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Everything posted by mamasan8

  1. mamasan8

    Where do you find APDS ammo for the GM6 Lynx please?

    You could use Arsenal, VAS or ASORGS. What you get is an ammobox with every gun, ammotype, gear etc in it, even mods. Arsenal and ASORGS are graphical, meaning you can see your guy with the equipment and change it with dropdown lists. Good for some cases but slower than VAS in every case which is list-based only. I prefer VAS.
  2. mamasan8

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    My biggest gripe with 10-25 FPS gaming (which is ONLY Arma 3 ) is: Mouse movement. It's really jerky. That's a no-no in a SHOOTER. I have never had as big problems aiming at anything in any game. That's why I have basically "downgraded" to Sniper rifles only. I don't HAVE TO be accurate within seconds, I have time to aim (2-3 secs). The other thing that pisses me off to no end is Choppers. The Apache-types. When I send two of those into any combat area with let's say 5 tanks and 30-50 infantry, my FPS tanks to single digits as soon as those choppers start shooting. The stutter, the jerky mouse movement etc, just a bad experience. I have managed to tank the FPS to 3 FPS. All kindsa crap starts happening. Instead time is spent on features that 1% of the playerbase ever even tests. Well done, well done.
  3. Realism point to CS. IRL guns don't have sway either.
  4. Same, been using your mod since release. Thanks for the update.
  5. mamasan8

    New Fatigue system

    About running downhill. A sorta workaround is to run slightly to the side at the same time. So run down the hill at an angle. Same is true for uphill. IIRC OFP had the same "problem".
  6. When it happens for me, theres a couple reasons. 1. Server and client don't have same mods activated. Check launch params. 2. Mission depends on something that either server or client doesn't have enabled (mods). 3. Devbranch, does not work with any of my missions. Stable is fine. 4. A simple re-saving of mission might fix it. If not, check the mission.sqm if there is some mod listed there that shouldn't. Remove it from Addons and Addonsauto, save SQM-file (Ctrl+S), go back to editor, re-save mission, try again. Heres a quirk: I rename my mission everytime I save it. I click Intel and add a number or letter to the end. Because the mission doesn't seem to get saved otherwise. Similar issue has been present since OFP days. If you go Save as and rename it, you will have to move all sqf-files etc to the new folder created in My Docs. I can't be arsed to do that every time. But I do it from time to time to separate diff versions of a mission. So if anything gets screwed, I have backups. That's what I can think of.
  7. mamasan8

    Cyprus Autorun

    I've been doing it since OFP. Swedish 10 crowns has a nice size, fits a key perfectly then stacking some bigger coins on top.
  8. Just wanted to add that the folder you are looking for is in My documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\profilename in arma\missions and the file is called mission.sqm inside the "name of mission"-folder.
  9. mamasan8

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    And what about all those 20-man village raids? We need more of those, GIMME NOW! The ones we have now are too easy. The village bosses don't even have special abilities. And wheres the content for the solo guy? I want to snipe dudes and pick their backpacks clean, I need the gear. The RNG seems totally broken, soldiers always drop the same stuff. Fix it. The current end game is broken, this MMO will never last past 6 months, calling it now.
  10. mamasan8

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Like Lazors (lasers for the common man :P)?
  11. Not enough, you need to add: headlessClients[]={}; or whatever IP your HC has. to ..\Arma 3\TADST\"profilename in TADST"(Default usually)\TADST_config.cfg Then "Launch as is" and write protect (read-only) the config-file for good measure, the headlessClients-part gets deleted otherwise upon server launch. Ignore errors TADST gives you, just continue. If you did it correctly, HC will be able to connect, otherwise it gets kicked.
  12. mamasan8

    Arma 3 Referenced Memory cannot be read

    No point in deleting all allocators. Arma uses TBB4 by default (I think) but you can change the launch parameter to use any memory allocator, even the one that came with Windows. From what I've heard, Win 8 & 10 has a slightly better memory allocator than 7. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Custom_Memory_Allocator "-malloc=system can be used to force using Windows allocator even when allocator dlls are present"
  13. mamasan8

    Arma 3 Referenced Memory cannot be read

    Try new .exe https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/160288-arma-3-stable-server-152-performance-binary-feedback/page-46 Performance-version. If that doesn't help, try different memory allocators, they are in the Dll folder in Arma 3 folder. In the launcher, Parameters, Advanced, Malloc: type in tbb4malloc_bi, for example.
  14. mamasan8

    Enhanced Movement

    I wouldn't mind blur if it wasn't so ...blurry...but if that isn't a possibility, I would love to use just the grainy effect. Yesterday I was sniping targets at 3-400 m distance. I couldn't tell the difference between the asphalt and a soldier lying on the asphalt because of the blur. Until said soldier moved. I have fullscreen NVG mod too. I like it that way. The thing with the blur is that it reminds me of my vision when I have bad migraine headaches, everything is blurry, I can barely see. I did find doors that doesn't open with the interaction key of @EM, I'll have to take pictures later. I play mostly in Kavala and so far I've found 3 doors. Different colors and types.
  15. mamasan8

    Enhanced Movement

    I did remove the PBO but it would be nice to have just the grainy effect. About doors. I'm not so sure anymore, could have just been the distance to the door. I came upon some white doors in one house. First door wouldn't open even tho I was in range for the icon to pop up so I could open it with MM-button. But in that same house, another white door DID open with the keypress. At the moment I'm suspecting the distance to door is very finicky and picky.
  16. mamasan8

    Enhanced Movement

    Couple of issues. NVG blur is too strong, it's like being nearsighted. I can't see the difference between a bush and an enemy at ranges over 30 metres. Only way I knew it was an enemy was because he was shooting at me, bushes don't generally do that. He was standing in front of a white fence so should be clearly visible. Some doors don't seem to open with the interaction key, blue doors in towns IIRC.
  17. mamasan8

    Time to fix armor warfare for AI.

    So true, only that I don't have to destroy the tank, knowing the AI has exited the tank and it's no longer a threat. There also seems to be no check of a tanks or infantries coordinates when it's spawning. You know, tanks flying or exploding at mission start, infantry spawning inside rocks. I have a mission with MP spawn. Couple of times I have spawned inside rocks, same for AI. The spawn point is near some bigger rocks. Collision detection could use some work.
  18. mamasan8

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    There is. Moving into position, being behind some sort of cover. That's the tactical part. Also choosing when to engage and if to engage and over what ranges. That's the shooting part.
  19. mamasan8

    Time to fix armor warfare for AI.

    Maybe the problem has to do partly with radio commands to AI too. When I order AI to go prone, they rarely do. Tanks...AI can't drive in towns, ramming every house they see. On top of that they get stuck at every rock or "barrier". You know those small rock barriers that are good cover for infantry. Tanks just ram over those and then can't get loose. Basicly sitting ducks. It never takes long for something like that to happen so I usually just wait for it to happen, so much easier to kill tanks that way.
  20. mamasan8

    Enemy detects mines?

    I had the same happen except I think it was an official campaign mission. AI armor would stop right before the mines/satchels and then drive around them. It was a while ago tho. But in general, if I bombard a town with Scorcher AT mines, AI armor do get blown up. Even anti-personnel mines are detected by friendly AI but that doesn't prevent them from walking into them. They just report them over radio and then forget the mines are there, it seems.
  21. mamasan8

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    As far as I see, all you are proposing are workarounds when that problem doesn't even initially have to exist. The reason I like mods is that that gives me a possibility to sidestep all the "features" BIS introduces. I like OFP/Arma for the tactical shooting part, not the tactical walking part. After all, it's called a First Person Shooter and not a First Person Walker.
  22. mamasan8

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    I don't like fatigue, be it online or in my own missions. It's the first thing I turn off and it's the biggest reason I leave an MP server. Because the reality is in most cases, I have to run 2km to AO (Invade & Annex). Now, doing that with fatigue turned on means I go from a 5-10 minute jog to something like 30-45 min. Before I even get into any action. Why would any sane person do that? If you want real realism, you would have to wait 2-12+ hours after launching of the game before you even get into the menu. Why? Real world deployment isn't instant. You always have to travel some place. Out of a gameplay view, that restriction is not feasible or fun and does not add anything but frustration. Fatigue is the same, only it has a lesser time constraint as it's side effect. Current fatigue-system (stable-version) flies in the face of realism. If a soldier would get tired after moving 2-300 metres and must have a lie down, every war would be over before the first footsoldier gets to it (slight exaggeration). One of the big problems is that most missions are built on the fact that you CAN jog for eternity and when that no longer is the case, like when the fatigue system was introduced, the missions become tedious because of hours of running, resting, whatever. To get around that, we would have to teleport magically to the AO instead. No one wants that, do they? How many missions, Single- or multiplayer has vehicles at spawn? Certainly not all of them.
  23. mamasan8

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    What I have an issue with regarding vanilla AI besides all thats been mentioned on this page is: They don't enter buildings. Maybe if I'm inside one and start shooting. But AI don't patrol inside houses. Rabbits, snakes, sure, they enter buildings but soldiers? Nah-ah. I like to "play war" in towns. That means that I don't have to care one bit about houses. I know AI won't be there. Unless I use an AI mod that enables AI to use houses. Bottomline: It's not realistic and having buildings we can enter, seems weird that AI wasn't coded to enter them as well. Seems like half an implementation.
  24. mamasan8

    All The Weapons

    Is this mod only meant for the SP campaign? Cause when I use it, I'm pretty sure the mod changes my weapons too, or rather not my weapon but swaps out my ammo, at random times. I play LAN MP missions so Server+Client. The result is I have an assault rifle in my hand but the ammo is for sniper rifles, for example. Yes, my class is marksman but I like to test weapons and switch them all the time.
  25. mamasan8

    Benchmarking Arma with new i5-6600K and 3000mhz DDR4

    I'd like to see benchmarks that are more "realistic" in a sense. Say 5 jets fattacking a town, 3 AAs shooting at them. Thats when I notice my FPS cuts in half, just because they fire so many rounds. At least, that's what I assume it depends on. It would be nice to see what the FPS is without Physx as well. For example Metro: LL sucks on AMD cards with Physx on. I get a third of my normal FPS. 90 FPS -> 30 FPS.