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Everything posted by kridian

  1. kridian

    Stencil shadows vs Shadow Maps

    I'm glad to see this issue brought up as I noticed the shadow difference immediately when looking at all vehicles placed in-line. If Stencil Shadows are causing more CPU computation then it should be an obvious choice to get rid of them once and for all... unless the engine just can't handle it(?) Is it 2013?
  2. Did I just see 10 frames-per-second?:eek:
  3. Wow, just when I thought I was running a good rig. I did that chopper mission where you have to use the rockets to take out the vehicles, and then later a mortar position. Witnessed a HUGE dive in FPS. Remains a mystery for this 680GTX OC edition. :confused: Anyone else get that? I had the Particle Effects set to high.
  4. kridian

    The Giant Alpha Media Thread

    So... "Keep your pants on" is the main ArmA 3 theme people. :D
  5. kridian

    Underwater element. What is the point?

    We're going to need a new Rescue Chad Hudson mission.*
  6. My wish: For Bohemia to implement Eric Bruneton's real-time rendering and lighting of forests. Whitepaper Link This could be how Chernarus looks from the air.
  7. kridian

    Unigine engine! Valley demo

    Other nice tech: Foliage rendering being done by Eric Bruneton & Fabrice Neyret. White papers here.
  8. kridian

    Arma 3 engine

    Oh for god's sake YES! Most annoying thing ever! They need to have a melee option so you can use the but of your gun to clear the glass out.
  9. kridian

    Devs time for a 64BIT version???

    I remember the days in ArmA 1 when I'd see this constantly with my 8800GTX, then I switched to an ATI/AMD vid card and have not seen it since. I might go back to NVidia... one day.
  10. blackmamba, you need to eat more vegetables; your synapses are misfiring.
  11. kridian


    Can't wait to see what they do with particle effects.
  12. It won't work. A box pops up saying that OA is not installed on this machine. How do you trick it for a Steam installation?
  13. Yeah, Steam's not showing yet. I really regret not buying the DVD. Ugh.
  14. Same question. Can't get it to install with the Steam version. Oh well.:rolleyes:
  15. Maturin, that looks like a slow-ass hard drive problem (defragging would help). Post your specs. What video card do you have? Do you really need the blur on? I would turn Postprocesses to disabled.
  16. kridian

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 76067

    That sounds like either having heat issues with your hardware or an in-game video memory setting.
  17. Keeping my eye on Outerra. Nice heli vid: FwtKHbl0pjs
  18. kridian

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 74858

    Vehicles are popping up on the Solnichniy bridge. (beta 75854)
  19. It's definitely a "clunker". I'm really starting to become tired of the performance drain while I see other titles perform circles around the Virtual Reality engine. I posted in another thread about the Avalanche 2.0 engine (used in Just Cause 2), and how fast it is, but I think BIS knows the deal and are in the works at something new. Just wish they'd make an announcement to keep us interested.
  20. They could just adopt the Avalanche 2.0 engine and call it a day. :D
  21. Yeah, the alpha maps for the smoke sprites cause a frame rate hit for some reason. :confused:
  22. InFireBaptize, I hear you would get a good performance boost just switching out your Core 2 Duo to a four core... like say an Intel Core 2 Quad (q6950). I'll be going to this route myself soon.
  23. kridian

    Latest Beta Patch: 72107

    I was using the Acog online once and for whatever reason I saw in I.R. Then I tried it again and it went back to normal so there might be something wrong with the Acog scope.