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Everything posted by johnnyboy

  1. Interesting. In the case that is bothering me the most, i have player giving a briefing and an AI unit saying a few lines also. They are only 2 meters apart. The player unit sounds contain radio squelch/static, and the AI unit does not. They both are using customRadio command and same channel. Other scenes I have player and AI speaking using customRadio and there is no radio squelch.
  2. I'm using customRadio for dialogue between player and AI. They are all on the same channel. Sometimes I hear radio in/out squelch (and static) when unit speaks via customRadio. Sometimes I don't hear squelch and static. It doesn't seem random (i.e., the same lines/sounds are either always with squelch, or always without squelch). Is there some way to enable/disable squelch and static with customRadio? I don't get it...
  3. Hah! That's where I got it. Like I said, I can't take credit for this one!
  4. I'm looking for 3 Beta Test volunteers. Help a brother out! Contact me and I will PM you a link to the mission PBO. I took the summer off from scripting but worked hard on this the last month. Looking forward to release.. :)
  5. Yes. Thank Pierre. I figured it out at the same time you posted the answer. :)
  6. [Edit] SOLVED: I opened the .sqm file and found a Class Intro in there. Deleted that from .sqm and problem solved!! When I export my mission, and play it form Single Player, it first plays a bogus Intro with camera in the ocean, which I then have to Skip to play the mission. In the Editor, I used to have a Intro scenario with objects, but I deleted all the objects from the Intro scenario. And I do not have a intro.sqs file. How do I permanently remove the intro so the exported mission plays the Mission directly without intro? This one of the last obstacles before Last Tango in Tanoa Episode 2 goes Beta...please help! :)
  7. Hi guys, I have a scenario where I display a security camera feed on a Monitor, then go full screen for camera monitor while player watches scripted scene through eye of security camera. While in this security camera mode I would like to change the quality/grain of picture so it is more like a CCTV feed. Does anyone know of a script doing this? I searched a bit and found nothing. Thanks in advance.
  8. That is very impressive and useful Mr. Quiksilver. Thanks much!
  9. johnnyboy

    AI death win

    How do you detect a stuck unit? A unit may be spawned or placed in editor in a good place (like in a street in a town), and later get stuck under a building or a rock.
  10. johnnyboy

    A large scale milsim scenario

    Lexx has the best advice. Start small. Take one simple idea and see if you can make a compelling working mission. Its quite difficult actually. It takes me 4 to 6 months to make a mission I consider good enough to release (I'm sure others work faster than that, but it still ain't easy).
  11. johnnyboy

    AI death win

    @JohnKalo's advice is good. It is a problem going all the way back to OFP known as the "last loon" problem, where player can't end mission because he can't find some stupid AI that is stuck under a building or a rock. I use a <=3 condition for this.
  12. You can enableSimulation false on the UGV/UAVs, then they won't show on map. You can create a trigger that when player is near UGV/UAV you re-enable simulation to make them usable again. This assumes you are looking for static UGV/UAV, not an active moving one.
  13. Ahhhh, multiplayer. Sorry man, but this script is not multiplayer compatible, so that is likely the problem. I have no idea when I will have time to make it MP compliant...maybe never sadly! Interesting. Thanks for the link...I will take a look at it. Very true, and that is the right thing to do. But it will take work, so I don't know when I will have time for this. Thanks for the feedback.
  14. Hi LSV. They should be taking damage. Maybe you have other scripts or mods running? The way the dogs cause damage is I spawn a 9mm bullet to fly from just in front of dogs's head forward. Bullet is deleted if it travels more than a meter (so dog isn't shooting people far away). So I believe it should be working. Having the dogs de-spawn when no players are near is a great idea, but I never got around to that improvement. They work fine if you are a mission designer and place them where it makes sense for the progression of your mission. Then you can spawn and de-spawn them yourself at the proper times using scripting. Thanks for the feedback, and good luck. If you discover any other issues, please report them.
  15. I've seen cut-scenes where camera is moving over a still picture. How is that done? Do you show .jpg or .paa on a billboard and put camera in front of it, and slowly move the camera? Is there a better way?
  16. johnnyboy

    Placing Trees / Bushes / Rocks

    Thanks bro, great link with comprehensive list of p3ds. But shrubs created via createSimpleObject can't be destroyed, and I need them to fall... But I know that link will come in handy in the future though.
  17. The knights who say Nee!!! Right on. I seem to remember a particular bad-ass rabbit in that yarn as well. :)
  18. The only way I know how to create a bush or a tree is to use createSimpleObject like this: tree = createSimpleObject ["a3\vegetation_f_exp\shrub\b_calochlaena_f.p3d", [0,0,0]]; But the simple object cannot be destroyed. Is there a way to create a tree or bush that can be destroyed? I want to see the tree fall when damage == 1.
  19. yeah, scaling the text could definitely be an issue. If its a defined scenario in a specific town you could screenshot a zoomed in map of town, and add in the street names with an image editor. Then add an option to do show street map. Probably not worth it, and impossible for dynamic "any town" scenarios.
  20. johnnyboy

    Placing Trees / Bushes / Rocks

    Note that trees/shrubs placed from Eden Extended Objects are affected by wind so they look good. But they cannot be destroyed. setDamage has no effect on them. In fact if you try to run over a fern with a tank, the tank will get stuck on that object.
  21. johnnyboy

    Max Melee Weapons

    Great stuff Max! Would love to see a Machete added. Would be great for Tanoa cane field workers and jungles. Keep up the great work.
  22. That sounds promising. There's a percent chance that when attacked by a dog, AI drops their weapon, so that is probably what happened to the dude. If he had a secondary weapon, he would have pulled that to fight dog after dropping primary. And dogs randomly choose near humans (and rabbits, chickens, snakes) to attack. So you could have had 1 dog attack you and 3 attack the AI, or 4 attacking the AI and zero attacking you depending on luck. But after killing a human target, dogs look for next near living human to attack, until no near humans left. Once all near humans are dead (I think default distance is 75 or 100 meters...), then they stop attacking, and the pack resumes roaming to random positions (until they sense more near humans to attack).
  23. Do you ever see AI firing on attacking dogs? If not, there may be a problem that I should investigate. Note: Attacking dogs should be near the attacked AI before they before AI starts firing at dogs.
  24. In my sample mission, dog packs attack AI, and AI fights back. I'm buried on a work deadline right now, and can't delve into this for a day or two. Try changing side of AI to see if they attack them.