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Everything posted by johnnyboy

  1. Haha. I was going to name one @froggyluv , but I already have a sheep rustler character with that name in my next mission. :)
  2. JBOY Dog 1.4 is released. When you're ready, you can add AI controlled dogs to your spawned camps and spawned patrols. They will follow the AI on waypoints, and when detecting enemies they stop, growl, look in enemy direction. AI handler then commands dog(s) to attack and moves toward detected position. If enemies killed, AI resumes waypoints, and dogs resume following handlers. You can give an AI handler more than one dog if you want.
  3. Version 1.4 of JBOY Dog released! The video features AI patrols with dogs that detect, warn and attack enemies. Change Log: Added saveLoad eventhandler to init.sqf so menu restored when player loads from saved game Added red paw icon to display on dog when SITREP command issued. Allow naming dog if default Boomer dog is not used Added some advanced hints (you will need to include the .hpp in your description.ext as shown in example mission description.ext). Improved AI control of dogs. Dogs follow AI in Heel mode through waypoints. When dogs detect enemies, the AI Handlers goes into combat mode and commands dog to attack. After all known enemeies killed, AI Handler resumes following waypoints and commands dog back into Heel mode. This is great for sentries walking a base perimeter for example. Better following of handler when in Heel mode Tons of small bug fixes and small improvements I can't remember. Support JBOY Dog by subscribing, commenting, and rating this JBOY Dog Mission: Last Tango in Tanoa 2: Razing Cane.
  4. I decided to make these changes and release new version of JBoy Dog that includes this change and all incremental changes I've made since last update. Should be done tomorrow. Working on it now.
  5. If there's lots of dogs in the pack, and you are trapped on top of shack, timer might still be useful. Also, not all players know you can outrun dogs, and if you are carrying a heavy pack, maybe you can't outrun dogs. It would be possible to setVelocityModelSpace dogs faster I guess, but might cause weird physics issues, and might look weird.
  6. @Vandeanson if you want to control dogs via script, all the commands that are available to a player handler are available to a scripter (sort of an API). For example, in the opening scene of Last Tango in Tanoa 2: Razing Cane, the dog is in the back of the truck and the player is interacting with AI. Later an AI attacks player, and I script the dog acting on his own to defend player without player commanding the dog via dog menu. This is how its done: dog1 setVariable ["vSilentCommand",true,true]; // Controls whether says the command out load. When false it looks like dog does action on his own. dog1 setVariable ["vCommand", 'getout', true]; // Dog exits vehicle sleep 2; dog1 setVariable ["vTarget", someDude, true]; // give dog a target ai object dog1 setVariable ["vCommand", 'attack', true]; // command dog to attack sleep 2; dog1 setVariable ["vSilentCommand",false,true]; // turn on voice command You can use logic similar to the above for an AI dog handler to command his dog to attack an enemy that it has sensed. Spawn a loop on the dog that looks for this variable: dog1 getVariable "vTarget"; // if not objNull, then dog has sensed an enemy, or handler has ordered dog to detain or attack this obj That variable is = objNull if no enemy sensed. If dog sensed an enemy that variable is set to the object (AI or player) that the dog detected. Once it changes to a real unit, you can have the Handler issue an attack command via code posted above (probably without setting vSilent as you want to hear the command issued). You could do this with your own code executing, or you can modify this script to do the above. I would only auto-command dog to attack if the handler <> player. JBOY_DogEnemyDetectionLoop.sqf If you take it on, I'll incorporate it in official JBOY_Dog version and credit you of course. Good luck man. Edit: Here is the variable that controls how close an enemy must be for the dog to detect it. _dog setVariable ["vEnemyDetectDistance", 70, true]; // Distance at which dog can detect an ememy The default is 70 when dog is created. I set up trigger areas in my missions to reduce this distance when in jungles or cane fields. You might want to do something similar if camp is created in a forest or jungle (I reduced to 45 in jungle).
  7. All doable. Send the closest chicken friendly dude in AWARE or COMBAT mode to startle position. Guard dogs are possible, but require work to get there. Pack logic could be changed to be side specific, so you can have a pack at a camp or farm that ignore designated friendlies and attack enemies. Currently, you can give a dog an AI handler, and patrol a perimeter via waypoints (dog would be in Heel mode). Dog will stop and growl when it detects enemies. But what is needed then is for AI handler to issue attack order and go into Combat Mode, and face direction of dog detected enemy (that behavior is not yet coded). I appreciate your interest and enthusiasm in these scripts. I don't think I have time for these enhancements right now myself. Thanks man I appreciate it. Consider subscribing and upvoting the mission on Steam to support JBOY Dog. I'm improving the dog slowly as I find new uses for him in my missions.
  8. Take a few minutes to give my new mission a try and see it in action. After a few minutes opening scene, you will then be at a farm in a shooting contest with AI character El Cojon. You will see how the chickens take off when a dog or person gets too near, hear the wing flutter, and see how much fun it is to shoot them on the wing (poof effect and all). Another good use for these chickens in your case might be to find good bush cover position (thru some algorithm) near a camp, and stick a solitary chicken or two in the bush. When player approaches using cover and comes near, chicken flies and startles player. I think I need to modify this script to look for AI that are near chickens (and therefore "chicken friendly") when the script starts and assign that array of chicken friends to a chicken specific variable. Then modify the code where chicken is startled and flies to identify who it was that startled the chicken. The chicken friendly units should then all look in direction of chicken if close enough to hear the flutter. This would increase chance of AI detecting enemy based on chicken alarm.
  9. All great ideas man. You will be busy for many moons!
  10. I'll add a check to exit script if unit has no light attached to their weapon. But I don't think it throws an error, or I would have noticed it in my Property of Mabunga mission where all pirates are running this script. isFlashlightOn
  11. Wow man, this has really grown. Impressive. Suggestion: Why not include JBOY chickens at Bandit camps? Bandits gotta eat right? Thanks to @Persian MO the chicken script is MP compatible. They add a little life/immersion, and can also can act as alarms (i.e., chickens fly whenever ai or player gets too close to them, and you hear the flutter noise). And JBOY dog packs attack chickens (I think anyway...I may need to verify that). Other ideas for immersion is fish, rabbits, chickens cooking on campfires, and patrol chatter. AI using outhouses (moveTo, open door, play some passenger sit animation and attachTo). This is all probably a low priority for you, so no problem if you don't get to it. Great job on all this dude!
  12. I like it. Good idea. BTW, its a shame the run speed of dog is slower than mans though. setAnimCoeff doesn't work on animals, so can't make them faster that way. Edit: Another idea for ending the chase would be a time out. I remember seeing in @Vandeanson's bandit camp video he climbed up onto the roof of a shack and the dogs all circled around below him (which is great), but maybe they should get bored after 5 minutes or so and leave. Just a guess, but perhaps multiple command loops are running for a dog (server + n clients), so each dog is getting multiple animations executed without time for their path AI (which is BIS code) to turn them? Thanks for taking this on dude!
  13. Gracias Corporal Libre! I'm not even sure it how it will end yet...I have several ideas. That guy went to see Dr. Sanjay for an in-grown toe nail... Dammit, I might have to edit it to slip that joke in...
  14. johnnyboy

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hi RHS team. I love your mod and want to thank you for all the hard work. I especially like the pump shotguns. Are there plans to add reload sound FX for the shotguns? In a mission I just released (Last Tango in Tanoa 2: Razing Cane), your shotguns are used to hunt flying birds (works great...just like shooting pheasants). I also scripted destroying small bushes, sugar cane, and thin palm trees when they are hit with buckshot at close range. This makes CQB with shotguns in dense jungle or cane fields really fun. Thanks again for the pump shotguns!
  15. JBOY Turbo Chicken is featured in my new mission Last Tango in Tanoa 2: Razing Cane. The mission has a bird shooting contest (using shotguns loaded with buckshot) between the player and AI character El Cojon. It works quite well...just like shooting pheasants. The farther away the birds are, the further you have to lead them when shooting. The contest is legit, as Hit Eventhandlers are running on the birds, so when hit the mission knows who the shooter was, and increments the score of the shooter properly. You see a little example of the bird shooting in this teaser video for the mission. Try it out. Its pretty fun to shoot birds on the wing! Mission Steam link here.
  16. (SP) Last Tango in Tanoa - Episode 1: Missing Person RELEASED April 8, 2018 Rated 5 stars on Steam Mission Overview: You are an expat American, now working as a cop on Tanoa. You and your trusty K9 buddy Boomer will investigate a Missing Person report. Your father is the famous El Cojon. Background: Tanoa has been a peaceful paradise for many years, but Tanoans are tired of serving the MU (Madagascar Union), and Tanoans are now seeking indepedence from socialist Madagascar. They will vote on TEXIT (Tanoan Exit) next week. Madagascar has imposed high taxes, land confiscations, and has allowed too much immigration from Africa (mostly Somalia). Crime and tension between the communties is growing. Features: JBOY Dog - Your dog companion will help you track fugitives and detect enemies. Fully voiced Linear story line Johnnyboy-style humor (not for everyone!) El Cojon returns (an infamous Sahranian resistance leader featured in Last Tango in Bagango) . He only has a small part in Episode 1, but plays a much larger role in the coming missions. A character named Booger (always a good indicator of well-crafted mature story telling) Requires ARMA Apex, but no Mods required Download Steam link Download zip file and copy to your Missions directory Please rate and comment on Steam! Thank you. When posting to the forums hide spoilers please!!! More Episodes coming: Episode 2: Stakeout (stake-out, heist, chase, shoot-out) Episode 3: Rustlers (track rare animal thieves, and use "less lethal" weapon donated to the police by El Cojon). Episode 4: Blood in the Water Episode 4: Doom Stone (El Cojon seeks revenge) Episode 5: Boomer vs. Godzilla Credits: @Zenophon for his awesome Infantry Occupy House script. @POLPOX for his revive script @HallyG for help with blood effects @AZCoder for some versatile voice acting @zagor64bz for his constant enthusiasm and testing JBOY Dog @AZCoder and @zagor64bz for Beta Testing And I have to thank the usual rock stars for tons of help on the Forum: @Larrow @Grumpy Old Man @pierremgi And all those who helped with JBOY Dog that are credited on that thread And anybody I forgot! Videos introducing the character El Cojon when he was a resistance fighter on Sahrani:
  17. Hey guys, I'm stoked! This Episode 1 just made 5 stars on Steam! It took 8 months to get there (5 months too late to win my steak dinner bet...haha). If you are curious, I think the threshold for 5 stars is 170 ratings where 98% or better are positive. This mission currently has 167 positive ratings, and 4 negative.
  18. Thanks for the kind words Pierre! Don't forget to rate and comment on steam dude! Thanks!
  19. You're killing me dude. I now have no regrets for what I perpetrated upon you in this mission. Funny you should mention sheep cuz I gots plans...
  20. Just created a promo teaser video. In it you can see snippets of the following scripts in action: Surgar Cane Cutter script (using an axe, will replace with a machete if I can find a good machete object) Plant destruction script. Shotguns will destroy some plants when shot at close range (ferns, bushes, sugar cane, small palm trees) AI Melee Attack script. This is a blend of @phronk's awesome melee script and my scripting to get AI to attack players. I will work on releasing the scripts over the next few weeks.
  21. I just released Last Tango in Tanoa: Episode 2 Razing Cane featuring JBOY Dog. The latest JBOY Dog scripts are in this mission. There have been many small improvements since the last release of JBOY Dog. So if you are using JBOY Dog scripts, you may want to unPBO this mission and take the JBOY_Dog folder from it, and replace the JBOY_Dog folder in any mission where you are using the script. I know I need to release a new version of JBOY_Dog with all the new stuff in it, but I don't know when that will happen. And try my new mission and rate it on Steam to show your support for JBOY_Dog! Thanks.
  22. Episode 2 Razing Cane is released! Get it here.
  23. This mission is Released and now available on Steam!!! See top post. I credited these folks in top post, but am doing it again here in case they aren't notified when mentioned via editing a post. Credits: I want to thank the following people: @XerXesCZ for thorough/professional beta testing @AZCoder for excellent beta testing and designer moral support @POLPOX for his revive script @phronk for excellent Melee script @M1ke_SK for super cool Leak script @soolie for excellent dog menu dialog @Greenfist for PPEffects utility (a real time saver!) RHS team for their awesome shotguns And I have to thank the usual rock stars for tons of help on the BI Forum: @Larrow @GrumpyOldMan @pierremgi And all those who helped with JBOY Dog that are credited on Jboy Dog Thread And anybody I forgot! And last, but not least, Mrs. JohnnyBoy for voice acting in the Arma 1 Last Tango in Bagango flashback! She delivered that important dramatic line so exquisitely!
  24. @pioneer (and team) thank you very much for all your hard work to bring back this OFP masterpiece. This is fantastic.
  25. johnnyboy

    GF Fog Script - Mod

    Thanks George! How about a short video so us lazy guys can visualize your creation?