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Everything posted by bigpickle

  1. bigpickle

    Will 3D Scopes Be Corrected

    Nah thats a fudge around and would resemble what TMR does but blurring outside scope. There already is : "INTERNAL" is when your in normal first person view "GUNNER" is when your in scope view You'd have to isolate it to the player and when not in vehicle weapon as well as it could get funky. Plus if it were possible it would be better to not have a blur that was heavy outside of the scope, just enough to represent not being in primary focus. I presume that PIP allows a custom magnification so it would be accurate to the magnification of the scope......damn i wish i could code.
  2. bigpickle

    Will 3D Scopes Be Corrected

    Whilst TMR looks good, it still has the outer peripheral views zoomed in too. I don't understand why a realistic version has never been make by BIS. Got all excited until i realized its mission based as opposed to addon :(
  3. Thanks for the work around tip :) this issue has been bugging me for ages. I really hope BIS get fixing that big ole list of problems.
  4. Thanks very much Dwarden, will pass the info on to our server admins. We already run with -nologs of that I'm sure but the battleye stuff will be of use.
  5. Hi, Big problems on latest patch. not sure where to begin so I'll bullet point what is happening on my client (confirmed with multiple clients): Gravity appears to be more like the moon, when driving vehicle over hill crests vehicle will take off and fly a straight line gradually sinking downwards (not always reproducible). Vehicles and players/ai are able to clip and get stuck in objects like buildings and rocks. Controls feel like they have some form of lag or delay especially mouse clicks. FPS has plummeted on clients (and servers from what Ive been told too). 1 to 2 second freezes occur when the Little-bird fires it machine guns. Micro stutters and fps drops when weapons are fired on full auto. BE appears to be doing kicks on mass, 20s clients happened in one go more than once Nothing has changed about my rig and as far as I'm aware neither the mission i was on. Anything else I find I will post here.
  6. bigpickle

    British Military Beret Mod

    I would love to see RAF beret too being an ex rock.
  7. SpeedOfSound has been nearly a 2 and a half year project culminating in a release for ArmA 3, many hours of work have gone into creating & heavily resampling the audio within the mod. My Aim with Speed Of Sound is a full conversion sound mod, this make take some time but what I had achieved so far is more than ample to play with, but please understand its still not complete yet. SpeedOfSound is fully modular so if you don't like certain effects, create a STORE folder outside of Addons, then look for and move the unwanted pbo & bisign and place into the store folder and they wont run. REQUIREMENTS *Delete Old Mod folder* For your own benefit I would recommend renaming mod folder to @SpeedOfSoundRC1 because I'm a forgetful tit. CBA is needed for this mod Note: Original samples are either in the public domain or created by myself and all rights are held with the respective owners. *Thanks to all GITS and our friends who contributed with testing,scripting & critiquing thus far, a special mention for Foxy.* All credit To BIS for allowing modding on the ArmA series. SpeedOfSound mod is for personal entertainment purposes only, and please apply mutual respect and contact me at BIS forums by PM if you wish to use any of the audio samples contained within SpeedOfSound for your own mods. This mod will not and should not be posted into SteamWorkshop. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23078 SOS Key http://www.mediafire.com/download/5vw8g8zib4x4rsq/SpeedofSound+Key.rar Changelog General 90% of placeholders replaced with better quality audio samples Lots of balancing and de-clipping Selector switch samples in ready for main branch update Removed the BIS Breathing samples Changed mod folder name A good comprimise between version 1 & 2 for reverb (back to single mod version now) Too much to remember sorry ... Core Added Rotorwash sounds Added lots of new distant sounds New samples for listening to shooters inside buildings when your outside and further away Thanks to all GITS and our friends who contributed with testing,scripting & critiquing thus far, a special mention for Foxy. All credit To BIS for allowing modding on the ArmA series. Many thanks to my coder once again for his tireless efforts. Many thanks to EUTW for extensive testing and suggestions and advice. Search for EUTW & TeeTimes in server browser to find their servers, they are the best out there by far! Many thanks to Armaholic and Foxhound for hosting my mod. And finally not forgetting the community members who enjoy my mod, hope this is this proves to be the update you've all been waiting for.
  8. Hey, Where can i find the latest All In One config? Google not helping me today :(
  9. I was on a server last night and the MP time was 6pm there about. I have to say it looked bloody stunning save for one thing, the actual sun. Its like a super nova in the sky, too much glare and so much so that we now have permanent "god rays" 24/7 off most objects. Surely the effect is best balanced in small doses so as not to over-kill the feature?
  10. bigpickle

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    This is at code level, you most likely will not notice much/if any difference if nothing else is changed bar only being used to clean up source sample reverberation. The difference will be if any extra script or engine commands come from this implementation allowing more in depth audio ie assigning reverberation/decay/echo to samples when the player is on specific surface labeled areas on the map ie like a forest or urban area. Also they are only investigating into it a present, believe me I'm excited and hoping for what I have just suggested but its not time to start throwing babies up in the air just yet.
  11. Sounds interesting DNA, thanks for the reply, I'm hoping its got something to do with adding sound occlusion to the game. Also could you take a look at the bug in my signature, its been a long time there in the tracker. Keep up the good work!
  12. Client FPS appears to be up especially with latest Nvidia Beta Driver, but server FPS appears to be down quite a lot.
  13. bigpickle

    Speed Of Sound

    not dead just taking a break
  14. Is there a way to detect bullets near players and differentiate between bullets and other munitions using CBA's XEH's?
  15. Was this this feature we discussed earlier? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?152866-General-Discussion-%28dev-branch%29&p=2642011&viewfull=1#post2642011 Is it fixed? because at the time of our last discussion it didn't work at all *EDIT* Just tested it I set the loop areas from 0 - 6000 samples and used a test sound (my voice) say the number of the sample. I had six samples in total each containing a shot sfx in the loop area (0 - 6000) and the test sound after which would be the bit that never loops, this is how you explained it to me previously. I said it was broken then, I was ignored, its still broken now only its now broken in "Stable" branch as well. http://youtu.be/5Kz-vobLARQ What is going on behind the scenes when we get features added to the game already broken? Does no one know they are broken? Is the information I received wrong about how to utilize these features? Along with outright foolhardy ideas like no control surfaces movement when engines are turned off. Didn't anyone say "hang on minute, doing this is not only the opposite of what we should be doing, but it also removes features previously added to the game engine years ago in such as gliding and auto rotation" I'm sorry if this seems rude that's far from my intention by any means, but I just had to say these things, especially as you have a loyal, knowledgeable community that far surpasses most if not all of the gaming communities out there.
  16. bigpickle

    Soldier protection (dev branch)

    +1 been saying this for ages too, there needs to be animations blending into and out of ragdoll. Personally I was so hyped for ragdoll in arma3 but the implementation is disappointing.
  17. yeah its a no brainer that the cessation of flight controls when engine is off is without question one of those "shake your head" ideas. Also physX is involved in the flight model this video proves it :p
  18. bigpickle

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Thanks for the update OS, I'll test tomorrow but im sure it will be great like always.
  19. physX is barely integrated into arma 3 past a basic level, that much is obvious when you shoot an npc or player
  20. As per my last post it seems grenade launchers are to be inlcuded, I cannot patch them to have multiple firing sounds and they revert back to stock. As far as I can tell im patching the right way. class UGL_F: GrenadeLauncher { displayName = "EGLM"; magazines[] = {"1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell","UGL_FlareWhite_F","UGL_FlareGreen_F","UGL_FlareRed_F","UGL_FlareYellow_F","UGL_FlareCIR_F","1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_SmokeRed_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_SmokeYellow_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_SmokePurple_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_SmokeBlue_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell"}; sound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Weapons\grenades\ugl_shot_4",1.12202,1,200}; reloadMagazineSound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Weapons\grenades\ugl_reload",0.501187,1,20}; drySound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Weapons\other\sfx5",1,1,30}; magazineReloadTime = 0; reloadTime = 0.1; optics = 1; modelOptics = "-"; cameraDir = "UGL look"; memoryPointCamera = "UGL eye"; opticsZoomMin = 0.375; opticsZoomMax = 1.1; opticsZoomInit = 0.75; weaponInfoType = "RscWeaponZeroing"; };
  21. class launch_NLAW_F : Launcher_Base_F { scope = public; displayName = "$STR_A3_CfgWeapons_launch_NLAW0"; model = "\A3\weapons_F\launchers\nlaw\nlaw_F.p3d"; picture = "\A3\weapons_f\launchers\nlaw\data\UI\gear_nlaw_ca.paa"; handAnim[] = {"OFP2_ManSkeleton", "\A3\Weapons_F\Launchers\NLAW\Data\Anim\NLAW.rtm"}; reloadAction = "ReloadRPG"; sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Launcher\nlaw_final_1", db6, 1, 1000}; drySound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\other\dry6", 0.177828, 1, 15}; reloadMagazineSound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\rockets\titan_reload_final", 0.354813, 1, 20}; soundFly[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\rockets\rocket_fly_1", 0.562341, 1.5, 700}; weaponSoundEffect = "DefaultRifle"; changeFiremodeSound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\firemode_changer_1", 0.562341, 1, 20}; Option to have multiple launch sounds appears to be removed, the sound will phase like crazy. When trying to add multiple sounds like in any other config it reverts to stock. This is the same for the RPG and Titans too. And one final question if I may, When is environmental sound occlusion coming to Arma3?
  22. You aint got time to be insulted, important bouncing to do :D
  23. *Not a deliberate double post admins, I just realized I'd posted in the wrong sub-forum before. Sry I'm trying to cfg patch the sound environments for maps but I'm having problems with my sound effects samples being cut short e.g MeadowNight1, they sound like they are faded out really fast halfway through being played. The main sample is fine that plays fully without issue. Do random samples have a sample length limit? E.g of my code: class MeadowsNight { sound[] = {"EasternEnvironments\Eastern\MeadowNight",1,1}; volume = "(1-forest)*(1-houses)*night*(1-sea)"; randSamp1[] = {"\EasternEnvironments\Eastern\Samples\MeadowNight\M eadowNight1",5,1,250,0.15,8,15,20}; randSamp2[] = {"\EasternEnvironments\Eastern\Samples\MeadowNight\M eadowNight2",5,1,300,0.15,8,15,200}; randSamp3[] = {"\EasternEnvironments\Eastern\Samples\MeadowNight\M eadowNight3",5,1,25,0.15,15,30,40}; randSamp4[] = {"\EasternEnvironments\Eastern\Samples\MeadowNight\M eadowNight4",5,1,450,0.15,15,30,40}; randSamp5[] = {"\EasternEnvironments\Eastern\Samples\MeadowNight\M eadowNight5",5,1,50,0.1,8,15,20}; random[] = {"randSamp1","randSamp2","randSamp3","randSamp4","randSamp5"}; }; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4eKpQHnr84&feature=youtu.be I read this : RandSamp[] = {"SampleName",VOLUME, PITCH, DISTANCE, PROBABILLITY, Min DELAY, Mid DELAY, Max DELAY} I cant find an explanation what the Min/Mid/Max bit do so I'm not sure what would be fading my sound effect samples so abruptly before they are finished. Any ideas?