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Everything posted by kremator

  1. kremator

    [CTI-COOP] Dissension

    The rubberbanding will be because of inappropriate server settings. What settings are you using on your server ?
  2. I'm rolling back my build to stable so that I can use the standalone dedi. Will test again on that other machine.
  3. Suicide exploding butterflies confirmed :)
  4. kremator

    [COOP, PVP] Battle Ground

    Weapons shop doesn't work (when hosted on dedi server), but vehicle shop does.
  5. kremator

    [CTI-COOP] Dissension

    Action menu to find the green text (I think) then middle mouse click.
  6. The problem with setting an arbitrary server FPS is that AI do indeed behave differently with server stress. Some people say the cutoff is 20FPS however I've found AI to become less responsive as soon as you go below 40FPS! Currently playing Total Conquest by Tvig0r0us and I'm able to get 192 soldiers on my dedi at 49FPS (no server mods, release candidate 64 bit exe) I reckon that I'd need a HC if I was to push 300+ AI.
  7. Would a UAV soldier in the list of troops not be the best way forward? You can then assemble the UAV, launch and observe the battlefield. If it got destroyed then you'd still be in your soldier. Me too! As far as I'm aware everything (apart from your group) is server sided. When you recruit a solider it then becomes local to your machine. However, I would assume that 'dismiss'ing the soldiers would put them back onto server control. I've settled on 64 troops each side, as this allows me to use ASR_AI to control 'intelligent' AI troops with only a little server performance. @tvig0r0us I have noticed a little slowing of my client at times but it doesn't last long. For temp testing I run the dedi server on my same local client machine - so that COULD be the issue. Once BIS get the new Release Candidate standalone server packagae to work perfectly (presently it doesn't recognise EDEN DLC!) then I'll put it onto my full dedi machine. Keep coding mate..... we can field most of the questions that appear here :)
  8. Look for cp_ceiling and set it to 10. You won't be able to capture using a helo then.
  9. kremator

    [CTI-COOP] Dissension

    Downloading now :)
  10. Not needed in TC as the defenders are taken from the pool of your troops. Running 64 each side (with 4 defenders in each 'base') is absolutely perfect. My dedi runs at 49FPS with this config. In fact I may turn it up a little to 80 troops each side. Triggering of the zones with a helo can effectively be turned off, so is less of a problem. Also, have you seen how DEADLY AA infantry are ? I don't survive for long! The Release Candidate (1.70) that I'm running is VERY good indeed. Zone defenders are taken out of side pool. Unless you want to stay defending (boring, but sometimes necessary) I leave it to the AI. It is pretty damn realistic as far as I can see. TviG0r0us has done (as is doing) a brilliant job.
  11. After much more extensive testing I've now identified the problem with not joining the server - I'm not waiting long enough after init and it remains on black screen. This is solved by jumping backing out again and back in once more. Regarding the 'eye in the sky' idea ... could we get an extra soldier with drone capabilities? I've also tried the JTAC and he doesn't have any lasing abilities/equipment. 64 troops on each side (x3 therefore) gives me a lovely stable 49FPS on my dedi server, and the action is AWESOME. Troops are responsive (a bit too good actually) and I tend not to last too long in any vehicles if I'm stupid ! Looking forward to next versions/next islands (maybe even a carrier start? - although that would need some amazing troop transport functions) Cheers Krem
  12. kremator

    [CTI-COOP] Dissension

    Awesome. Looking forward to playing this tonight.
  13. kremator

    Devas Autopilot Mod

    As always ... thanks for the mod version !
  14. kremator

    Devas Autopilot [RELEASE]

    LOL after writing this (and downloading the new version) I read your wish list !! DOH!
  15. kremator

    Devas Autopilot [RELEASE]

    Niow, have you considered modding a 'loiter' function (for something like the Blackfish or 'Spooky' C130)? I wouldn't ordinarily ask, but you ARE our resident autopilot guy :)
  16. kremator

    [CTI-COOP] Dissension

    You'd be surprised with the latest release candidate ... I'm running 180 AI and my server is sitting at 49FPS !
  17. Just removing the ability to capture in a helo would prolly be sufficient. I like the instant capture, as you can really screw up the AI spawning by hiding in a building while you wait for friendlies to arrive. Which brings me to my next point ... agressive buggers SHOULD be hunting inside the zone IF it is yellow! Going to have my server running all day today with TC. It is on release candidate 1.70 if anyone wants to join.
  18. kremator

    [CTI-COOP] Dissension

    Yeah, like asking for an broken alpha will actually speed up the process! We are all keen to play it but calm down panic (see what I did there ?)
  19. No, this was with a low number of AI. Will be doing MUCH more testing over the weekend. Loving this mission!
  20. I think there actually is an issue when the mission finishes. It doesn't seem to be reinitialising properly and the AI just stand there.
  21. Don't worry too much about it yet .. wasn't totally concentrating. Will investigate.
  22. Afternoon. Ran into something strange with the dedi server last night. Now I'm not quite sure what I did (I know that isn't helpful) but I think the mission completed and therefore ended. I restarted the mission (on the client) and no AI moved on spawn ! Will look into it again tonight (as I'm addicted to Total Conquest atm)! Still running the arma3server_64bit release candidate on my dedi.
  23. You have created a BEAST of a mission ..... running at 128 troops PER SIDE and getting 30FPS out of the server ! It is total mayhem and I'm loving it. Trying to pursue a problem with the standalone dedi server executables on another machine that I would ordinarily use as my server ... but this is not your problem. Looking forward to other islands .... could we get Altis next please?