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Everything posted by kremator

  1. I know of the fix. Not good enough. It has always been this bad. When vehicles are less than 30m they should go into cover (at least that would get them off the road !) We need a fix @DEVs.
  2. kremator

    [Terrain] Mach Loop

    Please don't ask for updates, as getting hit in the mouth often offends.
  3. kremator

    Enhanced Movement

    Just put them here. BB is great at visiting here so there should be no problems.
  4. An OK then mate. I've seen that some triggers have been messed up after Jets. Perhaps that is it.
  5. kremator

    Titans in 1.7. Forwards or backwards?

    Stop whining. Look what you get for your 100 euros! They need to tweak it. Send in a report but stop whining!
  6. Have you tried with only mod enabled?
  7. Now that we have really good 64bit executables I wanted to try this mission again. It works perfectly, however there is an issue when pressing respawn (repeats for ever - when inside the building). Hoping you can take a little look at it - as it is a classic mission with lots of whole island action !
  8. kremator

    Blastcore Tracers A3

    Could we try a test version to see the fps hit?
  9. kremator

    Blastcore Tracers A3

    Thanks for updating!
  10. kremator

    ASR AI 3

    Apart from using the NLAW I'd be spamming nades and the 40mm too!
  11. kremator

    [CTI-COOP] Dissension

    The supply part of the mission reminds me very much of what @granQ was doing back in the Arma2 days. Mission is shaping up nicely. Good work genesis92 !
  12. kremator

    Do you prefer Vanilla AI?

    ^^ you can get a mod for that :)
  13. kremator

    Do you prefer Vanilla AI?

    Vanilla AI is pretty decent but only as infantry. I still use ASR_AI(Pooters) to add some extra little tweaks however. I've not found AI mods to be very heavy on FPS in the main. As with Turing's test, the best AI should be indistinguishable from human players .... we're not too far off that for infantry but driving and flying are still DIRE !
  14. kremator

    VTOL 4 Flight Model

    They have improved the model over VTOL 3 :)
  15. kremator

    Enhanced Movement

    Just get yourself well again.
  16. bCombat is wonderful but hasn't been updated for quite a while.
  17. kremator

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Unfortunately I like using AI so it looks like I won't be using the new OFPS version :( There aren't enough people playing BECTI to fill a huge number of servers.
  18. kremator

    [CTI-COOP] Dissension

    Mission crashed with 'Too many virtual blocks requested' after 2 hours. Running the latest server binaries (v03) and client.
  19. kremator

    AI can't use bridge :/

    There was something I read recently about some road junctions leading to a bridge not connected. Not sure how to fix it however.
  20. kremator

    [CTI-COOP] Dissension

    Just tested out the recent candidate on my dedi server. Plays very well. Defused one bomb successfully (although had to guess the correct wire - PHEW!) Server FPS sat at a constant 49 UNTIL the enemy paradropped on my base. Then it dropped to ZERO ! The paratroopers were rubberbanding (obviously) while they were falling. Once on the ground, the FPS returned to 49 again.
  21. Lol like it. Would be a great game mode however.
  22. Reminds me ....'I want to be a girlie, just like my dear papa!'
  23. Just had a flash of inspiration. What IF all buildings in a town start destroyed and as you spend time in it, do missions etc, the buildings get repaired. Kinda hearts and minds stuff :) It could be a new type of CTI (through rebuilding the island!)
  24. kremator

    [SP/MP]Advanced Fierce Combat System

    @dragon zen excellent news on MP compatibility. Loved this mission in the very early days (but my PC couldn't handle the FPS!) Will have to try it later on ... so many good missions to try at the moment .... need more time :)
  25. kremator

    [CTI-COOP] Dissension

    Brilliant update! Will test this tonight on my dedi. Thanks for all your hard work @genesis92x