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Everything posted by Reticuli

  1. Is there a way to disable a building's power/lights, like an EMP, graphite bomb, or command to cut the power?
  2. The least they can do now is make the grass, shrubs, and trees not glow as much as men and tanks. Not a peep since, though.
  3. Got an idea: Keybinding to disable/enable Compress, and also have it not override earplugs or ACE volume, since those are constant. ACE earplugs or ACE volume triggering eventually breaks TPW's Compress.
  4. Very weird issue that is hard to nail down as to which mod I'm using is causing this. Light going through walls. AI walking through walls.
  5. I'm using 208 legacy. Has this been fixed on the most recent release that would justify moving to it?
  6. I have no problem with forcing Advanced Flight Model, but selection of Auto Trim should be based on the type of controls you have, i.e. spring-loaded centering joystick or pressure stick, or force feedback or pro helo cylic that is either grease damped or mechanically trimmed.
  7. Reticuli

    STEAM forcing auto updates now YaY

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps Find app manifest with the correct number. Make it read-only. You can also turn disable community content in library Steam settings.
  8. Reticuli

    User is not logged in

    It's a contrived limit. Arma 3 will allow you to run up to two scenarios while offline that you've subscribed to and previously downloaded & used. If you try a third, it will ask you to go online. This has nothing to do with whether the scenarios are downloaded already and stored on your system. *** How to keep using 208 while staying online: Make the application manifest file in the steam folder for Arma 3 read-only. You can also turn off workshop updates in Steam settings. Pause the download, clear Steam cache. Viola! Start the launcher directly.
  9. Reticuli

    Update 23/08/2022 Thermal

    That sucks if you can't get 208 now. I presume BI didn't revert these changes? In real thermals, the higher up on horizon the terrain is (denser stuff / deg V.FOV) the hotter it appears, vs looking down @ ground that's cooler due to less stuff / deg V.FOV assuming similar viewed objects. Obviously if it was hot tarmac under your feet and a grass field in the distance, that's a different situation. Grass, shrubs, & trees also have less contrast btwn them all & also ground. *** How to keep using 208 while staying online: Make the application manifest file in the steam folder for Arma 3 read-only. You can also turn off workshop updates in Steam settings. Pause the download, clear Steam cache. Viola! Start the launcher directly.
  10. Which mod causes your character to throw stuff randomly when you're under attack? Grenades, smoke, chem lights... you name it, my guy will toss it instead of letting me fire at the bad guys. Seems to get worse when I'm right near them and like a panic response. I might be getting shot at, but dropping the gun and letting me run would be preferrable, as many of my own random grenades also land near me. Which mod do you think might be causing this? RPT file shared... https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rW_3X8_DwH-I2FyAIFMTweXB0TyPnVyF/view?usp=sharing
  11. Anyone seen mods that cause this glitch?
  12. I don't know how to get a newer version of Ace 3. The pbos cause Arma 3 errors as being outdated. I believe I had this problem back in January, which is probably why I lost interest in using Arma for 5 months.
  13. Reticuli

    Update 23/08/2022 Thermal

    These Reshade presets are with legacy thermals.
  14. Try Fatal Damage Source to either Sum of Trauma or (preferably) Either. If you only use Sum of Trauma, then instant death from a catastrophic injury is impossible. Set Unconscious Wake Up Chance to 0%. And Pain Unconscious Chance to 0%. You can also change Fatal Injury Death Chance, Critical Damage Thresholds, the speed cardiac arrest happens, and Bleed coefficient rates, too, but I would recommend just trying my settings first before messing with any of this stuff. Try my settings and switch those two above to 0%. Pretty nervous inducing.
  15. I like my gore bright and easy to see. YMMV. There are low and no-gore mods, too. Unconscious AI soldiers making sounds and rotating around is indeed unfortunate, but when they die, at least, it stops. On a positive note, it gives you info on who requires headshots later. If the movements were gone and the sounds unconscious injured soldiers made was just PiR-style gurgling & wheezing, I'd be content. You can change unconsciousness vs death so that people just die prior to going unconscious. I like unconsciousness, as it provides something you have a chance to wake up from after moderate injuries or even try to rescue someone else who is down but not dead, rather than being either a 100% goner or 100% awake. Then you have to do a little grind to get them back fighting. Fractures has options so that you alternatively can't sprint or even jog on them, including after splints. I use these other options. Explosives seem less dependent on ACE than on other mods. I had to get rid of some mods because they were drastically increasing the damage incurred from grenades thrown pretty far away from myself. All I notice from ACE is frag simulation affecting that aspect a little, and that's nicely tunable. I turn on all the frag stuff. Here are some more reaction mods added, plus comparing 6.5mm caseless from 16" barrel vs slugs vs out of 20" barrel.
  16. I don't think that's actually the case unless you've got Reduced Damage checked under Game Options - Difficulty, you're wearing armored clothing like the Viper suit under the stock Carrier Special, or you're using armor mods that allow fully maxed out vests like Operation Trebuchet or SSU Protective Gear Upgrade. The stock Carrier Special with ACE is somewhere between IIIa and barely full III. I did a write up on how armor performs under ACE: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2868465442 With my current settings, which I've previously linked to with my easy-to-use profile, that means an AP round above civilian 308 should penetrate such a stock steel plate if that's all there is protecting the torso. If I unload over 30 rounds of M993 on a torso with a Viper suit and a stock Carrier Special, or just a maxed-out mod plate carrier, they're going to bruise, go unconscious, and eventually cardiac arrest. They'll at least fall down, even with that fantasy armor. If you want that to happen faster, lower thresholds below 2.5, raise pain unconscious probability above 50%, and/or raise pain from 10 to as high as 25. There's nothing preventing you from messing people up as much as you want regardless of their armor. The penetration of the steel plate itself isn't even necessary. If I tweak all those values in the directions you apparently want, I can easily get people becoming inert by 10 rounds or less into any plate. And again, if you want lightweight, expendable ceramic plates that specifically break down over time under gunshots of any caliber rather than durable heavy steel plates that are impenetrable below a certain caliber, then check out Armor Plates System. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2523439183 Your other option is to simply not even use the heavier stock steel plate carriers if you want less protection. For the most part, the AI enemy are using stuff like CSAT & Recon Fatigues that are equivalent to a Raven vest, which only protect moderately against stabs, shrapnel, ricochets, and birdshot when using ACE. Again, why am I using ACE but not bCombat, PiR, or the mags & ammo from Dagger? To prevent instant fatalities when unloading a mag into a leg. I suppose if you're cool with what's potentially amputations causing instant fatalities and don't want advanced ballistics, cookoff, etc, then PiR certainly has a lot of other benefits worth taking advantage of, like reactions and sound design. Edit: Here's a demo
  17. If you adjust ACE medical properly even the Arma 3 lvl V vests + wearing Viper suit will allow you to put someone unconsousious and eventually kill someone through bruising and combined trauma. With appropriate other mods added, you will also get hit reactions, falling to the ground, being unable to raise the weapon for a few seconds, dropping the weapon, helmet flying off, etc, such that you can walk up easily and shoot them in the head. Walking up and putting rounds in the head to ensure they're not getting back up is standard practice in CQB against even unarmored adversaries by groups like US SOCOM. There is a body armor mod, though, that apparently tries to model ceramic armor that wears out from subsequent shots, but I haven't tried it yet. Armor Plates System If that's not enough, you can always just not double up on armor, in which case you're going to only really stop handgun rounds, anyway, with ACE. Yes, PiR, bCombat, Dagger's mags/ammo, and several other things break ACE medical and revert to crappy vanilla hit detection and injury system.
  18. You can unload a mag into someone's leg and instantly kill them otherwise. That's a dealbreaker for me. The only way to get proper human injury detection is with ACE, but you can't use Dagger's ammo/mags or bCombat, either, as those currently screw stuff up, too. I like the temporary unconscious state, but you have to adjust the settings so it takes enough injury & pain to do it and you have a chance of waking. If you put lethal injury at a lower threshold or you put the chance of waking up to zero, then it's as if there's no temporary unconsciousness. You just have to tune ACE appropriately. Its default settings are far from ideal. You can try this for my settings if you want to (fairly) quickly see what I'm talking about without having do your own custom ones:
  19. I'm probably beating a dead horse here and you may be very much into PiR, but I recommend going with ACE and other mods instead. ACE is the only way to get correct body hit detection in Arma. Other mods won't get you quite the hit reactions and sounds, but you can get pretty close.
  20. You ever figure out a certain way to get no auto spawning of skirmish units until you start killing civilians? Setting the Max Enemy Squads to 1 acts as the minimum number that are always out there, and then the Max Allowed Civilians Killed threshold quantities (I set 1 for my team and 3 for everyone together) obviously is already working swimmingly if you don't mind always at least 1 skirmish squad wandering out there. Setting the time until spawn to 300 (though that's still a little low) and max distance for them further (though that doesn't make the post-civilian deaths squads as dangerous) can at least make them less bothersome too soon in the mission. Maybe let 0 time until spawn act as no minimum squads wandering around, and instead none spawn until civilians killed when 'if > civ death threshold' is set to 'increase enemy numbers'?
  21. Reticuli

    Update 23/08/2022 Thermal

    I'm mostly using the ReShadePreset preset, but I've included all of mine I can cycle through. All effects above the alphabetical list below (starting above the Adaptive Fogs) are the effects I have variously had in some combination or other. Yes, the occlusion effects unfortunately let you see through smoke somewhat with NV mode, but it's the only way to allow the TI modes to see through smoke. The last few days I've been trying to also improve the NV mode while not too adversely affecting what I achieved in the TI modes. The most useful way in general is with BloomLensFlares & AdaptiveMapper also On that I just started using and then FilmicPass & UnSharp Off (maybe UnrealLens off, too, that I just started using), because then you get slightly brighter highlights and much darker light amplification/LLTV nightvision. However, if you turn the former two Off and the latter two On (or a creative combination) you can get something that's better for the TI modes specifically, doesn't require the ACE & BettIR IR flashlight as much, and gets exactly those pics above. FilmicPass makes not only the NV mode dark without boosting the highlights, though, but also can make the darker TI modes almost unusably dark. And again, I reverted back to 2.08 legacy branch. I think this is all my Reshade stuff: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r2rdYd4YFMYuFkAA5c3e8TLS849s_9oy/view?usp=sharing Here are my current primary two mod lists. ACE Dispersion is less necessary on the LessGuns list, as it's intended to rebalance vanilla guns to be more like certain generously accurate mod gun packs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A-RzaQZFDiKx02qF6COkjKXIzusPev-T/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1az2NljBnq_bK90sP_zdr4iCzpHR_UC5s/view?usp=sharing And for posterity, here's my Reticuli profile that I just had to recreate and then back up. Previous to the prior profile reset, I had TPW skirmish max respawn distance at 1,500, but I've left it at 750 for now. I've turned ACE vehicle crashes off for now, as every bump in car rides was too much and I wanted to survive helo crashes as long as I don't get caught in the fire & cook off. DCO requires you command a dismount landing of multiple helos at slightly separate times right now due to a bug that causes them to apparently share waypoints and collide. Obviously, if you want to try all my settings, you should rename the profile(s). It should still work with 2.10 public and the dev branch, too. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bW8Q1uABsffKkCcTtVc5iOLiSmIGQbOM/view?usp=sharing Oh, and don't forget ctrl + C to conserve your jogging strength. 🙂 Double shift is faster alternative sprint. 4 is fast weapon swap, so if you accidentally hit it or swap, then hit it again to swap back. ctrl + T is low ready (ditto default ctrl ctrl) and alt + T is high ready. Z, X, C are the Enhanced Movement commands when you also hold alt. I think I put C as climb, Z as the other one (jump?), and X as combo. J goes to the Command Menu, and its associated keys also require like ctrl + the top row number keys instead of just the number keys alone. I have tab currently set for the IVCS push to talk.
  22. Any particular reason why Arma 3 might reset all my workshop addon settings and keys? I just went into Arma and it's all back to default. The non-addon stuff still seems to remember my settings and keys, though. There was a goofy message when I first went into the main screen, which said something to the effect of "Are you new to Arma?" like it was an introduction. The upper right corner still has my username. BTW, I'm using the 2.08 legacy beta, so it's not as if Arma just updated itself. I just realized this includes not only all my ACE customizations, but TPW HUD & skirmish units, and also the tons of ammo I added to TSP Breach. Good lord, what a disaster! The Extended Debug console has also been cleared of everything I had in it.
  23. Checked that. It's the correct profile. I inexplicably made a backup of the Profiles folder back in July when backing up my Workshop folder and custom external mod folders, so I'm working through updating that to my most recent changes. I guess I was rightfully paranoid about that back in July for some reason. Unfortunately, it looks like my custom loadouts from the last few months are totally lost, but that's relatively minor. I did have to update some of the keys again, but many of them had already been changed to what I've been using back in July. So instead of spending the rest of the night, it looks like I'll be mostly done fixing this within the hour and will just have to Tactical Barbie my way through some new loadouts again. For some reason my Arma 3 profiles folder didn't just get wiped, but also my passwords in MS Edge. All the log-in cookies in Edge were also gone. The favorites are still there and current. Very bizarre. Firefox is fine, though. So far, all I see is my profile problems in Arma 3 and Edge.
  24. Reticuli


    Is armor in Arma 3 simply additive? Does underclothing indeed add to the plate, or is the underclothing doing nothing because it's a lower value than the plate armor? If it's additive, is it direct and linear? I say this because all the clothing in Arma 3 seems to have a protection value to it, and thus seems like it might offset the current inaccuracies or weakness of plate armor without additional mods if it's additive in a simple linear manner.
  25. I have also done a request for that, but in the meantime you can use Reshade and I guess turn it off if you don't want smoke transparency with just light amplifying or LLTV.