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Everything posted by terox

  1. New ticket raised by Roy86 (Patrol Ops Dev) and is to do with headless client http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=17127
  2. ADDITION The following link is for Dwardens central Hub for all things MP related http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=15987
  3. Modifications to mission During the interim phase between 3.0 and 3.1 I experimented with orbats and some minor tweaks. Roy was interested in Orbat feedback, so here goes The following is the orbat we are currently using and may suit others. If so contact me and i can give you a modified mission pack to try out. ORBAT Callsign HQ: 1 * Mission commander Callsign THUNDER: 1 * X.O (Artillery commander (repair specialist) (see note 1 below) Callsign RECON: 1 * Recon Team Leader (Medic class) 1 * Recon JTAC & F.O Callsign ALPHA - BRAVO - CHARLIE - DELTA: 4 * 8 man rifle squads (see note 2 below) 1 * Squad Leader 1 * Medic 1 * Team leader 1 * Grenadier (Explosive specialist) 2 * Autorifleman 2 * Missile Spec. Callsign EAGLE 1 * CAS Pilot (Buzzard) (Repair Specialist) Callsign HAWK 1 * CAS Pilot (AH9) (Repair Specialist) Callsign SUPPORT 3 * Transport Pilot - Crewmen (Repair Specialist) VEHICLE ASSETS I removed quite a lot of vehicles, for several reasons (see note 3 below) Vehicles left are 4 * Slammers (see note 4 below) 1 * Hunter (Relocated to hangars and ideal for recon, convoy control)ted to hangars and ideal for recon, convoy control) 1 * Hunter HMG (Relocated to hangars and ideal for recon, convoy control) 1 * Hunter GMG (Relocated to hangars and ideal for recon, convoy control) 1 * Bobcat 1 * Scorcher (see note 5 below) 1 * Buzzard (Fast air CAS) (Replaces heavy Helo gunship which was too poweful) 1 * AH9 Light Helo CAS 3 * Ghosthawk Transport helo's + support & transport trucks CODE CHANGES Orbat has been changed mainly to support VOIP Command channel and to make command and control easier in a public environment VOIP Channels enabled (We use voip in public sessions and ACRE in private, so Command channel is a must) Artillery asset can fire from base (Ideal task for admin who can remain in base to monitor base activity with public players Modified magazine loadout for artillery asset so it is more useful without being able to annihalate everything Removed heavy gunship, way too powerful, spoils all the fun for the infantry Added an area in map view which displays the current leadership for each group. Makes command and control a bit easier (Simple "Legend" made from map markers) Assigned a callsign to each group (setgroupID) Edited some default params NOTES 1) The artillery can fire from base and has modified magazine loadout. I set the X.O up to do this. This is a good slot for an admin 2) 8 man teams fit better into vehicles (seems most vehicles are multiples of 4). Also 10 men in a public environment is a bit too much for us to cope with anyway) 3) Quad bikes removed, too much hassle for admins dealing with publics on them and not a team vehicle anway. Also too many vehicles too close to player spawn which encourages them to get in and cause havoc while waiting for transport 4) Slammers are multipurpose. 8 man squad troop transport and fire support, so no need for other mechanised or wheeled IFV's 5) Scorcher can fire from base and has modified magazine loadout 48 rnds smoke 160 rnds HE 10 rnds Laser Guided 10 rnds Cluster We find this orbat suits us quite well. The CSAT & AAF orbat is going to be the same Vehicle assets will be slightly different (Fast air will be in all, even if there is no equivalent fast air for a specific side) Using the jet instead of a gunship gives much better gameplay to the infantry
  4. depbo patrol ops by Roy86, he manages it :-)
  5. Here's my take on things. Those who pay for and run a server have the right to do it the way they want. If they get it right their target audience will stay if they get it wrong, their target audience will move on. You then need to ask yourself whether or not you are their target audience? Having said that, I did 10 years military service in the British Army and now that I am older and work for a living, have a family etc the last thing I want to do in my limited spare time is play A GAME in what I would believe to be an anal environment. Rank structure outside of the game, eg YES SIR, STAND TO ATTENTION, that's fine for military wanabees. I've done that in RL and wouldn't dream of getting involved with something like that in a social environment. Ingame that's different. Without it the mission falls to bits. That is after all why the military has a chain of command, like just about any other organisation out there, from the family group to a corporation. Waiting in an ambush for several hours/days and running through rivers in mid winter IS NOT FUN. Cleaning the weapon every day when your fingers are nearly dropping off from the cold, eating cold rations, wet, cold hungry, physically at the your limit and no sleep for a couple of days IS NOT FUN. Being on death stag (guard between 3am and 5pm) is not fun. if you want to run a real sim unit, do that and see how many folks stay. Some would think that's great. I see no issue with them if that's their thing. I run a community, split between a public and more restricted server. We manage to find a balance that suits us. We even manage to get decent teamplay on the public server. We run a simple command and control system.. Mission Command >> Group leader >> Anyone else Apart from the admin, we allow anyone to take these roles and if they cause no major issues, they remain in those roles for the duration of the mission. The mission commander tells the group leaders what to do The group leaders tell their grunts If the grunts don't do as the group leader asks them, the admin steps in and removes them. Thats as simple as you can get a command and control structure without being anal about it and thats why we use it. At the end of the day, nobody can forces anybody to do anything. We are all free spirits with the ability to say NO So rather than complain, because that simply isn't constructive, get off yer butt and do something about it. Move on, which is exactly where this thread should go
  6. just the BEserver.cfg and define RconPassword. Thats it.
  7. terox


    this is a good MP mission for a decent organised group Old school type objective
  8. could it be a case issue, upper, lower. Try copying the password to a notepad file then copying it back to both the server BE.cfg and the rcon gui. Sometimes spaces are added unwittingley
  9. It is possible for multiple admins to be logged in remotely via an RCON app. They can kick, ban, reload reassign etc from there without being in the game. The one I use is EPM RCON. There is a stickie for it in forum
  10. We are also having a server crash issue. It is not related to Patrol ops , others missions are suffering the same. This is an issue with the latest patch
  11. The^ As Mosh Stated, move on find one that suits your pallette. There are servers out there to suit everyones level. Like anything else in life, you have to look to find, it wont come knocking at your door.
  12. Just a note, depending on the number of AI you have in them mission, this may not have anything to do with your hosts. Typically 30-40 player and 150 AI = serverside bad fps and that will pass onto the clients, who will then also have poor fps. This is a B.I engine performance issue which is currently W.I.P
  13. Success Also works fine if the H.C joins in progress. Logs available from http://zeus-community.net/temp/PatrolOpsLogs.zip
  14. More logs with server-side logging data as requested Zeus PatrolOps Logs Server log I think you were looking for is Apart from that, only other HC entries are for actual player units Example Initial run, HC connected before mission start Then having failed to take server ai, i jipped the HC back in a few times. Hence the multiple HC rpt's I've tried various things serverside, I cant see anything I'm doing wrong with the HC. I just hope it isn't me and have caused you a lot of unescessary work m8.
  15. Yes you are mixing content from your server***.cfg with the user.arma3profile Check the first post in the server tutorial in the stickie section of this forum for more details.. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147537-Tutorial-How-to-run-ArmA3-on-a-dedicated-server Example files section It tells you where to find those files and examples of their content
  16. terox

    Zeus gaming Nights

    Our clientside Pack @Zclient has been updated. Version 1.1, released 3rd Mar 2014, assembled by Erppa Updated: CBA MK4 hud info Magrepack ST hud TAO Fold Map VTS weapon resting MRB Voice Stop Added: FHQ Map Draw (Uses ZClient bikey because FHQ Bikey is broken ST sticky Retired to archive: Mk4_Zeuhud_info Mk4_Zeumap_draw
  17. Logs available from link, including ASM output, showing no local AI to HC Zeus PatrolOps Logs I tried both a vanilla (unedited version) as well as our edited version just to make sure it wasn't something I had done... I tried HC connected from start and tried with HC jipping. In both cases the log data looped with the following output But no transfer of AI to HC Maybe we need more log output serverside ? Sorry to unearth such a horrible bug m8. Hope to god it's not something I am causing somehow. The server was running on performance 5 binary.
  18. Hope this helps you solve it Roy. Version we play is slightly modified, (only orbat and something to allow us to fire Arty from the base) Nothing that effects AI serverside or HC coding Zeus PatrolOps Logs Ran latest version downloaded today from PM Link Steam client run as admin HC run as admin via arma3.exe shortcut. Params used are following variations D:\Games\A3\A3HC_No1\arma3.exe -client -connect= -port=2302 -name=HC -nopause "-profiles=d:\Games\A3\A3HC_No1" D:\Games\A3\A3HC_No1\arma3.exe -client -connect= -port=2302 -name=HC -nopause -profiles=d:\Games\A3\A3HC_No1 D:\Games\A3\A3HC_No1\arma3.exe -client -connect= -port=2302 -name=HC -profiles=d:\Games\A3\A3HC_No1 HC connects fine to the server and asm reports it running, just no local AI and the Civilian animal slot code has been changed from 'HeadlessClient' to 'HC' I get exactly the same issue when I run a non modified version of the download and running it from Firedeamon makes no difference.
  19. you're probably looking at a minimum fireteam to maximum squad sized player numbers (4 to 8) with ai in the region of 50 unless you use something like @Alive This is just a ballpark figure
  20. I'd be extremely suprised if this was a "bot". Even B.I cant get their AI do what this "bot" did... come on Just because the player was unresponsive doesnt mean anything else than the player didnt have a clue how to use chat / voip etc and the actions seem to be that of a complete newcomers kid to the game Ban the UserID via BE job done
  21. Its about time Altis life got banished If you want information on that game type or help setting it up, I would suggest going here........ OFFICIAL ALTIS (Got no life) THREAD The one stop place to be a butcher or a hairdresser in a milsim that is so good NATO uses it to train their military barbers in the art of a N0.2 cut Your queries will most likely already have been answered somewhere in the 87 pages (so far) of replies