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avibird 1

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Posts posted by avibird 1

  1. Wow I wouldn't even know how to incorporate all six into the simple code I have above. 


    So far my workaround put in a fuel pump inside an object. The trick is it needs to be sticking out enough to be destroyed but not too much that it looks stupid within the mission design. 


    I will keep on looking for a simple solution to add fire once a object is destroyed for a short period.

  2. NAME:
    Gas Station (Fuel, Pump)



    KIND OF:

    SIZE (Width, Length, Height):




    8 - TypeVehicle - Some entity added by game






    I am still looking for the fuel station class name for the explosion that occurs when this fuel pump is destroyed. 




  3. Hello need some help finding the correct code snippet to make this work. 


    In prop's init field:

     this addEventHandler ["Killed", { params ["_unit"]; "Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle (getPos _unit);  }];


    This works but I would like to have the explosion with fire that you get from a fuel pump.


    I would like to switch   "Bo_GBU12_LGB" to a fuel pump explosion like the ones we have with the gas stations.  




  4. @Gunter Severloh hi I'm glad you're healthy situation is better brother.  Question for you I'm always looking for more and updated patrol scripts. like UPmons UpS Gaia ect most of these scripts are semi broken you the fact I have not been updated in a while. 

    Does this script allow for editor place groups to use it can I use a different methods of respawning and only used the patrol script portion. Is there a way to set up a trigger to stop the respawns of groups. 

    • Thanks 1

  5. Hi.

    First UPS has not been updated in a very long time and has a lot of bugs. I find it only useful for vehicles now. Infantry groups don't really work as intended. 




    MGI advanced modules




    Are my two respawn go to methods. I just started using MGI it has some other functions that jebus  does not have and vice versa. Both methods work well together in the same mission.  Both can use editor placed groups. Both can be set up to stop respawning through several methods of triggers are you killing the unit destroying an object for reaching a location.  You should look into those two methods.

    • Like 1

  6. Hi this is my two cents on this concept. I don't like to play with respawns for playable units. I agree when you play with respawns in a co-op mission players will become sloppy for sure.  My solution. I have modified 




    I call this modification last Man standing. All playable units will never die only go unconscious and the mission will end if all playable units are unconscious at the same time. Team switch is enabled.  This ensures that players will try to keep alive all playable units due to unique layouts of each unit.  This makes all playable units necessary to complete mission. This is not recommended for open missions join in progress co-op missions because of team switch. You can always disable team switch if you like but I usually play solo or only with a few friends. I am not into the whole open join in games. Avibird 

    • Like 3

  7. @R0adki11 SMH I am not a rookie on this forum. I posted that comment back in February over three and a half months ago and you responded now with that BS.  Like I said I would have reached out to the author of The mod if he was available but he's not. I was using part of his mod in an alien factions that I have been working on.  My whole point was to try to see if anybody had any information why he deleted it or how I can contact him. I don't see anything wrong what I did. I did not want to make a new thread on the topic which I thought would be redundant. So I sit here and wonder while you're busting my balls over this that I posted over three and a half months ago. Avibird 

    • Sad 1

  8. If you are going to have AI vehicle patrol your AO I suggest you get a mod called liability insurance. Your automatically flip over any vehicle that flips with AI and if a vehicle runs over units walking around the patrol area it will not kill them it would only knock them down and stun them for a bit before they can get back up. This is a must have for me in any mission design that has patrols. 


    Getting stuck well you need to look in the areas that it gets stuck and why. A simple fix is to remove that item that it's getting stuck on it trees rocks walls ect from the hide terrain module in the editor.

    • Like 1

  9. I have this code snippet in initPlayerLocal.sqf

    addMissionEventHandler ["EachFrame",{if (getOxygenRemaining foreach player < 0.1) then { player setOxygenRemaining 0.1}}];

    this prevents players from dying under water when swimming or incapacitated. 



    I attempted to add this code to initserver.sqf

    addMissionEventHandler ["EachFrame",{if (getOxygenRemaining foreach allunits < 0.1) then {foreach allunits setOxygenRemaining 0.1}}];

    to prevent the stupid AI from killing themself when swimming under water SMH. 

  10. @pierremgi after test playing with your MGI modules especially AI can spawn. First love your scripts and I appreciate all your hard work you put forth for this community. I know you said you're not really scripting that much for arma3 but if you ever have the time or the desire to relook at this mod in particular here are some suggestions on my wishlist ☺️ 


    1. I know we talk about this but having the voice carryover like you did with the face models would be big increase in game immersion for sure. I am using your module for multiple alien factions that I'm working on and after respawn hear my Borg units call out in a regular English voice is a bit of a let down as well some reptilian alien factions. 


    2. The inability to have the group leader unit init box not carryover after respawn break so mission design for example. If I have a patrol script like UPmons UPS Gaia or a dostop  disablepath commands or prevent other AI mod like vcon AI to run on a group.  it will only work with the initial group and not after respawn.


    3. It's awesome how you can use the modules with your setup parameters independently for blufor opfor ind and civilians but the inability to set individual groups respawn time limits mission design. All opfor group will respawn at the same intervals setup in the module. 


    4. The is no setup to hold the respawn based on distance. It would be nice to have a way to setup a distance radius that if a player is within the respawn holds until the player or enemy side is not inside the radius. 



    By no way is this criticism of your awesome mod  but just some suggestions if you ever had the desire to work on this mod again. Avibird 


    • Like 1

  11. Hello jebus user or perhaps dreadpirate himself.

    I'm trying to get editor custom voice and face models to carry over on respawns using jebus. Init function option. 


    This is a code that spawns in A group

    0= [this,"DELAY=",300,"PAUSE=",50,"EXIT=", myExitTrigger1] spawn jebus_fnc_main;


     This is a code that spawns in A group with code i init function 

    0= [this,"DELAY=",300,"PAUSE=",50,"EXIT=", myExitTrigger1,"INIT=",  "(group _ProxyThis) setVariable ['Vcm_Disable',true]"] spawn jebus_ fnc_main; 

    This is a code that spawns in A group with  two other code lines merged                              


    0 = [this,"DELAY=",300,"PAUSE=",100,"EXIT=", myExitTrigger1,"INIT=", "{dostop _x} forEach (units _ProxyThis);(group _ProxyThis) setVariable ['Vcm_Disable', true]"] spawn jebus_fnc_main; 



    I am trying to add this to code to one of the above codes that works.

    addMissionEventHandler ["entityRespawned",{ params ["_new","_old"]; if (_new isKindOf "CAManBase") then {  [_new,face _old] remoteExec ["setFace"];[_new,speaker _old] remoteExec ["setSpeaker"]; } }]; 


    Can"t get the right setup getting errors with ] } ect to see if it will work. Can somebody just get the codes merged so i can see if it will work.  Avibird.       

  12. Still need some help. This how I spawn in AI units using editor placed units.  This is JEBUS spawn system. 


    This is a code that spawns in A group

    0= [this,"DELAY=",300,"PAUSE=",50,"EXIT=", myExitTrigger1] spawn jebus_fnc_main;


     This is a code that spawns in A group with code in its init

    0= [this,"DELAY=",300,"PAUSE=",50,"EXIT=", myExitTrigger1,"INIT=",  "(group _ProxyThis) setVariable ['Vcm_Disable',true]"] spawn jebus_ fnc_main; 

    This is a code that spawns in A group with  two other code lines merged                              


    0 = [this,"DELAY=",300,"PAUSE=",100,"EXIT=", myExitTrigger1,"INIT=", "{dostop _x} forEach (units _ProxyThis);(group _ProxyThis) setVariable ['Vcm_Disable', true]"] spawn jebus_fnc_main; 

    I am trying to add this to code to one of the above codes that works.


    addMissionEventHandler ["entityRespawned",{ params ["_new","_old"]; if (_new isKindOf "CAManBase") then {  [_new,face _old] remoteExec ["setFace"];[_new,speaker _old] remoteExec ["setSpeaker"]; } }]; Can"t get the right setup getting errors with ] } ect to see if it will work. Can somebody just get the codes merged so i can see if it will work.  Avibird.       








