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Everything posted by malkekoen

  1. I would really like to see a "wet shader", so that roads, buildings and certain other surfaces would shine when raining. I really feel that is missing when traversing the maps during rainy weather!
  2. malkekoen

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Just did a quick test: -Tested the Apache as player Pilot. Radar works and radar missiles are guided. I was not able to make the laser missiles track. But this was before I tried what I describe below: -Found out as player pilot in Wildcat with Hellfires, that if you select Laser Designator and "fire it", via the gunner (Ctrl+LMB) then select the Hellfires and make the gunner target something in the command list, the laser actually follows the gunners sight as it is supposed to. If you then press the Target key the usual white diamond appears and will (with some luck) be centered over whatever you want to shoot. Interestingly the option "Laser Target" appears in the menu, but if you choose that you just freeze the laser in place and then the missile guides to whatever the helicopter is pointing at. It's a bit wonky with the AI, and not entirely predictable, but I must say that it actually works. So this might also work for the Apache. -Because I'm building a mission with AI support helis I tested a pure AI helicopter, and it won't engage with missiles. It's maybe too complicated for them to use the laser guided missiles. Actually a Wildcat did manage to fire a single, untracking missile, and the proceeded directly on top of the intended target. So the systems actually work, 100% if you're two players on a heli or player as gunner. Player as pilot and AI gunner is wonky, but could actually be used (engine issues), and fully AI heli is not working... Anyways, keep up the great work!
  3. malkekoen

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Hi Evrik. Sorry for the late response, I have been unable to test since I'm not near my computer but I seem to remember that the radar was not working actually. I thought it was intentional, as all the helicopters except the Apache don't have radar. But Arma is made to have that in order to allow for missile lock and guidance, so maybe that might be culprit? I'm not sure about the Longbow though, just tested it quick some days ago and couldn't get the AI gunner to lock, and also not a AI gunner+driver (didn't engange with missiles). Sorry I can't be more specific at the time. When I get the time I'll try to look into it.
  4. malkekoen

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Thanks for the reply. The specific case I was having is when player is pilot and AI gunner. Then I can't seem to make the missiles lock, eg. pressing the 'target' key or selecting a target via the command menu. Even if you "fire" the laser designator first. This problem I have both with and without ACE. I have tested with all AI controlled Apache, and they never fired any missiles, but rather engaged with the autocannon. I am using the latest stable build and no other mods apart from unit mods, Dragonfyre and some islands. Hmm...
  5. malkekoen

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Great work guys. The Hellfires don't seen to work though... I can't make them track targets.
  6. malkekoen

    Feat of Arms

    Just for confirmation I did use the latest FOA update :) Used in conjunction with the FOA module, auto inititation parameter set to 0.
  7. malkekoen

    Feat of Arms

    I get a lot of "... move to grid 000000". Playing on Altis, no other mods and latest stable branch. I don't think it matters too much, as AI always later makes a "group move to" command, but it seems weird. I also sometimes see guys with their pistols instead of the main armament, even though I know they have plenty of ammo. And this is not snipers, but riflemen. I think I've seen this in vanilla and/or with other mods as well, so probably not an issue with FOA ;-) Great work!
  8. malkekoen

    Feat of Arms

    Nice! I have only played around shortly, amongst others with some of the showcase missions and editor, but it seems great. I really like the extended firefights. May be it's due to the fact that AI prone alot, and maybe stay stationary (conflicts with AGM) but the fights are long and intense. Feels more realistic, and seems as if units try to protect themselves and charge which would be natural when under fire. Keep up the good work ;-)
  9. I just wanted to tune in and say that I really enjoy the higher clouds. They make the AiA maps stand out and In comparison I find the Arma 3 maps almost boring without the much beloved new clouds :) I think DayZ has added something similar as well and its gorgeous. They are not altocumulus clouds, but cirrus clouds of some kind and fit perfectly with most weather situations...
  10. malkekoen

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    While using the parameter "fortify" I consistently get en error with the fortify module: Screenshots of the actual error message. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=315495538 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=315495588 Not used in conjunction with any AI interfering mods except TPWCAS...
  11. I think one of the things I miss the most is the light fading when diving deeper. You can dive to 100 m and still have the same light as just under the surface as it is...
  12. malkekoen

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Hi! I got an error popping up all the time: UPSMON_getArg = {...' Error Zero divisor File C:\blah\blah\blah\scripts\UPSMON\COMMON\UPSMON_KRON_FNC.sqf, line 73 Not using any fancy stuff, just FORTIFY and NOWP. Happens when the AI starts to engage...
  13. @ Mikey: No not using ALiVE, but bCombat was activated though. Might be the culprit, but I thought they were compatible as the AI enhancements were off in this alpha ;)
  14. Hi Mikey. Nice work as always! I get an error saying: Error undefined variable expression: _units File AISS\M74_INF.sqf, linje 275 Just to help...
  15. malkekoen

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Just tried the update, and now units communicate nicely ;) The "move ..." spam is back, though. It's really annoying to have all squad leaders constantly spew out "move 75 meters front" etc. continously. Anybody else have this?
  16. malkekoen

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Thanks for the quick fix Cool!
  17. malkekoen

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    ] I got an error message when detecting enemies. The car is also part of UPSMON, so I suspect it happens when my group tries to share targets with the car. It does not move or react. Using latest Dev. The "move ..." spam is gone ;) Nice!
  18. malkekoen

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Thanks for another great update. I get continous spamming of "move ..." commands from squad leaders as soon as they detect enemies. Using the latest dev build though...
  19. Yes I am also sure that 35mm HE rounds (likely used in AA) will in no way penetrate MBT armour. Chances are they could cause system damage and stun the crew.
  20. I just noticed that you're unable to place explosives, mines, etc. with bCombat enabled... Maybe related to some of the bugged functions mentioned earlier in this thread.
  21. malkekoen

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Hi! That works fine for unit lowering their weapons, but they still always move in coloumn formation, before enemy contact. Any chance to let move in different formations? I also noticed that aircraft flyinheight does not work. Guess it is overriden by UPSMON's "KRON_UPS_flyInHeight = 70;". I guess the only way to change the flying height then would be to change this, and then it's global for all UPSMON controlled aerial vehicles?
  22. malkekoen

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Yes it was indeed a problem in the dev, but also now in the stable branch (newly updated) unfortunetly. I saw another thing, an enemy UAV was flying overhead a group (I was not the leader) and the group creates Seek and Destroy waypoints in the air. It seems a bit strange, maybe it would be possible to make sure that all ground unit waypoints are on the surface?
  23. malkekoen

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Hi thanks for the update, great! There is still one problem I immediatly notice, I think it was mentioned earlier: When giving a group eg. "nul=[this,"area0","nowp"] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf"; and an initiating waypoint (a way I like to build missions, then let UPSMON take over upon contact), the group moves slow with weapons raised and always in coloumn formation, no matter what is specified in the waypoint. Is this intentional? It didn't work that way in earlier versions I believe, and not in Arma 2... Edit: I should add that as soon as enemy is spotted and UPSMON takes over waypoint creation everything works fine!
  24. malkekoen

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Yes I confirm that after loading the same mission many times without bCombat I cannot reproduce it. Looking forward to try your new version with bCombat. Edit: I just tried two small missions with infantry, vehicles and a helicopter with UPSMON and bCombat and got no error messages. It seemed to work very well in fact, so nice to see very intelligent unit behaviour and group movement, ie. flanking etc. I didn't use any fancy stuff, just the usual patrols and "nowp", "fortify" things. Wow I'm impressed you did that so fast! Great work!