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Gunter Severloh

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3979 Excellent

About Gunter Severloh

  • Rank
    Brigadier General


  • Interests
    BIS Gaming - BIS Forums, Mission Editing, WarMod, WW2, Powerlifting, Nutrition, Martial arts
  • Occupation
    Warehouse Dockworker

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Uber Compiler
  • Interests
    Arma, WW2, Flying, and Westerns

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  • Youtube
    Gunter Severloh
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  1. Gunter,

    I just wanted you to know that I've learned a lot from the knowledge you have given us over the years, thank you.

    1. Gunter Severloh

      Gunter Severloh

      Thanks man, i appreciate that!

      There are many others in the community too that know alot as well, depending on what your

      into for the game.
