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Fox '09

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Everything posted by Fox '09

  1. oo thanks faces look great. I hope they include the M14 with the good ol ironsights. I believe i saw an m60 somewhere, can anyone confirm?
  2. Fox '09

    Project RACS

    no no, it's just a weather balloon, that's not really a missile at all
  3. ye, that would be abit over the top. I haven't seen any full body shots of the US army guys yet.. and without filters..
  4. jesus come on guys this is about OA, not about laqueesha's avatar now please, lets talk about how OA simulates everything but food
  5. i hvnt learnd that word yet :)) ye, that's the word I was looking for.
  6. Well checking again, it's blue/greenish, err, here are some pics How it is: http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/2483/arma2010053021003156.png How it (sorta) should be: http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/7259/arma2010053021004488.png Vilas did a good job with the camo in his P'85 pack.
  7. brilliant stuff, you are our hero. looks really polished, especially with the readme and demos.
  8. thanks for the update :) A question, in CWR for ArmA the US army guys were a bit.. blue.. if you know what I mean. Is this fixed/tuned? you guys using entirely new textures etc?
  9. Vilas is banned at the moment, if you'd like to talk to him check his forums http://www.createforum.com/vilas/index.php?
  10. ye. It doesn't really look right at the moment. And since this one is going to be carried by 2-3 men, I think I'm going to have to size it down a bit..
  11. ah thanks, must of missed it M29 "Davey Crockett" Crew Served Weapon :D
  12. Fox '09

    live stream of Gulf oil leak

    went fishing off the coast of florida not too long ago, thinking that soon that will all be covered in oil... I hope something works. If it doesn't i might not be able to go fishing :( and it'll be all uhh err Flash Thunder's fault
  13. Fox '09

    Addon Research Topic 2

    need some models of simple bunkers.. can anyone point me to the right place? my modeler has given up, and I'm awful at O2.. (he makes models in 3ds and I just port em and "make it happen")
  14. "the crab" edit: or "le' crab"
  15. please do I feel very bad this man pulled a nasty trick on all of us
  16. that was beautiful i cant wait to try out the famous broken back soldiers
  17. http://filesmelt.com/dl/buldozer_2010-05-28_23-37-11-20.png http://filesmelt.com/dl/buldozer_2010-05-28_23-36-53-64.png still working on my m29 csw models.. i just want it working before I go into detail (textures, etc) any way to show proxies in bulldozer?
  18. yeah pretty disappointing oh well, PR is working on it though..
  19. a good cargo ship.. perhaps with a bow door.. you know.. 3 unmarked containers arrive...
  20. is it possible to use sprites for leaves etc? might help with jungles
  21. yay! more stuff to crash! I request the CH-34.. http://www.redstone.army.mil/history/aviation/factsheets/ch34.html If you need a model I can try to provide one edit: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=3560 was included in this... they might be working on a new one, duno. edit2: hell ill just port it over for myself.. maybe the config still works
  22. Fox '09

    Battlefield Bad Company 2 Beta

    1. prone only leads to prone jumping, more useless snipers, etc 2. a somewhat valid point. if i recall DICE said that it is not easy to modify the game. if they have enough people interested, they'll release a SDK.. 3. hit detection is fine if you set it up, or play on 100 ping servers
  23. Fox '09

    Generation kill mod

    hope so, streets feel a bit too wide
  24. probably the good ol Armed Assault one wish someone would port it.. works fine in A2, just could use some mando missle :D