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h -

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Everything posted by h -

  1. I wasn't beeing 100% serious there obviously, I myself just don't like the feature (it's same with the Karma etc crap that has been around for years on forums).. In balance there should be 'This Sucks' button too :P
  2. Indeed. Would press the 'like' button if I didn't find so absolutely juvenile I just can't bring myself up to do it :P Anyway, this pretty much sums up people nowadays:
  3. No, was logged in... That arrow thing I did notice but didn't pay too much attention to it.. Wee bit cumbersome to get to the last post like that though.
  4. Is there a way to 'go to last unread post' in locked topics such as the Dev Branch changelog topic (which of course from forum coder stand point would be a useless feature I reckon on the note that locked topics don't usually get new posts..)? Because if I click on the topic title it goes to the first post, and there is no blue dot/star to click like the regular topics have..
  5. h -

    New forums, you decide

    Really hate the way the ads are thrown all over the place.. Also do we really need the "Hi. I'm a 12-year-old girl so please press 'Like This' button or I'll kwy" buttons?
  6. h -

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Seems that AI in Stealth mode uses handgrenades to attack enemies(?), pretty non-stealth IMO..
  7. h -

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Ticket: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=24874
  8. Anyone else getting a warning message "Cannot load texture a3\modules_f\data\portraithq_ca.paa." when using the Headquarters Entity module? I think it started happening at my end after yesterday's update
  9. knowsAbout has it's uses when you want to for example trigger events based on generic enemy knowsAbout level about player/player's group (talking about SP here) and such, which I use a lot (they can know about you even if they didn't see you because the knowledge is shared throughout he whole side). Of course trying to do AI behaviour related stuff for individual unit or a group with it is pretty sucky so the new command fills a dire need there. Even though the new command is really good stuff these kinds of things should be made eventHandlers as well because having to loop this in some script/fsm is not always really ideal.
  10. h -

    FSM Editor - Cannot open!

    Ah, I shall add to this then :p It's really weird, the shortcuts working tends to be a bit of a hit 'n' miss. Basically if I launch the FSM editor from the tool launcher (started via Steam or desktop shortcut) the keyboard shortcuts work normally. But, if I start the editor from the .exe in it's installation folder, or from a desktop shortcut to said .exe, OR by double-clicking a .fsm file they don't work.. :confused: It's a hit 'n' miss in the sense that in case of opening by double-clicking a .fsm file the keyboard shortcuts on very rare occurrences work, if they do and I open another instance of another .fsm file the same way in that instance they don't work but still do work in the one opened first..... EDIT: Oh, and to add to the confusion if I launch the FSMEditor from a desktop shortcut as admin the keyboard shortcuts work, but if I launch it from the .exe file as admin the shortcuts again do not work... :annoy: On top of that when the keyboard shortcuts don't work in the design window they do work in the script window (the ones that are meant to work init; undo, delete, save etc..)
  11. h -

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    After a short test: 1. both are bool 2. Nope, appears to be the same as time (so it's not 0 when first spotted, so you need the time - timespotted == 0 stuff etc.) 3. unit feels endangered when it recognises the target as enemy (I guess), if it gets shot by the target (bullet hits it/hits/whizzes by close enough).. Nice addition, immediately renders some of my own workarounds obsolete :)
  12. ^ lol.. Quickly, we should start asking for all kinds of scripting commands as they seem to be on a roll..
  13. h -

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Something like this would be nice to have, maybe we could get a "DangerCause" eventhandler so that we could muck around with the dangercause stuff outside of danger.fsm (or where ever they are passed into)? Might also be useful to have some sort of event/command for detecting what the AI is aiming at (basically cursorTarget for AI), etc..
  14. h -

    FSM Editor - Cannot open!

    Was just about to come here with the same problem but was a bit late. Been using the old FSM editor thus far, just now realized to switch to the new one.. :p Anyhoo, am I the only one having this problem: none of the keyboard shortcuts work in the FSM Editor? EDIT: Complete delete and re-install, and running the tool as administrator fixed that, nice but weird(?).. Actually, more weird is that if I run Steam as Administrator the keyboard shortcuts won't work no matter what, but if I run FSMEditor as admin and Steam as regular the shortcuts do work... :confused: Sorry for hijacking thread...
  15. Thanks. Realized that later, forgot to edit the post to reflect :)
  16. h -

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Ah, coefficient was the word I was looking for there.. In addition to that a set/getFatigueRecoveryRate command would be nice, to control how fast/slow one recovers from fatigue.
  17. Is the alternative syntax for ropeCreate somehow broken? Because basing my code on the example ropeCreate [vehicle player, "fastrope0", 10, 10, true]; gives me error saying "Error Type Number, expected Array".. Or am I just doing something wrong No matter if I use rope type or a position, same thing happens.. EDIT: Or is that only for ToH? If so, the wiki isn't clear enough on this.. Would explain the error though..
  18. I think you can do that with the "selectweapon" action. But since we have a command that returns the firemode already can't see why we shouldn't have set counterpart for it..
  19. h -

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Slightly bad argument though, I mean you can adjust the amount of ammo, the amount of damage, the amount of fuel, the amount of armor etc. and have to adjust to that as well on case by case basis ;) Besides, what's there to adjust to if you get fatigued slower and don't have to lay around that much. Also, you can already disable the fatigue complete, so.. If worried about MP, make the command SP only then. Either way, just some though-play is all, I don't have high hopes for BIS implementing new scripting commands (I mean why would they, probably have better things to do).
  20. h -

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    I'd like to see a set/getFatigueDiv command, or expand the enableFatigue[/] to use a scalar between 0-1 (in addition to the current boolean) which would basically set a divider to the accumulating fatigue (as in you would get fatigued slower) so that mission makers would have a wider range of tools to customize fatigue. Also, add enabledFatigue command for returning the enableFatigue state (every single set should have get if in any way feasible).. I like the fatigue feature (and won't disable it in my missions) but it becomes nuisance when you constantly have to stop and wait for your AI's to catch up as they don't know how to manage fatigue properly (I'm SP guy so talking about SP here) and in certain types of missions that require a lot of crawling which is really annoying due to the current fatigue system. Would be nicer than having to do scripts or fsm to deal with this.. Of course this is all moot if the reworking changes things drastically....
  21. setLightnings is not working? Trying to get a full overcast weather without the forced rain and stuff; even if I set 0 setLightnings 0 (and the command lightnings returns 0) I still get lightnings.. EDIT: Scratch that, started working suddenly. Weird fluke..
  22. Yes, but trying to type getObjectViewDistance select 0 into the Simulation Manager's radius 'box' produces an error saying something like "different type of parameter required", so would be neato if it accepted that, or used it by default
  23. h -

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Thanks for the reply. I don't play MP so my experiences are limited to SP only so wasn't aware of that.. This obviously happens only when the lighting conditions and rain line-up enough so I guess if this would be fixed it's not exactly as easy as simply setting up spotting accuracy - rain type of thing... :p
  24. I suggest you re-design the 'Simulation Manager' module to accept this command as radius (add additional pulldown menu maybe?).