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Everything posted by dlegion

  1. thinked this damn problem was beaten years ago...but its still there making arma3 unplayable! DAMN IT! was playing on my dedicated server with other 2 friends. after about 2 hours of play, i got kicked by battleye (client not responding). rejoined, got kicked again in less than 2 minutes, same error. rejoined, got session lost in less than 2 minutes (no other errors). rejoined, session lost again in 1 minute. rebooted my PC, rejoined, session lost again! my friends were playing all the time, with no errors. i didnt changed anything on the server or my client in at least 3 month (execept arma3 updates on both client and server). i played for 2 hours with no problem, then suddenly this....any idea ? hope devs fix this shit once for all...
  2. hello guys ! i just discovered a terrible thing....the UAVs have a little "radar" that automatically spot EVERY living thing (humans, not rabbits) in the red cone in front of him! its especially nosense since its spots also people in full anti-termal suit ! becomes simply impossible to not get ultra-easily spotted...and people its obviously abusing it in MP TvT match! anyone knows a way to disable this cheat feature in multiplayer? thanks for any help!
  3. thanks for the replys guys ! i really appreciate your help 🙂 i use it on dedicated server, mission running non-stop 24/7, so anyone at any moment can join and create an UAV... thats why i suppose that probably i have to repeat the command to apply to new created UAVs ! well.. @Dedmen and @sarogahtyp eh i tried...making only on server didnt worked...seems its a sort of client related feature. making only on client seems that somehow the server switch the state back also for clients... so need to do it both on server and client !
  4. ahhh you're great! always with a good answer! awesome ! for self reference and for others not very expert, to make it work in MP i did this: create a function (on how use function i will not explain here, there are many good tutorials): DFN_UAVradarOFF = { {_x enableVehicleSensor ["manSensorComponent",false];} forEach allUnitsUAV; }; then made a loop that calls the function so every new UAV spawned will have its cheat-like man radar disabled: if (isServer) then { while {TRUE} do { uiSleep 9; [] remoteExec ["DFN_UAVradarOFF",0,true]; }; }; so every 9 seconds the server broadcast a call of the function to disable all UAVs radar ! probably there are more efficient ways....but that seems to work and on my mission had no visible impact ! thanks again!
  5. dlegion


    hello there ! since latest update, i get this error (attached image): https://ibb.co/SvMTxMV <a href="https://ibb.co/SvMTxMV"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/XJKB4KF/20190430215906-1.jpg" alt="20190430215906-1" border="0"></a><br /><a target='_blank' href='https://it.imgbb.com/'>hostare foto</a><br /> i didnt had problems a weeks ago...so probably update screwed something hostare foto
  6. hello guys, i tried everything, but really cant get how swithc side for turrets ! i need to make praetorian 1c AAA turret OPFOR, shooting to BLU and GREEN factions! thanks for any help !
  7. dlegion


    good job man!
  8. hello there! i'm tired of fighting brainless AI, i wish to fight some humans with the realistic simulation allowed by arma3 (ACE3 ecc if possible). i love realism, even to its extremes, but i hate wasting my few time with milsim COOP clan killing AI only. is there any good (and active) PvP clan or unit that does good (or at least decent) realistic missions in PvP ? i have a 24/7 server to offer and some game modes made specifically for this purpose...all i need are human players to have fun! thanks guys! see you soon! i'm from Italy, so i prefer EU based if possible! thanks!
  9. hi all! i've a problem with fire....seems i cant stop it form working ! i've a script that uses " test_EmptyObjectForFireBig " effect and smoke too with "test_EmptyObjectForSmokeBig ", the problem is that i wish it to end after 1 minute (or a selectable time around 1 to 5 minutes). any idea how do this ? there is another fire/smoke that auto-ends after some time? thanks guys !
  10. hello guys, i've an apparently simple problem that i cannot overcome... on dedicated server, i have a object ( Land_Bunker_01_tall_F ) named B1 that i need to move at some point, but being a building players can be inside, so...because i really have to move that specific object, and i dont want players to see it disappear in theyr screen, i imagined some sort of "replace".... so i placed a second object equal to B1, (lets call it B2), gived it the same rotation and position of B1 with this setDir (getDir B1); this setpos (getpos B1); and before move B1 i scripted on server this command: init.sqf: B1move = { B2 setpos (getpos B1); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// moveB1 script (relevant part): null = [] remoteExec ["B1move",0,true]; uiSleep 9; B1 setpos _NEWposition; i would expect that B2 is placed exactly at same place as B1...for all clients too being it remoteexec ! but sadly it seems there is a sync problem, because sometimes B1 is moved before B2 is in place (and it have a delay of 9 seconds!!!), sometimes B2 is placed before move B1 but its not in same place, causing horrible glitches... i really dont know what else to do. i just need to exactly match the B1 and B2 position (and orientation, inclination ecc...) and make B2 move in position before B1 is moved away! thanks for any help guys !
  11. @pierremgi : yep, you are right again....but this case seems quite strange...because server runs perfectly (average 47fps) and even with 10 players in it has no problems...people, Ai, vehicles, even planes are apparently sync. we played with many players killing AI, driving vehicles (helicopters/planes too) and i saw very rare rubber-banding (and still limited to maybe 2 seconds in worst cases), while in contrast it seems to be a problem just with that object (it has default attributes), that even if i'm alone on server has an apparently random delay of average 30 to 40 seconds. if there are more players the delay dont increase, and apparently all clients are synced with other clients , because everyone says to have seen it moving more or less at the same time! in my opinion (its just a guess based on osservations) its like arma3 sync very often some objects types (like vehicles) and not very often some other objects types (like buildings) , even if setpos is applied. i did a test for my curiosity....on dedicated server, using a script, spawn a building (a random enterable house is ok) and rotate it, then try setpos it 30 meters from its creating position instead of rotation. on my dedicated server i notice the same delay both in rotating and setpos, even in an empty virtual map. its get created for the client as soon as it is on server, but for some reason the rotation and setpos are not updated frequently! mah ! its still a mystery for me....for now my problem is fixed with a "trick", but would be nice find a better solution. thanks for your interest!
  12. @Tankbuster really thanks man! your idea worked perfectly , its synced! thanks again guys, problem solved !
  13. good idea man! in fact its how actually works, except it dont hide. but your idea....may work ! if hide command has not sync problems, can be a solution! really thanks i'm going to test this !
  14. heh....i perfectly agree with the logic of your words, pierre, the problem is the sync. for the server the setpos is immediate, while clients take times up to 40 seconds ...and in the meantime clients are de-sync, people see the building, others dont , other see some AI floating in the air (while they are at the top floor of the building) ecc... the problem is apparently simple, but its a problem and must be solved somehow, cant remain as it is now !
  15. DOWNLOAD on steam workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1546702207 DWAR video: there are 2 servers running 24/7 , one with DWAR and one with ZOMBIE DWAR you can easily find them filtering DWAR word in main server browser, or at this IP: IP : dolfrang.ddns.net port: 2302 ZOMBIE DWAR mods required: CBA_A3, RAVAGE, CHERNARUS REDUX, CUP terrains CORE port: 3302 DWAR mods required: CBA_A3 CUP weapons CUP units ACE3 RHS AFRF RHS USAF CUP vehicles CUP ace3 compatibility addon weapons CUP ace3 compatibility addon vehicles advanced urnban rappeling advanced rappeling ace compat RHS USAF ace compat RHS AFRF task force radio enhanced movement (optional) Hello there! I'm happy to finally announce the release of my 3-years work : DWAR ! DWAR idea is born in ARMA2 times playing Xeno's Domination, when i really wished to had a way more dynamic battlefield, with every possible military situation happening randomly, from air fighters combat to underwater scuba divers fights, with the possibility to play alone, COOP, TvT, TvTvT, TvT+AI, even as civilian. can be used also for training turning off AI! I really wished to have everything that ARMA3 has to offer all packed in a single versatile mission, that is autonomous, due to so many random factors two match are never the same, there is total freedom of action, with priority always on good performance! From my point of view its the most complete and dynamic battlefield where everything can happen from the sky to the undersea, and automatically includes every mod you throw at it, so for example if you play it with CUP units, it automatically include CUP units in the random list to choose from to spawn AI! Its also customizable by setting for example AI numbers, side mission frequency and a tons of other factors like kamikaze, IEDs ecc... From casual players to MilSim units, this mission is so versatile that should fit every taste! I really hope you will enjoy this so much as i do ! bye!
  16. dlegion

    DWAR MP mission (COOP/TvT)

    thanks KevsNoTrev for your feedback ! every feedback is always much appreciated, especially constructive ones like this!! the bunker de-spawning too fast and under players feet is a problem i'm fighting off since few weeks now. it happèens just on dedicated where it seems there is a random delay on clients. i hope to get it fixed for good soon! 1) good point, will do something about it, thanks! 2) Ai does not scale with players for now, for a performance reason. i noticed that AI has the bigger impact in performance-downgrading...so for now its a fixed number of bubble AI (civilians and independent) and main objective AI. 3) yep the R3F logistic has been edited to include many objects with a dual purpose in mind: bugfix (typical tank glitch that flip it in the sky and land upside down on the turret) and better gameplay (arma interaction is just shoot to enemy/objects, feel ridicolous in 2018 be limited to this), so now by default players can interact with every object, and move just what is somehow realistic to move (for example push a vehicle its ok, but not move a building). if you try move a building you will notice it will not move, so the result is "good" for now, but as you say i should find a way to deny the action itself on buildings and other un-movable objects......will dig into it! 4) yep you're right...for now i went for the "easy way", but i definitely have to find a better way to not clutter too much action menu! 5) thats a controverse point. while everyone can just set the number he like , i strongly belive that for gameplay that number is good. it gives a meaning to MHQs and killing someone....imagine a "fast HALO" of 10 seconds, after an hard firefight you just shoot and killed an opponent, and while you're still healing yourself and reloading...he is already landing in the area again ! that would totally make useless the MHQs and break the gameplay in my opinion. every kill should have its consequences. anyway if someone really cant live with it, the way to "fix it" is to change the number (height in meters) in the script "DDscripts\HaloJump.sqf" . 6) good question! well i had it linked to sector control and with limited credits related to main objective capture points in early versions....but ended up being too complex for most players, plus there were situation when a new player wasted all the money hard earned by previous players.....so i decided for a "free" approach, who control (i mean physically, even if the airport area is of another faction) the factory can use it (if you noticed the action range is way shorter in respect of other actions). really thanks for your feedback, will try to fix the problems!
  17. dlegion

    DWAR MP mission (COOP/TvT)

    yep, really thanks for the feedback, thanks to your words i had tracked and fixed that error. now should be fine. hehe...about bombers...beware....they use also every kind of vehicle (planes and drones included!). hope you have fun with it as much as i do :) PS: added reference to server running 24/7 in the first post
  18. hello guys, i'm working on a new and more efficient version of the "bubble around player" script. this time i wish to make it as slim as possible, to keep up performance and make it user-friendly to allow more people use it easily in theyr missions! the idea stay the same: a size-customizable " bubble" around playerS (MP , JIP) that simply spawns and de-spawns selected AI units in a defined range. i really need help with idea how create this. here's part of the code i'm trying to write: playerSarray = []; {playerSarray = playerSarray + [_x];} forEach playableUnits; randomplayer = playerarray call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; randomplayerpos = getPos randomplayer; private _grpDveh = [[randomplayerpos, 5, 25, 5, 0, 0.3, 0,playerspos] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos,independent,10] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; // here is the first problem, it works, but actually it consider just 1 player to calculate the spawn distances, i wish it spawn far from ALL players, not just the randomly selected one! thanks for any help!
  19. hello guys! i'm finally releasing (after sooooo many test, and fixes) the DWAR mission , based on the bubble you helped to create! really thanks again guys for all your help !!
  20. DOWNLOAD ON STEAM WORKSHOP: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1546710863 Z-DWAR video: there are 2 servers running 24/7 , one with DWAR and one with ZOMBIE DWAR you can easily find them filtering DWAR word in main server browser, or at this IP: IP : dolfrang.ddns.net port: 2302 ZOMBIE DWAR mods required: CBA_A3, RAVAGE, CHERNARUS REDUX, CUP terrains CORE port: 3302 DWAR mods required: CBA_A3 CUP weapons CUP units ACE3 RHS AFRF RHS USAF CUP vehicles CUP ace3 compatibility addon weapons CUP ace3 compatibility addon vehicles advanced urnban rappeling advanced rappeling ace compat RHS USAF ace compat RHS AFRF task force radio enhanced movement (optional) hello there! Here's the survival / COOP / TvT mission using the great RAVAGE mod, As civilian, you have to try to survive and call for rescue using a satellite antenna during a zombie apocalypse! As crew of a NATO destroyer during a zombie apocalypse, your task is to investigate radio signals and save survivors while searching for the cure! As DUMBrella corp mercenary, your task is to shut off this mess by killing every witness and recover the lost anti-virus! The mission is persistant, the position of the signals and the cure its randomly selected every round, so never match is the same to the previous one. the land is full of infected that will hunt players, only safe heaven is the NATO destroyer in the sea! can be played in SP, COOP, TvT . REQUIRED MODS: CBA_A3 RAVAGE
  21. hello guys...i'm trying to make an array with all buildings avaible in arma3...how can this be done ? for example i'm actually making an array with all units of a side like this: _allINDEPENDENT = "(getNumber (_x >> 'scope') == 2) and {(getNumber (_x >> 'side') == 2)}" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles"); ...but i dont know how make it for buildings! thanks for any idea!
  22. Thanks Pierre ! Very good idea , thanks !
  23. Im not sure of what you mean...there are only around 1100 "houseBase" objects in arma3, to doublecheck i repeat that im not trying to use map buildings, i just need to filtrate every possible building avaible in arma3, unrelated to the map run (im testing in virtual reality for example) The GOM solution is the only one for now, being buildingPos linked to model and not in config !