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Everything posted by ozzbik

  1. I guess multiple parameters are missing or otherwise unavailable in the latest Experimental Server iteration. Removing these parameters result in a startup without DS fault but, for me, does not start the server as far as to be able to connect. I will check if changing different settings has any effect. Parameters that seem effected: autoJoinable a2sQueryEnabled steamQueryPort
  2. I've reproduced the issue Tip: Use a password for connection if you want to control who accesses your server (if only used with friends). 😉
  3. ozzbik

    JSON Support

    Maybe because the versions of the mods aren't defined?
  4. So the file structure itself isn't the problem. 👍 Can you verify that the following parameter line exist in your file; "autoJoinable": true, (or false) As the error message states that something about that parameter is not allowed. Perhaps this setting is commented out or something like that? If it not there at all, set it in the {game} section of the .json file "autoJoinable": true, or "autoJoinable": false,
  5. Please check if your server.json is without errors. Probably typo or something. You can use notepad++ or visual studio code to check for errors
  6. A good starting point would be the following site: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Arma_Reforger/Modding/Tutorials
  7. ozzbik

    does this game even work yet?

    Yes, the game is not perfect and for some unplayable. That can happen when you publicly test a new engine on many types of computer configurations (and the purpose a public test-bed). But unlike you state the devs are very much at work to analyse and solve many a problem. Not all errors or problems are as easy to solve when it only happens in specific cases. Perhaps looking at https://steamdb.info/app/1874880/depots/ might give you an insight on how often changes are made and re-find appreciation for the development team's hard work. On point of features, Bohemia has published a roadmap with all planned additions to this engine test-bed/game. This is what you might expect to be delivered before development ends on this project (and the Arma 4 roadmap has been revealed). Kind regards 🙂
  8. ozzbik

    Talk over radio not working

    Does the icon for radio show up or not when you press the button (speaker icon)? B.t.w. does talking itself work (by default set to "T")?
  9. ozzbik

    Talk over radio not working

    Have you tried assigning it to another button than caps-lock?
  10. ozzbik

    What does this mean

    Are you asking this as a developer or as a user? If as a user: Some mods are broken or are conflicting with each other. WhereAmI mod is broken for me too.
  11. ozzbik

    Exception: GPU hangs!

    Please create a feedback ticket on https://feedback.bistudio.com/project/profile/66/ or add to an existing ticket which describes your issue (BI bug backlog). This way your issue will definitely be noticed by BI developers.
  12. I was wondering if anybody has problems using the mod Re-Light? I can't seem to get it working properly. The lights do have get a color, but no actual light is emitting from them.
  13. ozzbik

    Content Required

    This is what's currently known as the roadmap for Arma Reforger
  14. ozzbik

    Exception: GPU hangs!

    I think it's just something within the game. From you console log: 21:48:34:084 RENDER (E): Invalid copy queue fence value (complete = -1, expected 267208), GPU crash is likely 21:48:34:085 RENDER (E): Render error (-2005270522 = 0x887A0006): The application's device failed due to badly formed commands sent by the application Perhaps it's best to create a feedback ticket (for BI to study 😉 )
  15. I see that the WhereAmI mod is used (that mod crashes for me too)? I could be wrong because the same functionality pops up in missions too. Some mods don't go well with each other (perhaps a dependency error). On the rush mission, this crashes for me too. One thing i've been missing is the ability to comment on mods.
  16. Which mods have you tried? For us to actually help, you have to be specific. Otherwise it's a guessing game. Does the game work without mods to begin with? Can you link/upload your logfiles so that we can read them?
  17. Set you server up for remote connection by setting "gameHostBindAddress" to and set "gameHostRegisterBindAddress" to your external IP.
  18. Mmm.. No error log entries in you windows logs (application/system)? Could you remove the logs and add them here when they're newly generated (surround them with spoiler tags if you can't attach them)? Next to check: - Is your system over- or underclocked? Set to default clock/memory speeds and test again. - Try it with BattleEye off - Disable any overlay (steam/video/windows). Going into fringe solutions here: - Do you use the onboard audio or a usb device (headphones, external audiocard)? If usb; try it with out that connected (just for testing purposes). - Try without any other devices connected than strictly needed (keyboard/mouse). I can't think of anything else but the Microsoft final solution: reinstall Windows. But that seems a bit much for just 1 game (or you do you have problems in other games as well?). Perhaps the best next thing is to create a feedback ticket (https://feedback.bistudio.com/project/view/66/ ) with you issue and logfiles. Perhaps there are more off the same report to your issue.
  19. Things to try (with a vanilla game, to exclude issues with mods during testing): - Verify game files (steam library, Arma Reforger properties -> Local Files -> Verify Integrity of Game Files) - Use an older Nvidia driver (like 1 version back) - Remove the user files folder in My Games for Arma Reforger (and use step 1 after that). - Start Steam as Administrator
  20. The config seems in order, but can you add the logfiles?
  21. What mods are you referring to? To understand the issue, that would come in handy 😉 Add logs or screenshots please. Your game does work without mods when you play on an official server?
  22. Check if your videocard isn't overloaded and that your powersupply can deliver the amount of power needed for your card. Also sometimes it helps to use an older video driver.
  23. To start of, Arma Reforger is not a finished product (hence the version number not yet 1.0) so you can expect bugged functions. But, could you give more info about the situation: - Are you using MODS and if so, which ones? - Did you install new drivers before this happened? - Does this happen after a while of playing, or fairly quickly?
  24. ozzbik

    Arland ScenarioID

    You can find this by using the following command-line (install local server if needed): ArmaReforgerServer.exe -listScenarios
  25. The Battleye client isn't working correctly, perhaps an install error. You can reinstall Battleye, probably best trough verify game files in Steam.