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Everything posted by Reticuli

  1. Reticuli

    Picture in Picture

    Any way to do PiP with the gun at your side like John Wayne and the scope image in the corner?
  2. Reticuli

    Where did my Steam Workshop Mod folders go?

    It matters because it makes it difficult for Windows to copy the workshop folder if the contents aren't actually in that folder and the folder is just a bunch of links.
  3. Reticuli

    Where did my Steam Workshop Mod folders go?

    Those are just links, though. Where are the files and how can I back all of them up? Nvmd, Power shell to the rescue.
  4. Reticuli

    Where did my Steam Workshop Mod folders go?

    That's not where the mods are actually at, though, that's just a shortcut or link to them. Where are they saved?
  5. It looks like steam got wise to this, because now if you turn all that stuff off and Steam is still online, it will not download workshop mod updates nor will it allow you to download and reuse missions. Instead, my missions I run have to be downloaded each time I switch between them, and if I want mod updates, I have to even delete stuff like "-browser".
  6. Reticuli

    Weapon Eventhandler Framework

    Not getting manual bolt on this. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
  7. I don't find it takes hugely longer to load Arma 3's main menu with all those amazing mods, but there is weird behavior once I start the mission... it will load it, for instance, and then go back to the map loading screen a split second after starting the mission and reload the damn thing again. While it's doing that both times, there will be a few pop ups about conflicts or missing whatevers. I have also suspected it might be LAMBS that's causing it. It's got some panic mode apparently in it. I think I can even try lowering that to like zero percent chance of happening and see if it fixes it. However, some of the mods have recently updated through Steam and there are now some odd behaviors where dudes will group together now, and the grenade spamming thing also seems new. I don't recall either happening before even with most of these loaded. I mean, just a week ago neither seemed to be a big issue that I recall and the AI was doing a suddenly more effective and proactive job clearing buildings. Then the building clearing got worse again, they started grouping together annoyingly, and my dude starts spamming with the smoke and grenades. I don't 100% even know it's grenades. Maybe it's just smoke, but seems like grenades sometimes, too, and it's obviously preventing me from firing my gun. I will try just tweaking or deactivating VCOM or LAMBS Suppression first, and if neither fixes it, will disable all AI stuff. Then if that doesn't work, I'll disable just the first half of the mods. If it's still happening, activate those again and then deactivate the second half and work my way to narrowing it down. I was hoping someone might recognize this behavior and go "hey, I know exactly what's causing that!" but alas that doesn't look to be the case. Thanks, guys.
  8. Reticuli

    The Fictional MX Rifle series, why?

    If anything, the MX rifles in Arma 3 seem castrated compared to what such a round is already capable of. I suspect BI muted the 6.5 caseless performance due to the anticipated outcry about going too 'sci fi'. So, instead they made the round slightly more stopping energy than the SPAR's 5.56, but with slightly less rounds in each mega magazine to provide a sort of fudged tradeoff. They could have simply said it was conventional cased ammo and had that sort of effect. There may also be a benefit in the game regarding caseless ammo weight, though, but I don't know. If you're going to call it caseless ammo and then castrate it, that sort of defeats the purpose, and they're already catching flack for going sci-fi. Maybe useful marketing to cater to the Halo crowd without actually upsetting the game balance so much? Anyway, I think they work well in the game and have their place.
  9. Reticuli

    0xC0000005 Status access violation

    32bit didn't make me more stable. I suspect this might be caused by Steam attempting to update itself, Arma 3, or mods while I'm playing, as when I boot it back up it then suddenly says it's finishing a bunch of updates. Can't be a coincidence. The setting to disable updates while I'm playing is already done in Steam, but that makes no difference.
  10. It'd be neat if the visibility to both AI and other human players changed depending on camo, amount of movement, etc. That way people would just kind of disappear if they're far enough, slow enough, and have the proper camo for the area.
  11. Do AI with NVGs react to IR lasers yet? If not, any other mods do that?
  12. My character grenade spamming when under fire occurs in every mission I play with these mods, though, including Warlords and some cartel raid thing I ran last night. If I figure out the cause, I would presume all missions would stop doing that. So, it looks like an unintended consequence of one or more of the mods. This combination of a huge crap load of mods, though, is giving some otherwise fascinating results with endless replay value. Unfortunately, I may have to just get rid of grenades (at the very least explosive ones) in order to keep using this combination until I figure out what's causing it. I already dropped aceWarlords because it was causing all sorts of issues. I also dropped BCombat since it was causing ACE to revert to bad default Arma 3 damage detection and fatalities that ACE amazingly fixes... i.e. by default you can get an instant fatality just from multiple gunshots to the leg, which you can only fix outside of ACE by completely turning off any possibility of instant fatality. There could be some setting in one of the other AI mods that's causing this particular grenade throwing issue, like a "Spam with grenades when panicking" checkbox. Just as important to the results I'm getting as the mods list itself are the particular settings I'm using, and there might be something I've overlooked in them. Oh, and Reshade has been essential. I wonder if there's a way to backup and share all my game, mod, and reshade settings, not just for others but for myself later, too.
  13. I've always had deadzone off. Weapon has nothing to do with it, though. I'm not saying weapon inertia is not important, but weapon inertia and BI's attempt to provide that effect is irrelevant to complaining about the lack of body inertia when people can zig zag while sprinting in Warlords, or while jogging add crazy sideslip or stop all forward motion on a dime without worrying about tripping or sliding. On another tangent, moving laterally (forward/back or left/right) while crouched doesn't even cause more fatigue than crouched in one spot, which is at least as important an issue to maneuvering capability as weapon inertia. BI found a way to do something with mimicking weapon inertia, but zilch on this other stuff, and it feels cartoony, not just to watch what other people are doing in Warlords or trying to shoot them as they ridiculously zig zag along, but just the feel of your character is goofy and overly responsive. Heck, try just spinning around while prone. There are insufficient limits to character movements, no sense of human body inertia, so you can do crazy stuff, stop that crazy stuff as fast as you want, and there are no adverse repercussions, like falling on your face, landing on your booty, or hurting an arm.
  14. We're complaining about Arma 3's cartoon body inertia, not weapon inertia.
  15. So inertia's been this bad since the beginning...
  16. https://drive.google.com/file/d/177BiyPb2LsjF8TSxrhg7Kp3X-AK87Yk7/view?usp=sharing
  17. I suspect some of these remaining benign errors are not from ordinary addon mods but missions that have dependencies. For instance, I don't have anything called MGTesting.
  18. Errors aren't happening with just full Ace3 and CBA. I started adding mods back, and I think it's aceWarlords causing most of these issues now. There are a few benign errors remaining, but they don't appear related to Ace: MGTesting requires rhs_main, iteminfo.scope, hitpointsprotectioninfo.scope, AIsettingsV3.hpp not found, and one other that escapes me at the moment... Donut Fatbursts?
  19. It's the official version off Steam, which is the same as the official ACE3 site. I just created a custom folder of that Ace and will manually load it when necessary in the future. In the meantime, I have just allowed Steam to go back online and validate/update all those files that I deleted from the original ACE folder.
  20. It changes depending on which pbo I delete. File X.pbo is outdated. If no ACE pbos have been removed by me, the first one is usually GUI or AI ACE pbo error being outdated, though. I had to delete all of the following one by one, restart Arma, before it stopped giving me errors, and of course then next time I let Steam run it's going to replace these again: ace_field_rations.pbo ace_fortify.pbo ace_headless.pbo ace_intelitems.pbo ace_medical.pbo ace_medical_ai.pbo ace_medical_blood.pbo ace_medical_damage.pbo ace_medical_engine.pbo ace_medical_feedback.pbo ace_medical_gui.pbo ace_medical_statemachine.pbo ace_medical_status.pbo ace_medical_treatment pbo ace_medical_vitals.pbo ace_sitting.pbo ace_viewrestriction.pbo ace_volume.pbo Of course, I'd like to actually have things like ACE medical, though.
  21. I have been away from Arma for about 5 months. I stupidly didn't stop Steam from updating it quickly enough. It did something to the cfg file. I can't get the Video - Display options in game to recognize my Nvidia surround display. Hours I've spent and all I wanted to do was play a little. Using an old cfg file or editing the new one to show the correct resolution makes no difference. Edit: Figured it out. Nvidia surround was checked but for some reason no longer actually working. I could see this when I looked at resolutions and found the two monitors listed separately instead of as a single resolution. I unchecked, applied, rechecked, and set up the resolution for surround and it is detected now in Arma 3 again.
  22. Anyone else having problems with the latest update not working through Steam? Mine gets about halfway through and then freezes my computer. I just restarted and forced Steam into offline mode, which appears to be the only way to use Arma 3 today.
  23. Looking for helicopter Auto Trim as toggle button assignment and on-screen indicator, and if there is no current way I'd like to request it be added by BI.
  24. The only reason you would need manual trims on the fixed wing aircraft is because sometimes they don't seem to be auto trimming properly to 1G when your hand is off the stick and they'll kind of nose down.