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About shurik_spb

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    Private First Class


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  1. shurik_spb

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Because the burning kerosine is light emitter (lol), try to find similar photos at night time.
  2. shurik_spb

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    And BTW is there any chance to add an end life effect to tracers\HE bullets\HE shells ? This effect is very well noticable in this video When the HE shell reaches its limits the self detonation occurs, some kind of small explosion happens in the air. And the tracers burning-out with a some kind of blinking effect. Thanks!
  3. shurik_spb

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Hey, I've tried your's latest Blastcore mods. Looks way better than previous versions. Really good work! I've noticed that the air units wrecks lack dynamic lights on them, especially when they are lying on the ground. Here is an illustration. http://savepic.ru/7303273.jpg (121 kB) Is it my PC issue or some kind of "to do" stuff? Thanks for your efforts, keep it up ;) !
  4. shurik_spb

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    No one knows, I'm afraid. Threre is no working solution at the moment. Talking about zoom, there are few games and demos for DK2, I can say that zoom works fine in them (tested myself). The first one was Discovering Space demo, the second was Prepar3d with DCOC v2 mod.
  5. shurik_spb

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    The guide from daymobrown is online
  6. shurik_spb

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    I've found an interesting video about working Oculus Rift DK2 in Arma 2. The author of that video promised to make a video guide of settings and tools he used soon. http://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/2l6i1g/oculus_rift_dk2_full_head_tracking_3d_demo_arma_2/ ---- BTW Still nothing about official support?
  7. shurik_spb

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    bump. And please Arma 2, too. :(
  8. Can someone remind me if there was a 3d speech sound for the AI before a current beta stage update? Maybe I just didn't notice them before? Hmmmm....
  9. shurik_spb

    Altis: Criticism and Suggestions

    Maybe there could be some kind of dust effects along the island influenced by the wind, and much noticeable wind effects on trees. Maybe...
  10. shurik_spb

    Altis: Criticism and Suggestions

    Can you please make the off-road surface less tiled and add a bit of tire marks like they are in Chernarus or PR Fata maps? Thank you! :) Ref pics below
  11. shurik_spb

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    Altis is a very beautiful island! I don't know, maybe it is just me and this is kinda placebo effect but when I took a jeep and drove through the island it seems that jeeps physics (inertia), the lighting, the sharp picture - everything became better. And I've got a nice overall feeling about Arma 3 form early alpha to latest beta build. I like it.
  12. What do I do wrong, I can't see any 3d scopes/optics in BETA right now. The same magnify level inside and outside of the sight is present. And looks like zooming in is kinda wierd and twitchy for me. Is it bugged?
  13. shurik_spb

    Lighting Tweaking (dev branch)

    Sorry, looks like I've made a wrong quote in a wrong thread. Actually the album I am talking about was posted in this thread http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?152866-Development-branch-discussion&p=2394457&viewfull=1#post2394457 Here is an album http://s229.photobucket.com/user/NodUnit/media/Arma%203%20and%20Bugs/3L_zps05c6609e.jpg.html?sort=3&o=10 And I think that light attenuation was shown on this pictures, but not shadow casting, my bad. Edit. Or not. If you will compare 2 of following pictures: http://s229.photobucket.com/user/NodUnit/media/Arma%203%20and%20Bugs/5S_zps5e5fbf5d.jpg.html?sort=3&o=7 http://s229.photobucket.com/user/NodUnit/media/Arma%203%20and%20Bugs/5L_zpsa4534bad.jpg.html?sort=3&o=8
  14. shurik_spb

    Lighting Tweaking (dev branch)

    Hey. How did you make the lightsources to cast shadows? I saw few screens on your page, where you turn them on and off. :rolleyes:
  15. shurik_spb

    Mi-28 W.I.P.

    In case you are need some video reference