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Everything posted by Necropaulo

  1. Not much news here since last September, but I really wanted to thank you, @Von Quest. Your module is functional, intuitive and easy to configure. I'm using it on my latest assignment, and it's great to have this tool! Well done!
  2. Hey @Poupoko, i've wrote a little incognito script a few months ago. I don't use setCaptive, but joinSilent to civilian side : //Undercover by P.Milkman - 2023 //bob is your player //1. Place a trigger on the map of any size. //2. Set type and activation to "NONE" //3. Set it to trigger "Repeatedly" //4. In the condition field place the following: currentWeapon bob == "" && secondaryWeapon bob == "" // you can add a lot of condition about gears too with : && vest bob == "" && headgear bob == "" or headgear bob == "H_Booniehat_oli" etc... //to select autorized gears //5. In the "On Act." field place: [bob] joinSilent createGroup civilian; hint "You're undercover !"; //6. In the "On Dea." field : [bob] joinSilent createGroup west; hint "You're hostile !"; I hope it will help you 😁
  3. Hi everyone, today I've got a nice "conversion" problem. I'm using a script to allow me to chat with civilians, and everything's working perfectly, but for the purposes of a mission, I'd like to manage to convert the first part by removing the randomness. The first 5 conversations should only be played once each. I've tried playing with Select instead of SelectRandom but I haven't managed to change the syntax to make it work. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can do this? Below is the script I'm using: intero.sqf : The part in blue is the one I want to transform, the variable allows me to switch to the two random conversations once the first 5 have been triggered. Thanks in advance for your advice! EDIT: After a lot of tests and a lot of mistakes, I finally found a track. I've run out of errors but nothing happens (the script for the conversation and the variable and marker changes). I'll keep looking tomorrow! _text1 = { line1 = [name player, "Hey vous, je cherche des informations sur des sites militaires, ça vous dit quelque chose ?", player]; line2 = ["Civil", "Je ne suis pas certains mais il me semble que l'US Army avait un avant poste au Château du Diable."]; line3 = [name player, "Merci pour l'information!",player]; [[line1,line2,line3],"Direct",0.06,false] execVM "fn_simpleConv.sqf"; playSound ["intero4", true]; sleep 7; playSound ["intero51", true]; sleep 7; playSound ["intero6", true]; sleep 1; missionNamespace setVariable ["US",true,true]; {_x setMarkerAlpha 1} foreach ["US"]; }; _text2 = { line1 = [name player, "Hey vous, je cherche des informations sur des sites militaires, ça vous dit quelque chose ?", player]; line2 = ["Civil", "Je me rappelle que durant la guerre civile des mercenaires s'étaient installés par ici, ION je crois bien."]; line3 = [name player, "Merci pour l'information!",player]; [[line1,line2,line3],"Direct",0.06,false] execVM "fn_simpleConv.sqf"; playSound ["intero4", true]; sleep 7; playSound ["intero52", true]; sleep 7; playSound ["intero6", true]; sleep 1; missionNamespace setVariable ["ION",true,true]; {_x setMarkerAlpha 1} foreach ["ion"]; }; _text3 = { line1 = [name player, "Hey vous, je cherche des informations sur des sites militaires, ça vous dit quelque chose ?", player]; line2 = ["Civil", "Je sais que la guerre est finie mais la base des forces chernarusse est encore bien active en ce moment !"]; line3 = [name player, "Merci pour l'information!",player]; [[line1,line2,line3],"Direct",0.06,false] execVM "fn_simpleConv.sqf"; playSound ["intero4", true]; sleep 7; playSound ["intero53", true]; sleep 7; playSound ["intero6", true]; sleep 1; missionNamespace setVariable ["Cherna",true,true]; {_x setMarkerAlpha 1} foreach ["Rus"]; }; _text4 = { line1 = [name player, "4Hey vous, je cherche des informations sur des sites militaires, ça vous dit quelque chose ?", player]; line2 = ["Civil", "Je sais que la guerre est finie mais la base des forces chernarusse est encore bien active en ce moment !"]; line3 = [name player, "Merci pour l'information!",player]; [[line1,line2,line3],"Direct",0.06,false] execVM "fn_simpleConv.sqf"; playSound ["intero4", true]; sleep 7; playSound ["intero53", true]; sleep 7; playSound ["intero6", true]; sleep 1; missionNamespace setVariable ["boat",true,true]; {_x setMarkerAlpha 1} foreach ["boat2"]; }; _text5 = { line1 = [name player, "5Hey vous, je cherche des informations sur des sites militaires, ça vous dit quelque chose ?", player]; line2 = ["Civil", "Je sais que la guerre est finie mais la base des forces chernarusse est encore bien active en ce moment !"]; line3 = [name player, "Merci pour l'information!",player]; [[line1,line2,line3],"Direct",0.06,false] execVM "fn_simpleConv.sqf"; playSound ["intero4", true]; sleep 7; playSound ["intero53", true]; sleep 7; playSound ["intero6", true]; sleep 1; missionNamespace setVariable ["heli",true,true]; {_x setMarkerAlpha 1} foreach ["heli2"]; }; [_text1,_text2,_text3,_text4,_text5] select [0,1,2,3,4];
  4. Hi all COS users, since this morning I've been struggling to find a solution to what I think is a very simple problem. I work ona COOP mission, and try to do it OK with SP and MP. I'm trying to use the display of the name of the town or village without including the rest (population, parked vehicle) via the showTownLabel option. I'd like to have only the name of the place when a player enters the zone. I've tried several things by modifying the localscript.sqf file. But nothing works, does anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance! For your information, i'm working on CHernarus 2020 (CUP) and localscipt.sqf seems to be the script who's doing the showTownLabel :
  5. Necropaulo

    How to export terrain information

    NearestTerrainObjects use a few class to specify your search, in my exemple i use : With that expression, i use [] as filter (it inclued every type of objects), you can remplace that by a specific one or an array with multiple class. The wiki explain that very weel , check the differents exemples : I've found that but you need to manually go searching file, so copy/paste is quicker i think : If there is another method, i can't see how doing it 🙂
  6. Necropaulo

    How to export terrain information

    Hello, you can try something with CopyToClipboard but i'm not sure how it work. I found some exemple in this topic. You can maybe use debug console with your code then copy/paste results according to this post. Edit : I was curious, so i've done a few test, this one seems to work proprely, i call it with a trigger : Activation : Everyone Type : Present Condtion : This On activation : nearestTerrainObjects synthax doesn't work with your code, i just use the synthax exemple on the wiki Good luck with your script 😀
  7. Necropaulo

    Add Music in the loading screen

    Hey, you should see that topic or this one. I think it's the better way to do it. I'm not sure, but onLoadIntro seems to work only with "text" in description.ext. Another way to do it should be wit Animated_Briefing but i never use it, so i can't really help with his use. Good luck !
  8. Hello, a good start would be your code. Trigger is triggering localy, that's why when you're solo it's OK and with others players it's repeating. You can try with triggering it on server or using a script .sqf with the correct synthax to be MP/dedi friendly.
  9. Necropaulo

    Problem with AI conversations

    Hi, to help you, we need to see your code in description.ext and your script to use it, like chat1.sqf. I don't know the script you link, but maybe, you can try something with this one (powerfull script, and i explain at the end of topic how to add voice)
  10. Necropaulo

    Specific time for triggers

    Hi, i'm pretty sure, there is something to do with Daytime But i d'ont know exactly how to do it, maybe you can found some advice in this topic. Have a good edition ! 😁
  11. Zagor64bz seemed to say he'd publish the script when he'd finished editing his mission, but as his various missions (in signature) seem abandoned and on his posts about his Ghost Recon missions he signals stop, I guess the script is currently not findable ^^'
  12. Hello, in 3den Enhanced, you need to go to the menu at the top -> View -> Interface -> Toggle minimap (or Adjust size if you need to) 😀
  13. Hey everyone, i've a really huge problem, i cannot understand, i use a script to add voice and subtitles on my mission but, after a few tests, i can't do that clearly... I call my script with a trigger : Onact: "Sound\brief1.sqf" remoteExec ["execVM", allUnits select { isPlayer _x }]; But everytime, it call the script multiple time, i think it's because of the remoteExec, but i don't find a way to do it correctely. Anyone had a suggestion ?
  14. Necropaulo

    Script calling MP

    Hi PierreMGI, thanks for your reply! Sorry for my previous message, I wrote it late last night ^^' I think I understand now! I suspect a conflict between remoteExec that I used to call the script and the execVM in the script itself. That would explain the problem I encountered. I use the Simple Conversation script to call my subtitles and tracks, everything works fine in SP but in MP, when the trigger is triggered, the tracks are played as many times as there are players present, so with 3 players, 3 times at the same time. So I went back to a simple execVM to call the script, so I could be sure that each player would only hear the sound once. Exemple of one my script : Brief1.sqf I use a trigger to call it: OnAct: [] execVM "Sound\brief1.sqf"; Everything seems OK, I'll do some more tests, but I'm on the right track! Have a good day !
  15. Hi everyone, I'm having a problem with the MP again. In my mission, I planned a helicopter crash, called by a script. In SP everything works perfectly, but I'm not sure how to make sure it works in MP. My chopper is called heli1, its pilots heli1D and heli1G and my group Grognon. Just before the crash, I force a change in time and weather via two triggers: for time: OnAct for weather : OnAct Then, the chopper passes a trigger to call the crash script: OnAct Maybe using remoteExec is better, but i'm affraid it didn't work well with a multiple "same script ate same time". Crash.sqf Does this seem like an appropriate way of proceeding, or am I missing something? Thanks in advance for your replies!
  16. Necropaulo

    Scripted helicrash and MP

    Thank guys, i'm still working on it ! ✅ Weather and time skip : check in SP and MP, with BIS_fnc_setDate and BIS_fnc_setOvercast ✅ Effect, landing and new respawn : check on SP (still testing in MP) I will explain the global script when i'm sure it is ready to play 😊
  17. Necropaulo

    End Mission Trigger Query

    To complete that answer, you can custom "end1" in your description.ext : When you will use : It will call your custom class end1 Good to know : you can use a simple trigger to call it, BIS_fnc_endMission do the job, no need to use trigger->endmission
  18. Hey, i think you can do that with a waypoint directly but i haven't test it. I do this in one of my script : First, you need to create a variable : _groupMembers = = units yourgroupname; //stores members of the group Second, you need to unassign vehicle and Eject group member only : { unassignVehicle (_x); (_x) action ["EJECT", vehicle _x];} foreach _groupMembers ; // where _groupmembers refer to your group variable created previously and _x is using insteed of "this" Your OnAct on the waypoint should be that : _groupMembers = units yourgroupname; (_x) action ["EJECT", vehicle _x];} foreach _groupMembers;
  19. Hey everybody, today's problem made me crazy since this morrning 🤣 I'm using Virtual Arsenal on a mission, but when i open it, the camera is behind some object, so i'm trying to change the camera position when opening virtual arsenal, but i can't find any way to do that ! I use this to open the arsenal in a NPC init : [this,"Armurerie", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_loaddevice_ca.paa", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_loaddevice_ca.paa", "_this distance _target < 3","_caller distance _target < 3",{},{}, { ["Open", [true, player]] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; },{},[],2,0,false,false] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd", 0, this]; I've find an old topic with this kind of line : I try to insert it in my initPlayerLocal.sqf but it cause some error Same with this try : Some one have an idea to help me ? I just wanna center the view on player, not stuck behind an object 😅
  20. After some tests, i confirm that Harzach's solution is fine to solve my problem 😊 and, by the way, thanks soldierXXXX too ! I add this in my InitPlayerLocal.sqf : Where "85" is the angle in front of my arsenal, maybe this will help someone else : [5,170,18,[0,0,0.85]] // 3rd person from back [5,85,18,[0,0,0.85]] // 3rd person from right
  21. Thanks to you two, this is finally working ... I don't know how i can miss that ! really thanks ! 😁
  22. Ho, i certainly miss something ^^' thank for answer ! I've exactly the same issue than the old topic, i supposed i need to put it in my initplayerlocal but with your answer, i start to understand my error 😊 The part concerning the initplayerlocal.sqf is this one : This save the cam to re-open with the good angle. So i suppose that i need to set BIS_fnc_arsenal_campos_0 somewhere else, but i really don't know where. In my holdaction ? EDIT: after soldierXXXX answer I use that in my InitServer.sqf This seem to work, when i close Arsenal then go back in, my camera is good, but at the first opening that's behind the wall 😅 Am i missing something again ?
  23. Hey, actually your script affect only one unit, the unit call "Dude1". With this script, you need to named every unit in your mission, it will be really reaaaallllyyyy long 😀 You can try something with allUnits, it could be a way to do it easyly. I'm not an expert, so i'm not really sure this is a good way to solve your problem ^^' Edit: there is a few information in this topic :)
  24. Hey everyone, first, thanks to all ! This forum is a treasure of knowledge ! 😀 I'm on a mission (SP/MP) and i wanna use COS to spawn civilians around Altis. This part is easy. But i wanna give them a little interaction, so I tried to put a HoldAction on every units spawning with COS. I cannot figure how to make the civilian stop moving during my script, then get back on his path, does anybody have a solution ? At the moment, i do it like this : AddScript_Unit.sqf (from COS) This one works, but civilians continue their path during my script. For your information, I call this one : intero.sqf Two parts with disableAI/enableAI don't work, I thought i needed to put them in the AddScript_Unit.sqf but I don't know how. I hope i was explicit enough ! Have a good mission making to all !
  25. I'm looking to make civilian more immersive, so first solution seem better to me, but thank, now i can I see how i can do it with my HoldAction script ! Have a good day ! 😊