babe_em_jump_ua = "babe_em_jump_ua"; }; class Actions { class NoActions: ManActions { babe_em_jump_rfl[] = {"babe_em_jump_rfl","Gesture"}; babe_em_jump_pst[] = {"babe_em_jump_pst","Gesture"}; babe_em_jump_ua[] = {"babe_em_jump_ua","Gesture"}; }; }; }; class CfgGesturesMale { class Default; class States { class babe_em_jump_rfl: Default { file="\babe\babe_em\animations\jump_rfl.rtm"; looped=0; speed=1.7; mask="babe_em_mask_fullbody"; interpolationSpeed = 20; weaponIK = 0; }; class babe_em_jump_pst: Default { file="\babe\babe_em\animations\jump_pst.rtm"; looped=0; speed=1.7; mask="babe_em_mask_fullbody"; interpolationSpeed = 20; weaponIK = 0; }; class babe_em_jump_ua: Default { file="\babe\babe_em\animations\jump_ua.rtm"; looped=0; speed=1.7; mask="babe_em_mask_fullbody"; interpolationSpeed = 20; weaponIK = 0; }; }; class BlendAnims { class MaskStart { weight = 0.85; }; babe_em_mask_fullbody[] = {"head",1,"neck1",1,"neck",1,"weapon",1,"LeftShoulder",1,"LeftArm",1,"LeftArmRoll",1,"LeftForeArm",1,"LeftForeArmRoll",1,"LeftHand",1,"LeftHandRing",1,"LeftHandPinky1",1,"LeftHandPinky2",1,"LeftHandPinky3",1,"LeftHandRing1",1,"LeftHandRing2",1,"LeftHandRing3",1,"LeftHandMiddle1",1,"LeftHandMiddle2",1,"LeftHandMiddle3",1,"LeftHandIndex1",1,"LeftHandIndex2",1,"LeftHandIndex3",1,"LeftHandThumb1",1,"LeftHandThumb2",1,"LeftHandThumb3",1,"Spine1",1,"Spine2",1,"Spine3",1,"Spine",1,"Pelvis",1,"LeftLeg",1,"LeftLegRoll",1,"LeftUpLeg",1,"LeftUpLegRoll",1,"LeftFoot",1,"LeftToeBase",1,"RightLeg",1,"RightLegRoll",1,"RightUpLeg",1,"RightUpLegRoll",1,"RightFoot",1,"RightToeBase",1}; }; }; i do the normal jump in Enhanced Movement using a gesture to make it more responsive. you can also see here how the mask is set up. the mask is needed since it's overlayed over the main full body animation. i use a full body one here but you can easily see how it works by removing some bones from the mask array and then look at it ingame. it works kind of like a mask or alpha channel in 2d. the numbers behind the bone names are weights. also play around with interpolationSpeed inside the anim classes. that can give you smoother but less accurate transitions. depends on what you need. you play back gestures ingame like this: _unit playActionNow "babe_em_jump_ua" you can do some cool things with these but they also have their limits.
  16. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    it's not a bug. it's intended. scripted fall reaction based on falling height. that being said. next update will have an option to turn that off too inside the module. just busy with some other stuff currently. cooperation is possible one way by using someone's back to climb higher. for the time being this is all that there will be. as i said nuuuuuumerous times before. the mod is considered feature complete and is in maintainance only mode. anything new will be a bonus.
  17. seeing how the LOD stuff has been improved using shader magic i was wondering, if you guys have some new guys that are specialised in shaders and, if that would maybe allow a little rework of particle shading/lighting. just watched some videos and i must say especially on Tanoa the game just looks amazing but the bad particle lighting always pulls me out of it. doesn't have to be anything super advanced using normal maps or volumetrics or anything. i just feel that something is wrong with how particles are lit. they always stand out so much from the ground behind them. maybe just some fix is needed. making it optional in the graphics settings could also take care of possible performance implications. feels to me like this is a nice potential area of improvement still before a new engine or new iteration of it and a new game with it is attempted.
  18. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    i assume by sliding you mean using the action that makes you let go off teh ladder? or did i miss the sitrep where they introduced ladder sliding. anyways, yea i wanted ladder sliding from day one but i had to focus on the base features first. in the future when i get bored and in the mood to get some grey hairs i might fiddle with it. just letting you know that i want that too and it's somewhere on my list. _________________________________________ AI and climbing: this will be the last i say on this topic. just because i feel i already stated all my reasons through out this thread. it's not a matter of being able to make something work. it's a matter of making something work in a meaningful useful way that actually enhances gameplay. at least that is my philosophy and what drives me. creating clunky eye candy experiments that work 10% of the time is just not what i like to do. i mean i do constantly but once i see something won't be good i move on. probably because it will result in me wasting years of my life trying to solve it and making it perfect. i'm obsessive like that. yes i can and i have made AI climb (cosmic was hinting at experiments i made and shared with him). it's not about can it be done. it's about can it be done well that isn't a waste of everyone's and especially my time. AI in arma is functional for what the game tries to do. ofc i'm giving a huge pass on the indoor capability/disability here because of years of broken dreams in that area, after each sequel not having any improvements there. but for anything micro management related, fine more advanced movements, they are simply a pain in the ass. limiting things to only climbing over things is something i already considered and it doesn't require any nearestobjects filters or anything. the whole idea of the system is not to rely on lists of class names that require updating. it's solely based on interpreting geometry using ray casts. so that is not a problem, no worries there. the question is: how will it be implemented. 1. AI doing it on their own, which means me entering the area of AI mods, which i will answer with a huge NOPE. i enjoy how well the AI reacts now in arma 3 as an opponent but i nearly 100% of the time play without AI squad mates simply to keep my immersion intact and the amount of AI soldiers that get executed for being dumb at a minimum. 2. allowing players to command their AI mates to climb something. this might actually happen at some point (limited to walls and fences for reasons already stated numerous times). but no ETA. in all honesty, i think it's a totally useless feature but maybe it makes sense for someone using an AI commanding mod that actually allows micro management when clearing a compound or something a la old school r6. 3. making the climb function work with AI so AI modders and mission makers can use that feature once EM is active. this si the current state of affairs. this simulates the AI pressing the climb button and will make full use of the EM system that will make a climb happen, if all conditions are met. here's a video showing how it works on an AI that has been made into a vegetable using the "disableAI" command. so with this one line of code any AI modder or mission maker can make it happen. imho i have provided all that is needed. if you are an AI mod author, feel free to PM me for suggestions on how i can help you out using this.
  19. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    for AI it's also about lack of pathway lods (premade AI navigation nodes inside the model itself) on roofs. the AI won't know how to navigate up there at all and in most cases just walk off.
  20. shit or not. that is the most fun. i prefer doing stuff myself too because i like the journey of solving a problem and learning i the process. also thx for the variables. i knew you had something for that purpose! :bounce2:
  21. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    ok here's a test version with the fixes applied. this is not a release or official update. just a test for nickorr and anyone interested. i noticed a bug with animation speed which i'm not sure if i missed so far or is caused by the modificatiosn i made. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5Y0VNgK9JXianNFaklCQjZwWkU/view?usp=sharing ^wrong link https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5Y0VNgK9JXiNmMwQlZPYnJSTzA/view?usp=sharing <-----this one! nickorr please try this and see if it fixes those things you showed in the video. i'll be gone for a bit so there's a little time for testing before i merge this into the update later.
  22. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    sorry missed that one. although this has been answered numberous times before. but while i'm here. no, not going to happen. there is a way to make AI units perform the climb that i added a while back for AI modders, but i will not attempt this (anymore) because even when i was able to get a unit to climb, they become totally useless in places without paths (built inside the model). let alone gettign an AI to look at a wall and get close to it reliably. all a total nightmare.
  23. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    oh no you misunderstood. you SHOULD be lobbying. i'm just not the right address :lol: i'd love to harrass vehicle addon makers all day so at least all mod vehicles could be walkable but there's so many out there . so i gotta count on you guys and the power of the crowd. i guess the same goes for building addons and BI models although i don't see them change their lazy modelling ways as long as the base game doesn't include climbing. atleast on Tanoa all rocks are climbable not liek on Altis where the most pretty type of rock was missing the right lods entirely (probably to this day). so in a way i get it but i still hate it with a passion. again. no harm and all. i just prefer to explain why i won't tackle a thing instead of just ignoring post. it's my biggest weakness :lol:. secretly i'm still very passionate about this and i don't want to be too whiney because i did this all without being forced to. my fault for even trying this lol. it can just really grind on your nerves and soul after a while. trial and error against all odds that is. that being said. looks like i mostly fixed the issues that nickorr brought up by just adding some additional fail safes at the end of the function (i won't go in there deep, too complex, don't even udnerstand it fully myself anymore at this point). so breaking other stuff is way less likely like this. thank god for coffee!
  24. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    ye i might be able to fix some of those and i will surely try but it will never be perfect. so you should not expect this to ever be unexploitable. just to keep your expectations realistic ;) roof of cars: this is yet another issue with the model. everything you do the floating animation on lacks walkable geometry. this is why i try to explain the limitations and the lack of control i have in certain areas everytime this stuff comes up. still it comes up over and over. i get it and people lack the full understanding of the details. but still to me it's like a stab in the heart everytime because it's out of my reach entirely and oen of the reasons that killed my passion for this project and arma modding in general. it's easy to think that making EM was effortless because in most situations it works great but it was far from it. just getting to this point took ages and endless trial and error. don't let this discourage you to lobby for walkable vehicles in addon threads though. this is just the wrong place to ask for walkable vehicles since it's a geometry thing. but it'S entirely possible as can be seen when looking at the boat that hatchet_AS made. it's jsut a matter of addign a simpel lod that has the walkable surfaces like MOST houses have. the bed issue you can consider fixed i guess. the other one i'm investigating still. i will see if i get somewhere but i might just give up when shit gets crazy again. i won't have much time for a week or so but i wanted to push a tiny update soon anyways so this will be a good test bed for those possible fixes.
  25. bad benson

    Enhanced Movement

    exactly. as i said i'm pretty sure there is a check like that already. of course i could go back in there and increase the range or something, and i will at least try that, but my experience is that it will break another situation where it works as intended right now. generally keep in mind that indeed you can go and try to find ways to abuse this specifically and you will surely find some. but it's always down to the geometry of the models themselves too combined with the nature of this mod being dynamic and not like in a AAA title where all climbable edges are carefully prepared. by in-/decreasing limits you can easily cripple the whole thing in a lot of other places. it's all a fine balance to make it work where it should. an example would be smaller windows right inside the limits. i can already see them being broken by giving that specific check more/less range (talking about that bed). i'll try to see if that can be fixed easily with zero effort that doesn't break anything else though. don't get your hopes up though. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EDIT: so i might have fixed a place similar to the one you have with the bed. remains to be seen if all else still works. it's not the exact same though since it looks like some mod stuff so more info would be useful. the one in the super market where you climb over the locker through the wall, i can't reproduce. tried several times on chernarus (CUP) couldn't get through. i remember some issue similar to that though. might need to investigate more. thx for the feedback so far though. the code is pretty complex and it has been ages sicne i worked on it so i try to stay away from it to not break it. but by a quick look i only checked upwards from the player's upper body. checking from the resulting pos upwards like you suggested in addition seems to work to restrict most of those cases in your videos. could've sworn i already did that but couldn't find it by a first glance. cool thing is that i found some awesome new parkour places thx to this lol. gonna show a video soon.