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Everything posted by megagoth1702

  1. megagoth1702

    Co-op Campaign: APEX PROTOCOL

    Mission 1 , freed the cop, found out about radio tower. Enemies on radio tower had some problems spawning I guess? Many of them were just bunched up in this spot. http://i.imgur.com/TXtlC5D.jpg
  2. megagoth1702

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Can you provide a simple example mission? I will forward this. Will forward this. Although I gotta say tanks are not that loud at distance in general.
  3. megagoth1702

    [SCRIPT] AI Detection test tool

    Thanks man, I will try a WP. I would like to be "inside AI's head" while it's searching for me. This script is soooo useful. No more guesswork if AI sees you or not etc. Can't say it enough. Thank you very much! :)
  4. megagoth1702

    [SCRIPT] AI Detection test tool

    I think of it like this: when I can think of it, someone else is thinking of it. And if I can find it useful,someone else probably will too. Anyway,this was not a FR, i just wanted to share and add again that I love that script.The "enemy camera" shows a rectangle, what does that rectangle stand for? And how would I make the ai "chase" me? It seems that it is not allowed to move at all, only shoot. Correct me if I'm wrong. :) Thanks!
  5. megagoth1702

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    I asked Dusa and he said it's a known issue. Will be fixed some time after a much needed vacation. ;)
  6. megagoth1702

    [SCRIPT] AI Detection test tool

    I added this to your textbox: getSuppression enemy1 And put the variable it into the box. I felt like it fits. This is the new chunk of code: _text = format["<t size='0.9'> %9Distance:%11 %10%1m%11<br/> %9Relative dir:%11 %10%12%11<br/> %9knowsAbout:%11 %10%2/4%11<br/> %9Pos. error coef:%11 %10%3%11<br/> %9spotDistance:%11 %10%4%11<br/> %9spotTime:%11 %10%5%11<br/> %9Behaviour:%11 %10%7%11<br/> %9Visibility:%11 %10%8%11<br/> %9Suppression:%11 %10%13%11<br/>", _dist, _ka, if (_poserror>999) then {"-"} else {_poserror}, spotDistance, spotTime, _groupKnows, //%9Group knows:%11 %10%6%11<br/> behaviour enemy1, _visibility, "<t align='left'>", //9 "<t align='right'>", //10 "</t>", //11 abs round _dirDiff, //12 getSuppression enemy1 //13 ];
  7. megagoth1702

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Sound guys hard at work, a few bugs made it in though. Reported. Sound DC offset (pop at end of sound) (at the 1 min mark, listen from 0:58) Crickets using the "shooting" soundController in a wrong way. They need to STFU when I shoot, not start cricketing.
  8. megagoth1702

    [SCRIPT] AI Detection test tool

    Thanks, I love fucking with AI when I have the time. :)
  9. megagoth1702

    ~ ArmA 3 Sound Modding 101 ~

    Now it's in dev-branch. Expect errors with the old mission. Redownload the example mission or change the script command yourself. @Poppe: Will look at it when I have time, busy atm.
  10. megagoth1702

    ~ ArmA 3 Sound Modding 101 ~

    The issue lies in your config yet you do not show you config, so how are we supposed to help? Post your config!
  11. megagoth1702

    ~ ArmA 3 Sound Modding 101 ~

    getEnvSoundControllers was changed to getAllEnvSoundControllers. I updated the example mission.
  12. megagoth1702

    ~ ArmA 3 Sound Modding 101 ~

    Holy shit guys. :) It has finally happened. I poked the great Frenkee (the one and only Frenkee audio programmer who made the A3 audio engine upgrade happen) long enough to end the guesswork on sound controllers (which you use in your simple expressions for sound configuration). He has implemented some functions we can use to show the values and print them into a hint (for example). It's here, in DEV branch! :) So I made a showcase video, wrote the documentation and with the help of the one and only great community veteran .kju created an example mission that will blow your mind. Here we go guys. You're welcome. :) (I'm a bit hyped in the video. Just a bit. :)) Documentation (Thanks to .kju for cleaning up!) Example Mission Download
  13. megagoth1702

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Added: Sound tweaking functions for transports & environment (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T117787)I annoyed Frenkee enough to program these fine functions for us sound guys. Documentation incoming ASAP guys, you'll LOVE it! :)
  14. Noone really cares. Sorry to be that blunt but instead of wasting people's time and spreading misinformation. I was also conviced but read on. Absolutely correct. FPS -> RPM -> Sounds being played. In that order. Jesus christ goddamit. Stop opening these bull* threads people, they are spreading SO much misinformation (sound engine is affecting RPM of weapons, WTF?!). It's annoying to have to explain things again and again. I talked with the audio lead last year about this topic IN DEPTH. FMOD is audio middleware. It costs a shit ton of money. BI developed their OWN "middleware" to NOT be dependant on out-of-house software (bugfixes, features, and ofc $$$). So BI prefers to use their own software. FMOD/WWISE/FABRIC/whatHaveYou will never be in ArmA. Deal with it. There are many improvements coming. Curretly there is loop playback for weapons but without the soundShader implementation , so no close/distant sounds in loops but that will come when soundSets arrive for vehicles which will have loop playback anyway. Then all of your ROF issues will be fixed. No idea when this will happen but it will happen. If you really wanna support BI, buy Dusa a package of chocolate and beer and send it to Mnisek so he can share it with the few people working on audio for Arma.
  15. megagoth1702

    ~ ArmA 3 Sound Modding 101 ~

    So. You have created an awesome weapon sound and want to hear how it sounds in full auto, like it's fired by other human players? Especially at distances? How the HELL do you get this stupid AI to fire a nice, long burst? Well, you do it like this. Thanks to kju and jokoho482 I now have this little script that forces the AI to fire every X seconds. What you need: -find out the reloadTime parameter of the weapon you are modding, this says how much time passes until another bullet is fired when the trigger is held down -a HOSTILE unit named "AI_Shooter" Put this code into a file in your mission folder, name that file "let_ai_shoot.sqf". In your mission create two repeatable radio triggers (alpha and bravo). You are going to use the first trigger to start the AI's firing, the 2nd trigger to stop it. letAiShoot = true; [] spawn { while {letAiShoot} do { //how many bullets should the AI fire? in this case its 10 _burstLength = 10; //what is the reloadTime of the weapon? find it in the weapon'S firemodes _reloadTime = 0.056; for "_i" from 0 to _burstLength do { _currentWeapon = currentWeapon AI_Shooter; _weaponModes = getArray (configFile/"CfgWeapons"/_currentWeapon/"modes"); _desiredWeapon = _weaponModes select 0; AI_Shooter forceWeaponFire [_currentWeapon,_desiredWeapon]; // reloadTime here sleep _reloadTime; AI_Shooter setWeaponReloadingTime [AI_Shooter,_currentWeapon,0]; AI_Shooter setVehicleAmmo 1; }; //how many seconds to wait until next burst? sleep 2; }; }; //if you don't want the AI to aim at the player, just comment out this following block by using /* at the start and */ at the end of the block [] spawn { while {letAiShoot} do { AI_Shooter reveal [player,4]; AI_Shooter commandTarget player; AI_Shooter doTarget player; AI_Shooter lookAt (getPos player); AI_Shooter doWatch (getPos player); sleep 0.05; }; }; In the alpha trigger you put: bamBamBam = [] execVM "let_ai_shoot.sqf" In the bravo trigger you put: letAiShoot = 0; Sometimes the default AI "shooting frequency" takes over, in that case you can just hide behind a wall or something since the AI won't shoot you if it can't see you BUT my forceWeaponFire command forces it to shoot anyway. Here is what it looks like in action. Enjoy.
  16. megagoth1702

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    @some questions: Assigning custom attenuation filters to vehicles will be available when soundSets are available for vehicles. This is currently in development so we have to wait. This means that for example if you have a recording of a distant vehicle you don't need a low pass filter applied on top of it. So you can will be able to define your own filter or no filter at all. Agressive dirt against car @ high speeds, rally style - maybe, depends on how much time they have. It's saturday yet Dusa was in the office doing Chinese voice over recordings. Some personal stuff: I asked Dusa to tone down the volume of rain sounds in a city, it sounds like someone is pouring buckets of water onto asphalt. What he told me is that it's al WIP and he has not even finished putting all the sounds into Tanoa. There will be new footsteps, some more wind sounds, branches moving etc. So stuff is not final at all. :)
  17. megagoth1702

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Yeah, needs to be tweaked. I'll forward that. As far as I know BI plans to have a better collision detection for plants etc. for these cases. I'll forward this and get some answers. :)
  18. megagoth1702

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    This would defintaly make sense for the open jeeps rushing across Tanoa. I will suggest this. :)
  19. megagoth1702

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Excellent test mission mate thank you very much! I will forward this ASAP and then only patience will help. The sound guys are hyper busy with Tanoa.
  20. megagoth1702

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    The best place is THIS thread. :) Some kind of video showcase would be nice together with a sample mission. And if you really want to help out, create a ticket with all mentioned things here. :)
  21. megagoth1702

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    It's called phasing. Here is an example: https://youtu.be/1pJOkhPTpLo?t=162 So the reason for this is that both explosions are played "nearly at the same time" and due to one sound being played just a few ms after the other the phasing happens and certain frequencies get canceled out which produces this typical phasey sound. Frequency randomization should take care of this but it is configured too small in the config I can make a small addon that fixes this if anyone is REALLY interested but I am not sure if it is worth the time. Explosions like these dont really happen that often. I will report this and suggest better values to the sound team.
  22. megagoth1702

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    1. Arma audio has not been getting proper attention for too long, then Dusa came. 2. The QUALITY of the work on Tanoa's environment sounds is a taste of what can be done if good audio guys are given time and programmers. 3. Movement through bush and rain on stuff sounds were recorded by raiding all plants in BI's studio in Mnisek, putting them into the studio and floodng the place. Crazy. They could not record rain outside because of birds so they recorded everything inside. The rain you hear in Tanoa (at least big parts of it) is not real. :D Hahaha. Bushes, trees and roofs (maybe other surfaces too) emit their own rain-droplet sounds. It was a huge work to make that possible so although some parts of arma3 sound bad it's just because they did not have the time to look at it in the way they looked at Tanoa's environment. :) So yeah. Praise, praise, praise.
  23. megagoth1702

    ~ ArmA 3 Sound Modding 101 ~

    Hey guys, try using wav instead of wss for now. So just use "path\to\sound.wav" and test. OGG also works and is very good on memory. The only problem is a tiny tiny delay before playback which is a problem for guns but not for vehicles. I hope you guys are using Mikero's tools (get the latest versions) to generate WSS files... There are some ANCIENT wav-wss converters that I don't trust at all. @soundShaders for jets: The new configuration method only works for weapons, sonic cracks and explosions. No need to think about it for vehicles.
  24. megagoth1702

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Could not watch the whole 7min video but like in the post above - make sure the issue is there with vanilla arma3 on vanilla terrains. Sometimes errors sneak into mod's configurations.
  25. megagoth1702


    What's the problem? 16 bit, 44.1 kHz stereo files work just fine, wss from that works too. 44.1 works (and has been working forever, so I doubt it's the samplerate but then again I don't know the setup of your mod.)