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John Kozak

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Everything posted by John Kozak

  1. John Kozak

    Russia General

    Yepp, and it wasn't practiced in USSR because Mr. Lysenko was successfully denouncing genetics at the time. The reason USSR was not getting its own eugenics program was not ethics, but the fact that it was immersed in its own, unique set of pseudoscientific crap.
  2. That's a nice idea, and as a matter of fact it's quite implementable via scripting. addAction + BIS_fnc_earthquake A cool idea for a mission, or an addon
  3. Can the Blackfoot tail rotor be given some duct tape, please? As of now, if the speed is greater than 190-200 kph, you can just blow on right pedal and ATRQ rotor will be out. Should that ever be the case, given that it's fenestroned and should not be able to collide with anything? Note that with AFM it's next to impossible to recover from blown ATRQ if you're out of speed
  4. John Kozak

    X-55 not showing up

    <Removed - nevermind, I'll better ask it in separate thread>
  5. Looks awesome! Are you planning to make SDBs laser-guided or create some custom GPS script?
  6. John Kozak

    Russia General

    In other news, police prohibits people to look into windows or come onto balconies on victory day. The glitch in the new "national payment processing system" is now written down as "hacker attack" in some media. Of course, it's evil Western hackers and not all this stolen budget...
  7. John Kozak

    Russia General

    It does not fit into the "First Channel Reality", so it is anti-russian propaganda. Easy.
  8. John Kozak

    X-55 not showing up

    You can skip the X-55 software if you first move the throttles to the 50% mark, unlock them, assign the axes using only one (left or right) throttle, then lock them together again. Worked for me
  9. Thousands of metro "smartphone zombies" won't agree with you :-P (No offense, I'm sometimes guilty myself)
  10. John Kozak

    Next DLC poll what would you want it to be??

    Why are you so sure 'most' do actually want 'modern' era equipment? "I'm with the majority" feeling is quite unreliable, you know. This has been discussed times and times here - a lot of people are fine with the setting. Custom memory allocators, on the other hand, are one of possible ways to actually improve game for everyone - regardless of whether they genuinely enjoy the game or just try to force their views on others. P.S. Not even mentioning the fact that the quoted statement is off-topic here
  11. John Kozak


    Wow, haiku bug report
  12. Okay, correction accepted. I was completely wrong, looks like most military aircraft do indeed have it. Disregard my post above.
  13. Speaking of real aircraft, I don't know any real aircraft where countermeasures button is on throttle/collective. So that's why it's usually in burst/auto - to press it once and get the hands back to flying. F-16 example, buttons are on panel:
  14. John Kozak

    Next DLC poll what would you want it to be??

    I'd love to see more attention to autonomous vehicles and overall "future" warfare, because real modern warfare is already drones, railguns and lasers.
  15. If anyone can remember, before version 1.38, virtual entities were looking like this: Now, the shader seems to have changed to a uniform white one (see Marksmen's arsenal) Does anyone know where I can find the old shader? I'd like to see how it was done.
  16. John Kozak

    "Virtual entity" shader from before 1.38

    Hi pettka, Thank you very much for your answer. Yes, I have noticed that the shader has changed - previously it was a kind of "ghostly", shimmerting and semi-transparent, now it looks more like a solid material. Actually, what I'm looking for *is* the old shader (like the one on the screenshot) - I'm looking into possibly using that or similar technique into something like active camouflage. Is there a way to somehow extract it, perhaps it is preserved somewhere in game files or some forgotten Steam 1.36 beta or in old sources? Much appreciated!
  17. Since BIS has shown their supportive official position regarding the content forward porting, I decided I'd share a little script will help to start the ball rolling. Here are (teaser) screenshots of results I've got: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/882977693140902853/ECFB093152D0DE05D8E2EF6C9C872F7598CA1ABC/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/882977693153739264/AB249A5E050C6BFB14F1999482A6E13BAADCCC55/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/882977693153743274/29022581539D009B2CF2708263BAFC31E4C6FE10/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/882977693153740804/80CBD078A00DA324281D8E4BA5C7B0FAEA1D4EC0/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/882977693142912253/F252ABDE4DDB37B280BE147EED1FA9BC8368D2AA/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/882977693140902853/ECFB093152D0DE05D8E2EF6C9C872F7598CA1ABC/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/882977693142771149/7FB73AF293199A4CCF36F92935A740F1F029DA94/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/882977693142879460/E67440B28EC5AEF0BFEAD3702D3AEEFCED714703/ The idea is based on , but expanded and modernized. The script works with both Steam and non-Steam installs. What it does is basically copies some (not all - as some just to not work) files from existing A2/A2OA install into A3 Alpha. To save time and space, the copying is done via hardlinking - this does not require admin rights, but saves around 20Gb of HDD space and is nearly instant.Prerequisites: 1.ArmA 2 and ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead installed on a same drive (i.e.: drive C:) 2.If you want to place your modfolders into Program Files folder - like C:\Program Files\Steam\Steamapps\Common\ArmA 3\@A2Backport - admin rights are required Instructions: 1. Write down the locations of the root folders of your games (ArmA 2, ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead, ArmA 3). Note on which drives the games are located. For the script to work correctly, ArmA 2 and ArmA 2 OA must be installed on the same drive (not necessarily in the same folder). 2. Open the downloaded file with a text editor 3. Put the game locations into corresponding variables (a2path, a2oapath, a3path) 4. Create 2 empty modfolders (@something) on the same drive as your ArmA 2/A2OA installation (in my example, everything is on drive D). Put them into variables a2targetpath and a2oatargetpath respectively 5. Launch the script. ArmA 3 will start with the new content. Voila! >>DOWNLOAD<< Disclaimer: This script is distributed as is and author claims no responsibility for any kind of damage (including legal, physical, economical or any other kind) which may result from its use.
  18. Nope, you still utterly and absolutely miss it. What if I tell you *Morpheus face* That the DLC is actually worth the money Yes. Shocker. There can be third option.
  19. Irony is, if BI has locked the bipods and other engine features behind the paywall, like other companies do - to "justify the value"â„¢ - I'm sure it will be the very same people to complain about "splitting the community" and "BI going EAware".
  20. A2TP is a prerequisite of those mods from second list in Arma 3, so in essence you need to install them separately but launch together
  21. Right, low-poly models next to you are soooo much more immersive :)
  22. John Kozak

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Don't know, I love the new sounds. There's actually a character in each weapon now. Plus, the new occlusion, though basic, does add immersion.
  23. John Kozak

    Magpul Masada Type ACE

    You didn't say anything about "letting to use", so it sounded like you're proposing to make it a part of core Epoch mod. Now it's clear what you mean.
  24. So, you're essentially saying "I got the features for free, so I don't want to pay". BI's alleged problems are their business. "you pay or you don't pay" - that is the question here. If you don't, it has nothing to do with marketing or BI's strategy - it's just your position of not paying. Saying "it's because BIS did xxx" sounds like using pirated Windows because "Microsoft is evil and anti-open source".