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Everything posted by d3lta

  1. Hi Toff, I'm getting this box message after try to load a profile: After this message box, I have to rebuild all my config with active mods and missions, and the server runs ok....:( What's happening here?
  2. d3lta

    Bad Serial Key Given in Setup?!

    First, try to run the combined version in steam.
  3. d3lta

    Arma 3 Officially Announced!

    Do you have to play Battlefield3, is better for you. Do you know little about Arma. Best Regards.
  4. My steam goes in loop, all times, I use verify cache integrity and load files in ARMA2 e OA, after, crash all times the start of COMBINED. When I start combined I see the next dialog box: failed to load file " ...\air_pmc.pbo" - decryption of headers failed" What happing here?
  5. Hi, My version is Steam, updated to 1.60, I'm getting a "Script BB not found", what is this? Best regards.
  6. Thx, great work BIS Merry Christmas, happy holidays and a Happy New Year !
  7. Please BIS , for the ARMA3 and coop missions, change the order of elements in a starting mission : - First: General Briefing with access to see Tasks, notes, map, other info..., etc - Second: Players can to choice slots to play. - Third: Mission starts. Today in Arma2, is a problem to play a mission, because we needs to read the briefing and after restart the mission to choice the slots for the players... Ps. Sorry, my English is not enough... Best Regards...
  8. I think that a java sandbox for Arma3 is coming, a sandbox isolates the game system from system operation.
  9. Yeahhhhh Arma3 confirmed!!!! Thanks BIS!! https://twitter.com/#!/Arma3official/status/147720004727611392
  10. YEAHHHHHHHHH MAN!!!!!!! Fantastic NEWS!!! I waiting this news for ARMA3 too..
  11. Strange bugs here in desert example mission: Error in expression <g [false, false]; ["Receiving",5] call RMM_fnc_loadingScreen; if (!isNil "para> Error position: <RMM_fnc_loadingScreen; if (!isNil "para> Error Undefined variable in expression: rmm_fnc_loadingscreen Dependency problem?
  12. Great work man!! Salute!!!!:eek::eek: :bounce3:
  13. Thanks BIS, Awesome work.... waiting for final release........ xD
  14. d3lta

    A-10 tips

    Great!! Very Thanks Tonci and Qazdar!! Best regards
  15. d3lta

    A-10 tips

    So, the problem for me is not the ground laser designator , but how to do the approaching of A10 to attack a target using a GBU-12 bomb.... altitude, "angle of attack", velocity, what the best values for to do this???:confused:
  16. d3lta

    A-10 tips

    Thanks by topic, How is possible A10 launching a GBU-12 bomb flying 1000 meters in height? What's the distance of the launching? How is the calculation about this?
  17. d3lta

    Take On Demo!

    I need a demo to buy a game. Thx now BIS.
  18. d3lta

    ACE for OA 1.12

    Sim, eu já tinha entendido o ppl, até atualizei lá o post antes. Achei que poderia ser um termo técnico:p Minha pergunta não foi bem sobre o que ele explicou, que entendi, mas se eu poderia fazer algo a mais para ajudar o pessoal aqui. Acho que não, só o ticket vai resolver mesmo. Ninguém estava usando betas. Abraço smurf.
  19. d3lta

    ACE for OA 1.12

    Very thanks Sickboy, what is ppl? Can I do something to help my friends here? TIP: another example of problem Best Regards PS. ppl= people! :)
  20. d3lta

    ACE for OA 1.12

    Hi masters, I have a big (weird) problem using ACE in my servers, see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3IgVszXbLA ACRE is not the issue here The issue occurs when the player fills the secound slot of gear with a weapon. The issue occurs using AT Launchers too or anothers objects (exceptions backpacks).... The issue occurs only for some players (10%) Removing ACE2 from server and Clients, the problem finish.... Help, please.....
  21. Sorry guys, the problem is not related with ACRE. Thanks. PS. moderation, please, remove this post.