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Everything posted by kylania

  1. And now I have awesome villain names for my next mission! "Oh no, Mr Vice President, the president's plane has been shot down!" "By whom? Who would dare to do such a thing, General!?" "Singleplayer..."
  2. Oh, that really was all it needed. Neat. Thought that was just fixing some line of code for someone above. :) So yeah, two lines of code instead of reams of sqs. You don't have to look elsewhere, just read what people are telling you. You've been given three solutions to your problem so far, explore and experiment with them. Ask questions about them if you have any. Looking elsewhere would be a poor choice I would think?
  3. There's so many different scripts referenced in this incredibly old thread that I'm not sure what scripts you're talking about. Instead dredging up 3 year old posts and scripts from nine years ago, or even ported scripts from days after Arma 3 entered Alpha three years ago, you could look for more updated code. There have been a lot of improvements over the years and new methods of doing things. Perhaps use Arsenal? You can attach it to an ammo box and players can have access to everything or only what you want them to and also save loadouts. If they want to change their loadout or even just refresh what they have they just run to the box, adjust or load and enjoy. Ammo box init: 0 = ["AmmoboxInit",[this,true]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal; Or if you prefer a scripted option here's a post that uses the latest commands available.
  4. kylania

    squad url ranks in game

    So you'd set your available ranks in description.ext as above. Then you'd detect the rank of whatever user however you want and use this command to activate their insignia: [player,"wxotixCustomRank"] call BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia; Replacing player with this or _this or whatever you used to grab the new object and replacing "wxotixCustomRank" with whatever class you created for whatever rank you wanted to display.
  5. Yeah, the new Revive stuff is at the bottom of Attributes -> Multiplayer in the Revive section (starts minimized).
  6. I believe the new revive system is only in the current Dev Branch as of 1.63.137060 not the Apex RC branch. While both branches have many similar updates from yesterday, the RC branch is missing the "Tweaked: The Revive feature was overhauled" text. Also the feedback thread only mentions dev branch.
  7. kylania

    Apex Gear Feedback

    And the thermal shielding, which is pretty huge.
  8. Per the Rules: If you have a question it's really best to just ask the question rather than asking why you can't ask the question.
  9. Was the player in the vehicle? The wiki says in Arma 3 you don't always have to be in the vehicle, but doesn't state when that's needed. You used: vehicleName sendSimpleCommand "BACK"; How did you run that command?
  10. kylania

    squad url ranks in game

    Here's the documentation for that system. class CfgUnitInsignia { class wxotixCustomRank { displayName = "Cult of wxotix"; // Name displayed in Arsenal author = "wxotix"; // Author displayed in Arsenal texture = "wxoCustomRank_texture.paa"; // Image path 128x128 textureVehicle = ""; // Does nothing currently, reserved for future use }; };
  11. What is the file name exactly and is it the correct type of file? You can't just swap between jpg or paa, you need to use the actual file name. For example renaming a PNG file to isrflag.paa won't work.
  12. kylania

    Carry Ammo Crate

    That guy took down his script, but it only had AI dragging and loading into vehicle positions. Nothing for boxes. The one my group uses is IgiLoad.
  13. Well, there are these commands: boundingBoxReal, boundingCenter and sizeOf. Also getPosWorld which gives you the center of the model as well, maybe combine with sizeOf or something? Normal positions are good for me. :) Might also look into things like the intersect commands?
  14. kylania

    knowsAbout Question

    Speaking of knows about, I was messing with a trigger earlier which setcaptive false on me. There was a sentry group in my face, a sniper pair about 100m away and a full squad another 50m beyond them. All mostly looking away from me. When the trigger went off the squad and snipers instantly turned to kill me, but the two guys who set off the trigger didn't even glance my way. I had to reveal at 3 knowsAbout before they'd realize i was there and a threat now. Odd.
  15. It works with the Huron at least, but the wheels never come down so it just sits there on the ground.
  16. Seems the GPS shows the map too, even if you drop your map, so check for that too.
  17. kylania

    knowsAbout Question

    Need to post some amount before you can start threads. While you're here might as well ask whatever question you have though. :)
  18. kylania

    knowsAbout Question

    nearTargets might be helpful.
  19. Maybe remove trees near the position just to make a clearing? This seems to clear much of it. Remove the sleep and move the setPos to the end once you're happy with how it works. _PosList = selectBestPlaces [(getMarkerPos "TEST"), 500, "FOREST", 80, 1]; _PosSelect = _PosList select (floor random (count _PosList)); _Pos = _PosSelect select 0; player setpos _POS; sleep 2; { hideObjectGlobal _x; _x enableSimulation false; } forEach nearestTerrainObjects [_pos, ["TREE", "BUSH", "FOREST", "SMALL TREE", "HIDE"], 10];
  20. This post from last week has some good ideas in it.
  21. Here's a version of what you had that seems to be working for me. // Called from dead unit's addAction: _x addAction ["Disguise", "Disguise.sqf", [], 1, false, true, "", "!alive _target"] // Function to replace uniform items fn_replaceUniformItems = { params["_unit", "_items"]; { _x params ["_i", "_c", ["_r", 1]]; for "_y" from 1 to _r do {_unit addItemToUniform _i;}; } forEach _items; true }; // addAction input params ["_body", "_unit", "_id"]; // Grab enemy uniform information _disguiseUniform = uniform _body; _disguiseHeadgear = headgear _body; _disguiseVest = vest _body; // Remove addAction _body removeAction _id; // Grab player's current items _currentLoadout = getUnitLoadout _unit; _uniform = _currentLoadout select 3 select 0; _uniformItems = _currentLoadout select 3 select 1; _helmet = _currentLoadout select 6; // Fade to black titleText ["Changing Uniform...", "BLACK OUT"]; sleep 1; // Strip the bad guy. removeUniform _body; // Dress the player _unit forceAddUniform _disguiseUniform; _unit addHeadgear _disguiseHeadgear; [_unit, _uniformItems] call fn_replaceUniformItems; // Protect the player _unit setCaptive true; // Add fired handler to expose the player _unit addEventHandler ["fired",{player removeEventHandler ["fired", 0]; player setCaptive false;}]; // Create and attach a nearby trigger to the player to expose, 3m distance. _trigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [0,0,0]]; _trigger setTriggerArea [3, 3, 0, false, 3]; _trigger setTriggerActivation ["EAST", "PRESENT", false]; _trigger setTriggerStatements ["this", "player setCaptive false; {_x reveal [player, 3]} forEach thislist; deleteVehicle thisTrigger;", ""]; _trigger attachTo [_unit, [0,0,0]]; // Fade back in sleep 2; titleText ["You are now disguised.", "BLACK IN"]; // Wait till he's exposed. waitUntil {!(captive player)}; // Warning titleText ["You are exposed *tearaway pants time!*", "PLAIN"]; // Grab current uniform gear. _currentLoadout = getUnitLoadout _unit; _uniformItems = _currentLoadout select 3 select 1; // Array // Strip and redress removeUniform _unit; _unit addUniform _uniform; _unit addHeadgear _helmet; // Put back whatever the player currently had. [_unit, _uniformItems] call fn_replaceUniformItems;
  22. kylania


    You'd probably load the base using the debug console, then copy the base objects and create an Eden Composition from it and load it again using that system. Or create a bare bones mission with your base in it and saved and just load that when you wanted to reuse the base.
  23. Kinda depends on what you're trying to do exactly and how you want to disguise yourself. I believe you still can't put on opposing faction uniforms, but you can swap to civilian clothes or possibly even swap units entirely. How exactly did you imagine your undercover thing to go?
  24. kylania

    Eden Feature Requests

    I'm assuming you're just randomly posting to get your post count up but the existence of this wonderful mod shows Eden doesn't yet have it all covered. :)
  25. kylania

    [Request] Whitelist

    Yup, exactly! Not sure where the best place for it would be though, either a pre-init onPlayerConnected eventHandler or if just the top of init.sqf or initPlayerLocal.sqf.