My friend, his brother and I are trying to set up a 3 way Zeus match (my friend is hosting on his computer) where we can spawn units and fight each other on Takistan. My friend is able to spawn all of his custom composition of units, I am only able to spawn 5/9 of my custom units. We have the game master modules put down with all unofficial addons checked and the problem still persist. *we are using modded units*
I uploaded all my custom compostions of units to steam workshop and had the host download them, he is able to spawn them in eden editor but not the multiplayer match.
Him and his brother were playing flawlessly the other night, me and my friend were playing fine the other night besides my units not fully spawning in.
Now his brother loads in, sees his character for a split second and then is stuck in another loading screen but can hear the birds chirping and ambience.
Any fix for both of these issues is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,