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Everything posted by wipman

  1. wipman

    Improved and simplified Mission Editor?

    Hi, for me a good 3D editor will be an improvement, to be able to place AI units inside buildings with accuracy on balconys, rooms or corridors; linked between 'em or not, to have something specific for the coverage of a building, like for example a sniper shooting by a door from inside the middle of a room, while his spotter sing the targets for him/her closer to a window, another one (a grenadier i.e.) covers the back window and other two cover the room's door, one from inside and other from outside it. With waypoints and orders GR style while indoors or arround their perimeter... and other waypoints/orders system for the open field combat. Be able to see through the roofs and ceilings of a building when you gonna place a unit inside, UFO: Enemy Unknown style; but things like be able to write briefings or just data on the notebook aside of objectives from inside the editor, would be a very big improvement, as it'll be to be able to look for external files like objectives pictures. Click on a text line on the notebook, drag the cursor above it, select the text that we want and then.. Right Click to open up a menu with what we could do with that selected text line; like transform it into a link to an objective... an external picture or whatever. A visual 3D armory to choose the gear that we have available for the playable units, with a part for the taken weapons during the SP missions of the campaign, also a section for our combat backpack, where we choose what to carry for the mission, as backup uniform and ammo, a guillie suit or parts of it or parts of armor... tools that we may need... food and drinks to recover our stamine... . This things will be an improvement of the 3D editor and gear menu IMO. Let's C ya
  2. wipman

    Do you want Laaagdoll Physics in ArmA 3?

    Hi, if the physics would affect for example the smoke, as local wind or wind from a source (plane, chopper, fat shells..) would be really really pimp and that lil' thingy would attract alot of players and possitive feedback, wich means money for BIS. Let's C ya
  3. It annoys me that they leave the important things for the community, they sell the game at the 50% and then the community haves to come and fix or add the things that they could have added in a begining; like the AI improvements, fixed models and many other things, aside of scripts and "Missions Editor for Fools". It really annoys me
  4. wipman

    Do you want Laaagdoll Physics in ArmA 3?

    I wasn't really aware of that, that would be to me a very big issue.
  5. wipman

    Do you want Laaagdoll Physics in ArmA 3?

    Hi, i think that a realistic Ragdoll system would add alot of inmersion to the game, and that would be possitive because will keep the players base and possibly attract new players too; IMO. Let's C ya
  6. Hi, i would like to see the AI acting as in the GR (on the editor) when they enter or are close to buildings and acting in a different way when they're on an open terrain without human structures arround, just threes, rocks... deeps on the ground etc, but that must be very hard to achive without a big impact on the performance and the proccessor mainly. Let's C ya
  7. - Entry and exit bullet holes depending on the direction that the shot did came from.
  8. wipman

    Foliage cover and drawing distance?

    Hi, on the BF3... the players literally dissapear at some distance, what makes the snipers visible is the attached head light and are the only ones who've a solid distant LOD, but this don't happens on all the maps; so that's not a solution for us. Our islands are bigger, we've more weapons, more vehicles and therefore... more situations that think about than on the BF3; gradual transparent LODs with good enough background textures is what we need for this, IMO. Let's C ya
  9. Hi, the CWR Mod would great if it had USMC units integrated, just an opinion. Let's C ya
  10. Hi, IMO the BF3 have better CQB because there i could enter into a room as part of a four men fire team and be effective, this is something that i've never seen on the ArmA series, it's because the anims and the controls, IMO we've too much and too bad anims in comparison, on the BF3... you have few anims but good ones instead; and that IMO is what makes the BF3 more CQB/Squad Tactics friendly aside of the complexity of the rooms, corridors ands places where the firefights take place. Let's C ya
  11. wipman

    December 2012 status update

    Hi, i'd never played to the Day-Z mod as i don't really have interest into the zombie killers, but... with the A2:OA animations i don't see the logic in play to such thing; the animations on the ArmA should change alot to make it fun, i don't see that change anywhere to make me change my mind about this subject. Let's C ya
  12. wipman

    December 2012 status update

    Hi, i wouldn't worry about the A3 future, sure that it'll come when it's ready; they've their schedule and are following it, or that's what it seems to me. What im worryed about is about the A3 features, like the animations, the interaction options, the controls and menus, the editor and it's usage; if it gonna be for fools or for geniuses with 18h hours x day to work on a MP mission. The campaign and game modes, the performance, the HDR as much as the animations; the HDR on the A2 & OA is a game breaking thing, there're many times of day where you can't do the missions because it don't works and is all that what i would like to know if it gonna change for good, gonna change a bit or don't really gonna change. They've their schedule and hurry 'em up could screw the project, i don't want a screwed up product, we've got EA for that; i want a really good product and that's what i would wish from BIS. Let 'em work. Let's C ya
  13. - Easy placement of units inside buildings or structures on the editor.
  14. wipman

    Foliage cover and drawing distance?

    Hi, i think that as some said before, make the most distant LODs half transparent would help alot on conceal the static units and the ones on the move too; the thing would be to switch to less or just not transparent LODs when looking by an scope or similar things... aside of draw the all the folliage too, not just bushes and threes, all the grass and the tall weeds etc. Make it this way up to the 100m and that happens too inside ground vehicles and not just on foot, but not on air vehicles; i think that could work and wouldn't require alot of resources for the computer, if the AI could ambush us in a working way (with surprise) the thing would be a much much bigger challenge. Let's C ya
  15. wipman

    AI Improvement

    Hi, an improvement that i hope to see... is make the AI choose the right weapon for the right target, no more RPG on infantry unless it be a Thermo Baric Round on an objective inside a hard cover (with a roof), also no more main weapon to handgun swap when they reach the 10m range of a target; they should first eliminate the close visual threats and then swap to the handgun if they "guess" that there could be more threads. I also wish that they follow SRT entry & cleaning tactics inside buildings, with close formations and checking the fire sectors, they should use the grenade launchers againist soft targets like jeep alike vehicles and light armoured APCs, shoot at critical points (each vehicle is different) and be capable of coordinate with other friendly units that could join the party if they're arround; if i see you men going to there... i gonna take my men and go for the other side, using the Tac-Coms when i should, hand signals or voice. On a future conflic, i would spect every faction to have a good air support, recovery vehicles, CAS and Arti support aside Med-Evac and of course reinforcements and Evac; with this you could ambush the AI and retreat leaving a FAC team on the AO and when their recovery vehicles or the reinforcements arrive... then call for your own CAS and Arti to bury those damn dirty AIs on virtual lead and then call back the grunts that'd stopped that contingent. This would be an improvement over the actual AI, IMO; but's very hard to get. Let's C ya
  16. - Be able of throw whatever action to the Actions Menu. When you're on the keybinds, be able to choose whatever action/key and send it or bind it to the Actions Menu, so if you don't have a close or easyer key or keys combo to do it, you could always send that action to the Action Menu; erasing it from the Actions Menu when you should not be able to do it, for example swimming, sprinting, driving or just manning a vehicle... or even on the passenger seat and of course when you're seriously wounded or directly incapacitated.
  17. Hi, on the ArmA i've never used the nades because they're useless, you can't throw 'em by a corner, close behind a wall, control the force that you give to the nade or anything. There should be a way to aim well the throwing, like a calculated trajectory... better (IMO) than a mark for the impact point, or... a combination of the two; also... should be a way (an easyer, fast and intuitive one) of how to throw it cooked or not, rolling by the ground... direct throw like a stone on a riot or a baseball ball... and above objects with the most parabolic fly of all the methods. The direct throw (like on a riot) should be the main option and then from this possition you should be able to choose any of the other options, and then... once you've choose how you gonna throw it... choose with what force you gonna do it; shouldn't be "that hard" of implement in a better way that makes 'em be the usefull resource that the real grenades are. Let's C ya
  18. wipman

    ArmA 3 clan support

    Hi, i'd never joined a klan fore reasons like time and the schedule of the meetings aside of the requirements; but a fella allowed me to use his klan squad.xml and i was never able to make it work online, the arm patch mostly, i didn't used the klan's tag. As player i would like (and sure many others too) to use aside of my own custom face... my own custom arm patch, vehicle ensign and that; maybe there should be a part where place this kind of custom files in an easy way, calling the custom face just 'face.whaterver' and the arm patch the same: 'patch.whatever', storing 'em in the same place where control what custom files you upload to a server and to other players aside of make the use of allowed custom files more accessible to witless people like me and many others, simplifying the use of the whole klan thing aswell the custom files use. Let's C ya
  19. - Bigger user of the Actions Menu. - More actions (that we could not call automatic or intuitive) on the Actions Menu. Things like change the windage of the sights or adjust their range, because 1St you've to guess the target distance and then use (most likely) your right hand to do it; this isn't and intuitive or "automatic" thing, it requires some thinking.
  20. wipman

    Vehicle Quality

    Hi, another thing that would be an improvement on the vehicles, will be smoke launchers, working... smoke launchers; nowadays is very common that jeep alike vehicles like HMMWVs and others have smoke launchers, that hide the vehicle from the NME view and from their laser aimed weapons, is very good for a prudent retreatment on time. Also the fatter vehicles, like APCs/IFVs should have by the time that the game is based on, they should have anti-proyectile defensive systems, other than the Reactive Armour Plates or the SLAT Armour, something for make the laser weapons to impact near the vehicle and not In, the vehicle; and anti-shell/anti-missile stopping systems, that should be a standard or just a common system. That would be vehicle quality too IMO. Let's C ya
  21. Hi, i haven't ever hear a palestinian saying that they regret any terrorist or attack on Israel or a single israelite dead, is pretty clear that booth sides don't want "to be friends..." the israelites with their illegal and irrational settlements and the palestinians getting aid from theological mushlim extremists filofaszist organizations and without erase and forget that line of their constitution saying "the Israel state must be destroyed". Im with the soldiers (conscript soldiers for 3 years) that have to live in a war situation with it's current and future implications and with the civilians that are tired of don't have enough food and freedom. They should forget the religious bullshit and live together as diferent people but neightbours anyway. Let's C ya
  22. wipman

    Vehicle Quality

    Hi, IMO the use of the Underwater element will depend on the end on the missions makers, and there're not too much out there... i think that's much probable that the players gonna be playing like a 80% of the time on the ground, on foot or inside an IFV, APC or car and a 17% inside a chopper; i'll give the Underwater a use of a 3% and that just on the begining and being generous... . To have some more lateral hatches for the driver would be more usefull, will add inmersion and could save lives; and be forced to use the 3Rd person view when driving a vehicle will be a very cheap solution for the driver's awareness problem, aside an inmersion killer. Let's C ya
  23. wipman

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Hi, IMO... the syrian armed groups that are shooting at the syrian armed forces are philo-faszist groups, that use the religion as alibi or excuse to claim for the power; they don't fight for the freedom, they fight for the power, they fight to impose a theological law that redirect the benefits to 'em and those who share the same or close views than 'em. You can't call freedom fighters to a bunch of mofos that throw "supposed" government allyes out buildings roofs to the street, bearded brainwashed suckers that want to keep the women in the house, don't let 'em access to the schools or just choose their clothes; the syrian government is a dirty dictatorship, that's true... but even being a dictatorship... they allow more freedom of choose to their citizens (men and women) than what the so called "rebels" want to let 'em have. IMO they're much worse than the syrian government and they should be smashed. An example of the supporters of this people... in Egypt, the Mushlim Brothers Brotherhood... paid and ruled caravans with nurses to ablate females as young as 12yo and some times less, paying (with money) the familys for "use their services in the name of Alah", to drive the women acording to the "right path of faith"; they also distribute food among certain groups of population with the condition that they must go the fridays to a designated mosq, just the same that the neo-nazi groups (in Greece) do "to win the hearts & minds" of the unstuded population by their stomag, change their perception... it works!. Ain't like this people, ain't like what they think and much less what they do and try to do; and if you ask me... i'll tell you that i want 'em dead. Why...?!, because i love my country, the freedom and i hate 'em, they're the NME and must be killed for the good of the world if there's a declared war. That's my opinion about the sad syrian situation and also applycable to other places of the world. Let's C ya
  24. wipman

    Vehicle Quality

    Hi, for me Vehicle Quality means to have interiors at least for the Driver aswell for the passengers in the APCs case; there're many servers that force the 1St person view and as driver you only have a single hatch to look outside, so you only see what's forward and loose or miss all what you've 'round. I think that some side *hatches will add alot not to the inmersion but to the awareness of the driver in relation to the terrain and possible obstacles on the vehicle's way and also of course in relation to possible targets or threats. As driver you can just look forward from inside, that's not good. Let's C ya *Edit.
  25. wipman

    Terrain Underground complexes?

    Hi, i'd seen many times the AI coming out from enterable houses walls aswell walking through vehicles, on the ArmA2; without mods or units replacements, just the vanilla game and units. I guess that's because some defect on the building model, that it had some hole on some LOD or something. Let's C ya