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About snoutmaster

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    IT Support

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  1. Hold down the windows key and find the fix Engine icon or fix rotor etc. You get a better job done with a repair truck in the vicinity.
  2. I sorted it the ace key config was using these keys.
  3. I like the mission but but I cant use radio menu 6 and 7 to command my civilians. I would like them to go prone or copy my stance when attacking Nato. How can I control my troops movements.
  4. snoutmaster

    Apex Liberation RHS, Tanoa

    We really need this mission for the community
  5. I cant seem too get this mod to work can you please explain in depth what line I put into the init field of the squad leader. I've tried "this player hcSetGroup [group this]"
  6. Carrier command is an Epic release –the critics complain it lacks patches CCGM takes you away to another world full of Adventure and exploration CCGM Gives you command and control over some serious cool hardware Aircraft Carrier CCGM has not bad game engine and graphics If the community supports this Game the same way OFP it will become a great release This game is a hidden Treasure that is being overlooked
  7. snoutmaster

    co30 Domination! TOH

    What file do we use for TKOH
  8. I would love to see Dayz mod released for Take on Helicopters –Zombies running Rampant around the streets of Seattle. It would be better than in Arma 2 because the area is more residential and built up industrial areas
  9. Im having the same issue
  10. snoutmaster

    ArmA 2 CO Linux Server

    Do you mean install Combined Ops to a Linux Distro or upload the files then start a dedicated server.
  11. snoutmaster

    OA Hangs on Startup

    I am having the exact same issue I am so pleased someone now believes me. What I have in common is I'm using Windows 7 64bit and 4GB Ram. I can see it working in Task manager but it doesn't go any further than that. The only way I can get it to start is through the end menu after re installation. Ive tried running as an Admin Reinstalling X 3 Rebooting Sent a report to secure com Uninstall-ed Daemon Tools Edited the registry Windows updates Updated Graphics card drivers Turned off all firewalls Emailed Sprocket and sent DXDIAG Report Defrag http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=101279 Ive been researching everything. Funny thing is I had the similar issue with Operation Flashpoint with Server 2000 and my Graphics Card 7 years ago until they released patch 1.91
  12. snoutmaster

    Sprocket support?

    They replied to me -I sent them my DXDIAG information
  13. snoutmaster

    Windows 7 -64 Bit

    I dont have any other Secure Rom games Installed I downloaded the secure rom software and completed a search of my Hard drive -Arma OA is the only software with Secure Rom.
  14. snoutmaster

    Windows 7 -64 Bit

    oh no please no
  15. snoutmaster

    Windows 7 -64 Bit

    Ive contacted Secure Rom they reported it is working fine,I have uninstalled Daemon Tools, I have done 3 reinstalls of Arma & OA. Ive done a Graphics Card update. I see it working in task manager but it wont appear on screen. How can it only work from the grey install screen launcher and not from the EXE. I only get presented the grey launcher immediately after install and it works I'm so confused.