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Everything posted by Jezuro

  1. Jezuro


    I'm putting together a todo list for the first update. I had multiple requests for an RHS setup, so that's something I'd like to address, as well as various expansions for existing parameters. Saving your progress is more of a long-term task, but I'll definitely think about how would I go about implementing it so it works reliably. Again, thanks for the feedback and overwhelmingly positive reactions, we've already reached 1300+ subs!
  2. Jezuro


    Sample mission: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sd993ethuo1g8xg/warlords_sample.7z?dl=0
  3. Jezuro


    I'm going to release plain editor version of the Stratis scenario soon so you'll see how the setup works. Thinking back, I should have done that directly on the release. Sorry for the delay guys.
  4. Jezuro


    I imagine you need to get the addon loaded on the server somehow. ---------- Post added at 18:46 ---------- Previous post was at 18:45 ---------- No other mods or addons are required to run Warlords. I'll investigate the possibility of adding bisign in the near future.
  5. Jezuro


    It's an addon, not a mission file. You can either run the game from the launcher with the correct mod (@Warlords) activated, or copy the PBO directly into your Addons folder.
  6. Jezuro


    One member every 2 minutes.
  7. Jezuro


    Thanks for feedback! 1. Maximum group size is not a fixed number; I depends on how rapidly you're losing your team members. Did a part of your squad get killed a moment before, by any chance? 2. Airdrop execution is among the things I'd like to pay some more attention to, definitely gonna work on that. ---------- Post added at 06:25 ---------- Previous post was at 06:17 ---------- Alternative download link added: https://www.dropbox.com/s/414q08ho8dl59u9/JEZ_Warlords.pbo?dl=0
  8. @TomusGilbert Hello, unfortunately the development of these modules has been discontinued more than two years ago, you can find the motivation behind this here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?152866-General-Discussion-%28dev-branch%29&p=2402360&viewfull=1#post2402360 As an alternative, you can use the Sites system, for example.
  9. Jezuro

    Adams Can Die Now?

    Well, I'd suggest disabling them anyway and check if the problem persists.
  10. Jezuro

    Adams Can Die Now?

    Hello. Any mods active?
  11. Here's a basic guide on how to configure your own VR training courses: On biki: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma3:_Virtual_Reality_Custom_Courses If there are some community Courses configured, a new selector will appear with a list of the Courses. This selector will have different colour than the official ones. Config class CfgVRCourses { class Default; class MyCourse1: Default { title = "Course Name"; icon = "\A3\Structures_F_Bootcamp\VR\Helpers\Data\VR_Symbol_default_CA.paa"; class Stages { class Stage1 { title = "Stage 1 Name"; function = "BIS_fnc_VRFunctionName1"; }; class Stage2 { title = "Stage 2 Name"; function = "BIS_fnc_VRFunctionName2"; }; class Stage3 { title = "Stage 3 Name"; function = "BIS_fnc_VRFunctionName3"; }; }; }; }; icon: Path to icon that will be shown on a billboard throughout the Course. title: Text that will be shown ingame during Course selection or when loading a Stage. function: Function to run for each Stage. Must be defined in cfgFunctions (see https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Functions_Library_%28Arma_3%29#Adding_a_Function, VR functions are usually defined in category "VR"). Functions Stage functions are typically FSMs (you can get the FM editor here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BI_Tools_2.5). There are certain guidelines to follow: - player's starting coordinates are always markerPos "BIS_center" --- you should use coordinates relative to this one for spawning your assets - there is a brief timeout before player gains control in a Stage - you can spawn all your assets during this period --- you can determinate the moment player gains control by checking variable BIS_interruptable for TRUE --- any mission tasks or hints should be created after this period, once player is actually ingame - there is a logic unit used for icon helper (group icon) - BIS_icon and its group, BIS_iconGrp --- do not delete these! --- example of use: BIS_icon attachTo [bIS_UAV, [0,0,-3.5]]; BIS_iconGrp setGroupIconParams [bIS_TT_colorWarning, "", 1, TRUE]; - if player wanders too far away from his starting position, he is automatically moved back - default allowed radius is 100m --- this can be changed via variable BIS_stageArea in a Stage function --- example of use: BIS_stageArea = 150; - any assets you spawn will be deleted automatically when the Stage ends - a Stage is completed by using this code: call BIS_fnc_VR_stageDone; - always make sure you've properly terminated your function upon Stage end; keep in mind player can fail a Stage too --- for Stage failure, use code before you terminate the function: [] spawn BIS_fnc_VR_stageFailed; --- condition to check player's "death" or him leaving the Stage: damage player > 0.015 || !BIS_interruptable --- you don't need to call any code in this case, just make sure to properly terminate the function Stage function example To help you understand how a typical Stage FSM may look like, here's a link to a basic Stage function (it's a slightly tweaked Stage 2 of the Launchers Course): https://www.dropbox.com/s/5429wbhsl4f0sky/fn_VRCourseExample.fsm The End I hope I covered everything here. Have fun creating your own VR Courses!
  12. Here's a basic guide on how to configure your own VR training courses: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?180140-Custom-VR-courses&p=2725966#post2725966
  13. Please, try running the mission with all mods disabled.
  14. Jezuro

    Arma 3 Kart DLC

    Further info on DLCs in general: http://www.bistudio.com/english/company/developers-blog/465-roadmap-14-15-dlc-strategy-blog
  15. A unit won't flee unless it's in combat (knows about enemies in its area).
  16. Jezuro

    Laser Designation and Laser Guided Bombs from Jets

    As mentioned earlier, the AI will automatically mark targets suitable for a bombing run (tanks, APCs etc.). For targetting static objects, a combination of selectWeapon and doTarget (maybe more) would be required.
  17. Jezuro

    Laser Designation and Laser Guided Bombs from Jets

    As long as your mate keeps the laser on target until splash, it should work. Just tested it in vanilla: had an AI mark the target for me, flew in, dropped the bomb (aligned not nearly precisely enough for unguided hit) and it hit perfectly.
  18. The game is automatically saved upon aborting a mission.
  19. Quite a lot of people were able to finish the mission without knowing what's about to happen, we've gathered so much from forum posts here, around the web, or from youtube videos. Feedback tracker doesn't mention this mission being unbeatable on the first run either. If more people find it to be overly challenging, we will do our best to make it more accessible.
  20. Jezuro

    Update is out

    Please try disabling any unofficial mods you're running. Some have been known to cause similar issues.
  21. This is how "Splash" is currently implemented: the system waits until the projectile has downward trajectory and is closer than 1000 meters to its target. The delay was usually around 5 seconds during testing, but can be longer when artillery is used over shorter distances. Calculating the exact impact time could be achievable and I'll try to take a look at it. Thanks for the feedback.
  22. Default WP color is white, you can change its color to anything you like in the Settings.
  23. The fact that the official campaign isn't going to be MP compatible doesn't necessarily mean the community won't be able to host their own.
  24. Jezuro

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    There were multiple issues in various situations. The workaround is to group (F2) your unit with a unit of desired side and set its probability of presence to 0%.