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Everything posted by Imperator[TFD]

  1. Imperator[TFD]

    Targeting improvements

    I fly 1st person in serious missions also and find that PiP is useless beyond a few hundred meters which kind of defeats the purpose of having it in a fast moving aircraft which would normally by loitering at distances far beyond what PiP can even render. As for the targeting pods, I had a chance to play around with these last night on Dev and I’m thoroughly impressed. My only concern is that the “Turret-lock†is broken as soon as mouse input is detected which is different to how the turret lock of the UAV’s functions. In the UAV’s the only way to unlock “Turret-lock†is via re-pressing the lock key. So oukej, with all this love that targeting pods are getting might we see some improvements to the fixed-wing flight model? *wink wink*
  2. Imperator[TFD]

    Targeting improvements

    I too thought of having PiP MFD's in the cockpits but the draw distance on PiP isn't enough to be of much use at the distances that the targeting pod is likely to be used.
  3. Imperator[TFD]

    Jebus - Just Editor Based Unit Spawning

    dreadpirate, is there a way that JEBUS can save custom gear of an editor placed unit that is added via arsenal? At the moment the units just respawn with their default class gear.
  4. Imperator[TFD]

    Targeting improvements

    I havent swapped to dev yet to test these changes, can anyone confirm if the grid reference in the bottom of that video is the aircrafts own grid or the grid of where the camera is looking. If it is the second thats brilliant and definitely a feature id love to see included on helicopters as well because it makes coordinating CAS so much easier.
  5. Imperator[TFD]

    3den Enhanced

    Speaking of UAV feed. Is it possible to have a Sleep command option added to the Intro Text section that has been added? This way scenario designers can have both the UAV feed-in plus the intro text without them overlaying each other.
  6. Imperator[TFD]

    3den Enhanced

    You need to use the Cyan Pointer object which is easily located if you type "Cyan" into the objects search box. Units using the ambient animations will snap to the nearest point and follow its orientation. Just remember to hide the pointer!
  7. Imperator[TFD]

    3den Enhanced

    What plans might you have in store for HC? It would be brilliant if there was a nice manner in which we could determine straight off the bat if a unit is spawned on the HC or not. Anyway, love your work and I recommend this to anyone who is even remotely interested in mission editing.
  8. Imperator[TFD]

    Targeting improvements

    Would be even better if it made use of the new flyinheightASL command that was added in 1.58. I'd love for that to be added as an option for the UAV's too as it would help immensely with jittery camera.
  9. Imperator[TFD]

    Farooq's Revive

    Could you clarify what the differences are?
  10. Imperator[TFD]

    Targeting improvements

    An interim solution is to just use the ShowHUD command to disable the all seeing all powerful vehicle radar. This means that even the godlike A164 still has to loiter the area and visually identify targets. A pilot would still be able to just cycle all targets with tab lock but they won't know what the target is only that its hostile. Unless you're playing on a difficulty that displays target names but at that point I'd ask why you would even bother with JTACs. By taking away the radar you force the aircraft to either repeatedly loiter and thus expose themselves to possible enemy fire (MANPADS in particular are great for this as they cannot be tab locked) or rely on a JTAC to call in targets and vector the aircraft into the area using laser designators or via verbal directions and that the aircraft can then use its pod to self designate. As always with the more powerful assets it almost entirely comes down to mission design and balance. A good mission designer will understand the power of each vehicle and work to its strengths and weaknesses. Of course in players-have-all-the-toys scenarios these aircraft will definitely be death dealing gods in the hands of even a remotely competent pilot.
  11. Imperator[TFD]

    Targeting improvements

    They've not yet added laser designator a to the aircraft yet just a targeting camera.
  12. Imperator[TFD]

    Targeting improvements

    Well that and the ability for aircraft to lase as well if equipped with a designator. Brilliant work Bohemia, brilliant.
  13. Imperator[TFD]

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    Quoting to reiterate my previous point that it is literally impossible for BI to have this setup perfectly for everyone as the hardware and configuration settings are just so varied.Should I bitch that BI and their new changes look terrible by default settings on my TN panel but look wonderful when correctly set for my own two eyeballs and my IPS panel? People with TN panels are right away at a disadvantage as IPS panels produce far superior colour reproduction. Like nod unit mentioned people should make sure that their settings are configured for their own hardware and monitor
  14. Imperator[TFD]

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    I know the tanks deploy smoke when locked onto but ive never had a missile miss.
  15. Imperator[TFD]

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Bingi, even just the difference between IPS and TN panels is going to skew players perceptions of the new lighting tweaks. Players are going to get the best view by calibrating their settinga in the options menu.
  16. Imperator[TFD]

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    I believe this is because if the unit starts inside the vehicle it is not considered to have been in the water yet and thus does not know to put its rebreather on. Same thing happens to human players if they start inside the sub. Tell the AI to hop out and then back in again and they'll be wearing their rebreather.
  17. Imperator[TFD]

    Unable to connect in Dev Branch

    Helped OP test this and as mentioned I am immediately kicked from a vanilla dedicated server with no message.
  18. Imperator[TFD]

    New Respawn Screen (dev branch)

    Well thanks for posting the screenshot anyway Electricleash - saves me having to do it! :)
  19. Imperator[TFD]

    New Respawn Screen (dev branch)

    I’m at work at the moment so cannot provide a screenshot/video however I have noticed that the new Respawn UI is still present but not visible in the standard map screen while playing. This is evident by moving the mouse to the center bottom of the map and noticing the cursor change to an arrow rather than the GPS Co-ords. You can even outline the UI element by tracing around the edge.
  20. Imperator[TFD]

    Jebus - Just Editor Based Unit Spawning

    Sweet as Ill be checking this out tonight.
  21. Imperator[TFD]

    List of all hidden texture inits

    And what if the beret is placed on the ground first as an object?
  22. Imperator[TFD]

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    The module is there and doesn't require 1 ounce of scripting whatsoever to function and can apply to an entire group of units with one simple syncronisation. Of course the downside to this is that the effect is only local at the moment hence my requesting it be updated. Over time you'll learn that I'm rubbish at scripting and try to do as much as possible via the in game modules and triggers.
  23. Imperator[TFD]

    Jebus - Just Editor Based Unit Spawning

    Very interested in this, I will have a poke around and do some testing and let you know my thoughts. Seems pretty simple to use which I like. Is there a way to have the respawning stop? So say an event occurs via trigger the re-spawning for a particular group is terminated? Additionally I've noticed that the script will always respawn the units on it's original spawn point and doesn't seem to support the possibility of multiple random start points via markers in the editor.
  24. Imperator[TFD]

    Possible Solution to Stamina/Fatigue Conundrum

    This honestly is exactly how it should be. Weapons like the M320, G6, and Cyrus are all very large and heavy weapons so players should not expect to be able to cart one around with a backpack full of ammo and explosives/gear. Turn off stamina completely if this issue is unacceptable to the player base of a mission OR encourage the player base to engage in meaningful teamwork via ammo carriers, re-supplies etc (*snicker* won’t ever happen on a pub server) As for fatigue v stamina I still prefer the old system as the current system only truly penalizes you for sprinting. Having said that I’ve learnt to live with the current stamina iteration and feel that it still manages to convey some semblance of a requirement to properly manage your loadout. I especially like the part where you are forced to walk if you load up on too much stuff.
  25. Yes units are saved as well. Aslo triggers, markers, waypoints, synchronised objects and groupings. I didnt test if it copies unit init fields though sorry.