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h -

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Everything posted by h -

  1. h -

    Is this a bug?

    I guess this is a bug, obviously only the devs know how the AI pathfinding works so they may not class it such :P . It has been known to disregard editor placed objects in the past.. The odd thing is though that if you construct a corridor out of these walls some of the AI group will go through the corridor and others will go around it. But not through the walls. So maybe the urban areas have pathfinding params that differ from open areas and if the path calcs take too long in the urban areas it just quits and makes them pass through obstacles?
  2. h -

    Is this a bug?

    At least I can reproduce this behaviour (current dev). Although, it happens anywhere where the non-blocked route would become 'complex' like blocking almost all paths into a small military base even, but if you put those walls on an open field the AI will go around them instead of passing through them.
  3. h -

    EDEN Editor BUGS

    So they have now gone from one extreme to another then... I get that in current dev if using very small ui size.. EDIT: Current stable 1.58 3DEN it's perfect for 1920x1200 ui scale small. Current dev is like ui scale normal or large I guess.
  4. h -

    EDEN Editor BUGS

    This has been reported several times and myriad of dev updates later still no fix :(
  5. h -

    Eden Feature Requests

    +1*100 I hope the management at BIS realizes they should go all guns blazing with this 3D editor.. Everything we have thought of, and what we have not, should be in it :P
  6. Seems I probably ninja-edited the post so check it again :P (_this select 0) select 0 should work I guess. The initial thought was faulty because just assumed it was Arma being picky about brackets which it can sometimes be..
  7. Could be as easy as _unit = (_this select 0); EDIT: It's because hitPart returns a nested array so _this select 0 is infact an array. EDIT2: So you could try _unit = (_this select 0) select 0;
  8. Should be _this instead of this... As in _this select 0
  9. h -

    Line Drawing

    Can only imagine the job interviews to fill the position to code that one..
  10. h -

    Line Drawing

    Came to report this exact thing as well..
  11. h -

    EDEN Editor BUGS

    Yes, has been like that since the beginning. Not sure if intended or not, but seeing that gamelogics have no visual cue about their rotation it might be. It is a bit annoying because I use scripts that work with the orientation of a game logics which means each logic has to be turned by hand again after import, it seems that when you change the rotation of the logic in 3den it still works though so the import process should be tweakable on this regard. Confirmed..
  12. h -

    EDEN Editor BUGS

    Seems to work fine here
  13. Can confirm, if you launch stable once and then go back to dev it's all gone. I even get those welcome screens like I was launching the game for the first time ever.. Gladly using only dev now seems to hold them, not sure if they now get randomly wiped thus forwards..
  14. h -

    EDEN Editor BUGS

    What I was trying to point out was that with vanilla attributes with sliders the function doesn't error out (as in _value is not passed by them) and I find it curious as to why would it happen with your mod when you're using the same exact slider defs as the vanilla ones use (as far as I can tell?). As in why would your attributes pass the _value in the function when BIS attributes don't, that's all. Not trying to 'blame' anyone with anything here, just curious :), these kinds of things bug the hell out of me if can't figure out the reason :P
  15. h -

    EDEN Editor BUGS

    :P It actually somehow kinda is (although I'd say this more of case of undocumented feature within 3den configs), if you debug that function without your mod the only input it gets is what is on the onLoad event (not onAttributeLoad), [control, control]. Debugging with your mod loaded it gets also [control, control, 0] and [control, control, 0.5] both of which cause the scripting error, both of which also are your defaultValues for those slider using attributes. So somehow your defaultValue for those attributes seems to be the culprit.. :huh: The non-TAGged classnames is still a valid point though (because they should be tagged unless the 'laws of modding' have changed in recent times) ;)
  16. h -

    EDEN Editor BUGS

    Yes, something is really oddly wrong with dev + Enhanced, the reason why vehicles blow up for example is that if you open the vehicle entity's attributes you get a scripting error: Error in expression <lnull,[controlnull]]; private _symbol = param [2,"%",[""]]; private _value = par> 7:32:23 Error position: <param [2,"%",[""]]; private _value = par> 7:32:23 Error Type Number, expected String 7:32:23 File A3\3DEN\Functions\fn_initSliderValue.sqf, line 20 and all sliders are set to 1 (100%, full..) which in turn of course sets the 3den Enhanced's advanced damage to 100% across the board destroying the entity on preview (if you press OK instead of cancel when closing the attributes of course).. What's odd about it is that how would Enhanced be causing that.. Unless there's some config class clash due to Revo not using TAGged class names *tsk* *tsk* :P
  17. h -

    EDEN Editor BUGS

    Are you by any chance using Revo's 3den Enhanced?
  18. h -

    Eden Splines

    That is cool stuff. My head hurts even just thinking about the maths involved making that stuff happen :P
  19. Speaking of eventhandlers, would be nice if we'd have onShow for controls/displays, you know, basically onLoad but would always trigger when control is shown (ctrlShow true)
  20. h -

    Eden Feature Requests

    Well that sucks.. Although having the commands 3den only should alleviate many security concerns? But then again not a real coder so..
  21. h -

    Eden Feature Requests

    One thing that could be useful is to add file operation commands to 3DEN editor, something like createFile3DEN, readFile3DEN, [edit]fileExists3DEN[/edit] (maybe even deleteFile3DEN). It would vastly widen the possibilities for modding the editor (to basically limitless), and you did boast how modding friendly the editor is going to be when it was announced and this would actually make that statement more true. :P Limiting this to 3DEN only should erase at least some MP security concerns I guess, and limiting it to only work in current mission root limits possibilities to break things (maybe even limit so that the commands do nothing unless you're working in a saved mission, as in it has been SaveAssed once.) Obviously would write plain text files (but you could of course define the file type yourself, be it .sqf, .whateveriwant), you could also limit it to write strings only (but without any artificial length limits, just the game's own limit, ditto for reading the file) but I'd prefer if it accepted at least some of the main datatypes (string, array, scalar). deleteFile3DEN would only delete files created with the createFile3DEN command, and obviously would not delete files with A3 mission filetypes .ext or .sqm Not everyone of us is a professional coder who can just whip up an extension to do this, although of course you can write a dll to create, read and delete files today with by just googling and reading StackOverflow but it's kinda unfruitful when you do not have one idea what you're doing, or how the hell you could even debug the thing, and why it crashes the game with some *_*_VIOLATION error when you copy/pasted some bit of code from the web and compiles without errors.. [edit]And once you finally get it to work why it some days works and other it doesn't, or why it fails to create a file more times than it succeeds.. Extensions are also blocked by BattleEye, and if one does not realise this it can cause gray hair when you wonder why my dll doesn't get called by callExtension..[/Edit] I doubt I'm the only one who's ideas are constantly trumped by the fact that file operations don't exist, or am I?
  22. Something like this would be neato, so + 1 Another thing that came to mind: insert For inserting into an array or string at given index. Similar to set but wouldn't replace the index, and would also work for strings. _arr = [1, 2, 3, 4] _arr insert [2, "blah"]; //result: [1, 2, "blah", 3, 4] _str = "Hello World"; _str insert [6, "Kitty "]; //result: "Hello Kitty World" Or upgrade set to do this.
  23. Yes they are, that's what eventhandlers do I guess. If your mod is loaded and 3den started config defined onMissionNew should 'fire'.. Misspoke earlier about your problem as I was referring to my own experience with config defined EHs, that sample of your worked fine when 3den was running obviously but not when started as I didn't test the pre-start part of it.. Sorry, been doing way way too much modding today so brain is farting.. :P
  24. It did (and does) for me, didn't fully test it though because was currently running no mods so only tested the systemChat, but EHs can fail silently if there's some small error somewhere, have had to tear out some gray hair because of that.. lol, well, it's not that hard, I mean there's example about it in the Biki I think.. Anyway, Cfg3DEN -> class EventHandlers -> class You -> onMissionNew = "<code>"; Something like (you don't necessarily need to do the code in there like in this sample, just call your function from there or something): class Cfg3DEN { class EventHandlers { class MYTAG { onMissionLoad = "\ if (productversions don't match) then {\ notify error;\ } else {\ all is well;\ };\ "; onMissionNew = "\ if (productversions don't match) then {\ notify error;\ } else {\ all is well;\ };\ "; }; }; };
  25. I don't think onMissionNew is supposed to trigger on loading a mission, that why there's is onMissionLoad. Also, why do this with some pre-start function as you could add the whole EH stuff into your mod config instead?