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Everything posted by petek

  1. See that the ship cannon now has artillary computer rather than direct....... can we not just ever keep both options so players have options? Seems odd that the mortar has more options than the VLS or the Hammer. Also has anything changed regarding identifying empty vehicles? Was messing about in the editor testing the new missiles etc.. and spotters only call out occupied vehicles so cannot be targeted.... Oh ....and thanks for the free Encore stuff..... not here just to moan ;-)
  2. petek

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Apologies for going off topic but this is how I felt about the view distance changes that were implemented before APEX. Making a change that removed the ability of the player to adjust to the performance they personally felt was acceptable by having the ghastly "pop in" for objects over 2 km away...... I always have to play with the "set view distance 2 scripts" or adding it myself. Generally the more control the player easily has about adjusting the game was one of the things I loved about the series......... Having said that I've not stuck with any other game series for 17 years so please don't go changin' BIS ;-)
  3. "Tweaked: AI helicopter gunners are now more prone to use DAGRs and Scalpels (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T128103) " Does anyone know how this works? I did a few "gun runs" as pilot of blackfoot and AI gunner still doesn't select and use guided missiles (loaded with DAGRs and Scalpels) even when the gun is empty - still only when I (as the pilot) switch to the missles and command fire when locked. More mixed results observing same scenario with AI as both pilot and gunner and a seek and destroy waypoint - still seemed to mostly engage with gun but missles do seem to be used..... cheers
  4. Asolutely +1 for the changes to the armoured vehicle crew loadouts! I've always hated the bandolier for these units - I was hoping the vehicle crews would get a re-work in Tanks DLC ..... still hopeful ;-)
  5. petek

    Firing from Vehicles feedback

    I'd love the return of shooting personal weapons from co-pilot seat of Hummingbird etc... I know it was in Dev build at one pint but there were issues? I'd still like the VBS-style ability to use personal weapons even if turned out at manned turret - especailly for grenades or switching to sniper rifles....... cheers
  6. Can anyone confirm the changed to ammo count for vehicles and the calibre changes mentioned in the update? Seems for me the MGs on APCs are still showing as 6.5mm and the ammo count still is 1 ready and 1 reload for MRAPs? cheers
  7. Thanks for the reply wattywatts - liking the DLC overall but always want "mooar" - Static Vorona and SPG-9 would be great if it made it. Would also echo the sentiment that final fixes / textures and NATO Pacific skins I hope are still on the cards at some point.....as well as features that were introduced and removed due to issues...... would love FFV from co-pilot of littlebird to return ..... and whatever did happen to single player Apex???? ;-) Thanks again BIS for keeping me entertained/hopeful/frustrated and appreciative over all these years!
  8. Is the armed prowler broken in Dev? Can't get in to the front MG gunner seat (shows 2 "gunner" positions selectable - did it used to show "commander"?? Also the actual gunner MG wont fire. Can anyone verify please? cheers
  9. Ah - thanks for clearing that up mate - I'd never used the Titan to lock on a designated target...... pity .... sounds like a cool facility I've missed out on!
  10. Hi - Got to be honest - not happy about "Tweaked: Titan laser guidance has been removed" - if this means we can no longer "steer" the missile? How would one use an anti tank missile against a "cold target"? Also Anti Personnel missiles are presumably not used against "hot" targets (unless body heat counts?) I've done some limited testing and seems can still "steer" the missile...... am I mis-understanding something? (don't get me wrong - I want "steering" to stay!!;-)) cheers
  11. Must admit I personally use the titan with IR lock and manually guided - would miss it if changed (as above - engine cold still want to hit armor) Liking the changes - really looking forward to them expanding/refining
  12. the "Fixed: The RCO, MRCO, ARCO and ERCO had an artifact on the lens when the sun was reflected from them " Seems to have broken most of these for the magnified optics..... Seems okay in Arsenal with a few (the black and green hex ARCO for example) but others seem opaque
  13. petek

    Vehicle Interiors - Feedback

    Very nice so far!
  14. Sad times - thanks for all you've contributed Katie and good luck with everything. Take care
  15. Hi From change log " Fixed: The pilots of the WY-55 can now lock ASRAAM missiles " I can't seem to get a lock. Anyone managed this? cheers
  16. Thanks for the feedback guys. Seems to work fine for pilots now. Still seems to be an issue that if you assign guided weapons to the co-pilot (gunner) and save it switches to right door gunner control. BIS is there a fix for this? EDIT - actually this just worked as it should ONCE - now it's back to as above! cheers
  17. All in all enjoying the campaign so far - different take on things - Bravo for something different (and of course the donation to the Red Cross) Does highlight to me 3 existing issues (apologies if a little off topic/or mentioned already:- Pop-in on the small trees on Altis is bloody awful (I swear it wasn't this bad when the game first came out!) For the love of God can we have a different animation for controlling drones??! The "I've lost my keys" schtick is unworthy ;-)) No women!!!;-) Keep up the good work BIS and thanks
  18. petek

    Can't Start Helicopter

    Hi it'll be whichever is now your "collective raise" - left shift in my case
  19. It existed but was removed due to some problems (can't remember specifics...). I also would like it back if possible
  20. Hi dragon01 - thanks for replying. The issue seems to be it reverts to the door gunner from the gunner each time. cheers
  21. Has anyone been able to use the new feature " Added: An icon to the pylons settings to change the owner pilot / gunner of a weapon" with the Hellcat? If assigned to gunner/co-pilot I can't change weapons to ASRAAM or skalpels so copilot can't use them? EDIT - actually seems to change the owner to one of the door gunners rater than gunner each time! Cool feature if functional - DARs back to the pilot as it should be and greater flexibilty. Other issue seems that if you assign DAGR to pilot of Blackfoot as soon as you lock to engage target your gunner will open up with the cannon even if ordered "hold fire" BIS Dev's - any plan to implement some form of aiming assist for the guided weapons for co-pilots without a targeting cam? Thinking of Pawnee and Hellcat especially - lot of guess work involved but glad of the ability. In third person we seem to get the "Diamond" so could that be implemented in 1st person? Cheers
  22. As always Team CUP thank you for all your hard work on this. It is much appreciated! Cheers
  23. Hi - I've recently noticed the above when turning or looking around in both branches. Can only be eliminated by enabling v-sync (something I've never had to rely on in 4 years of Arma3! Anyone else seen similar? Thanks for any feedback/ideas. Was fine up until about 2 weeks ago. cheers