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About VitalyTurboVaz

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    Private First Class

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  1. VitalyTurboVaz

    [Release] Simple Weapon Shop System

    In PVP or TVT, the player who bought the car sees their car in the garage when crossing to the other side. I have not checked the items, but I think it will be the same. I cannot say that this is a mistake, but if it can be fixed, then tell me how to fix it?
  2. VitalyTurboVaz

    [Release] Simple Weapon Shop System

    Thanks for the answer! I'll figure it out! I checked my parameters, they are identical to yours. PS Check in file HG_HUD.h Or change the file name. class KillCountBack: KillCountBack { text = "HG\UI\Textures\back_alt1.paa"; }; 3. Body rotation works)) I apologize. Was not attentive! Add Russian stringtable.xml
  3. VitalyTurboVaz

    [Release] Simple Weapon Shop System

    1.HG_GaragesCfg.h Tell me, what am I doing wrong? The problem is that each faction sees someone else's equipment, the opposite side !? debug console->(playerSide in [west]) AND ((rank player) isEqualTo 'PRIVATE') -> true 2. When you select equipment, a cargo box appears. What is it for and what to do with it? 3.When I choose clothes, my back is not visible))) I cannot rotate the character. How to fix it?
  4. How to understand what is the error? From the debug console, the command works. Through ASCT no ((( Here is an example of a simple command - >> if (true) then { hint "Attention!!! Restart 5min";playSound "Alarm"; } RPT file -->> CallExtension loaded: asct_ext (E:\Games\ArmA3\A3Master\@asct\asct_ext_x64.dll) [ђ†з$] "---ASCT initialized---" "---asct.pbo version" "---asct_ext.dll version" CMD console-->>> C:\asct_console>asct.exe -f "C:\asct_console\scripts\restart_attention.sqf" Connecting to server with instanceID: 0 ... C:\asct_console>
  5. VitalyTurboVaz

    How To: Server_Console.log

    my * rpt file has no performance data for Windows OS server (#monitors 5). Server console contains data. How to enable redirection to log *.rpt? 19:01:34 Server load: FPS 46, memory used: 888 MB, out: 51 Kbps, in: 12 Kbps, NG:0, G:0, BE-NG:0, BE-G:0, Players: 1 (L:0, R:0, B:0, G:1, D:0) 19:01:39 Server load: FPS 46, memory used: 888 MB, out: 55 Kbps, in: 7 Kbps, NG:0, G:0, BE-NG:0, BE-G:0, Players: 1 (L:0, R:0, B:0, G:1, D:0) 19:01:44 Server load: FPS 46, memory used: 889 MB, out: 63 Kbps, in: 8 Kbps, NG:0, G:0, BE-NG:0, BE-G:0, Players: 1 (L:0, R:0, B:0, G:1, D:0) 19:02:09 Server load: FPS 46, memory used: 889 MB, out: 55 Kbps, in: 6 Kbps, NG:0, G:0, BE-NG:0, BE-G:0, Players: 1 (L:0, R:0, B:0, G:1, D:0)
  6. 1.Comander Console F6 -Feet Management does not work. Where can I read about this functionality? 2.R33.01 vs R26(compared with version) logistics does not work. Does not see boxes. Cannot load or unload.
  7. I am using the previous version. The new version with the settings through the browser seems to me to be problematic. It is not clear which modules to connect by default. As a result, when you run an error. My bot does not output information to the channel. Command !monitords Today, at 22:39 ! monitords Bot BOT Today at 22:39 Failed to acquire data In the running server, I see the console lines 16:29:30 Player y**** disconnected. 16:29:30 BattlEye Server: Player #12 y**** disconnected 16:32:12 Server load: FPS 30, memory used: 1683 MB, out: 1608 Kbps, in: 156 Kbps, NG:0, G:512, BE-NG:0, BE-G:0, Players: 9 (L:0, R:0, B:0, G:9, D:0) 16:32:27 Server load: FPS 32, memory used: 1683 MB, out: 1070 Kbps, in: 72 Kbps, NG:0, G:0, BE-NG:0, BE-G:0, Players: 9 (L:0, R:0, B:0, G:9, D:0) 16:32:42 Server load: FPS 37, memory used: 1685 MB, out: 1008 Kbps, in: 89 Kbps, NG:0, G:520, BE-NG:0, BE-G:0, Players: 9 (L:0, R:0, B:0, G:9, D:0) But the data does not end up in any log and the bot does not send data to the channel. Who can tell you how to redirect performance data to a log file?
  8. VitalyTurboVaz

    [Release] Simple Weapon Shop System

    Each side should have its own store with equipment and inventory. Own currency that can be exchanged at an ATM at the exchange rate. If there are several parties, then you need permission, which side sees the indicators on the display, in the store, in HUD, XP ... At the points of the trader you can sell and buy equipment the other side.
  9. VitalyTurboVaz

    [Release] Simple Weapon Shop System

    1.Perhaps it has already been implemented!? I want to change the HC currency to game points and vice versa, for example, 30 points(score) = $ 1 (ATM-currency exchange) ? 2. Can I do if storeVehiclesOnDisconnect = false then a sanction, for example, $ 100? The player himself must put the equipment in the garage.
  10. Launched, but does not work, although it connects to the discord!
  11. Thank you for your work! In logs at connection there was such SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c: 1108) Discord / python I executed the script. It helped. https://gist.github.com/marschhuynh/31c9375fc34a3e20c2d3b9eb8131d8f3
  12. Two problems that I did not solve. 1. The output of the server performance to the text channel discord. I give the command to the bot: !monitords 15 Bot is responsible: Restart the mission with new player slot selection 2. Ban players. On the first question, I wanted to ask what log the bot parses. On the second question - >>> I give the command to the bot !help banplayer Bot is responsible ![banPlayer|banplayer] <player_id> [time=0] [message...] I give the command to the bot !addBan 76561198***7183** time=60 Bot is responsible banPlayer has caused the following error: Converting to "int" failed for parameter "time". PS There was a problem with the certificate. Unexpectedly, after several weeks of work. https://gist.github.com/marschhuynh/31c9375fc34a3e20c2d3b9eb8131d8f3
  13. this also works!!!! rcon_cfg.json ---->>>>> "start_server": "'C:\\Games\\ArmA3\\A3Master\\arma3server_x64.exe' Question. give commands !monitords 15 the bot answers ----->>>> Restart the mission with new player slot selection I do not see server performance in the log (A3Master.log ---->>> // GLOBAL SETTINGS hostname = "name server"; password = ""; passwordAdmin = "****************"; serverCommandPassword = "***********"; logFile = "A3Master.log"; verifySignatures = 2; BattlEye = 1; ) of the recording server there is---->>> 16:29:30 Player y**** disconnected. 16:29:30 BattlEye Server: Player #12 y**** disconnected 16:32:12 Server load: FPS 30, memory used: 1683 MB, out: 1608 Kbps, in: 156 Kbps, NG:0, G:512, BE-NG:0, BE-G:0, Players: 9 (L:0, R:0, B:0, G:9, D:0) 16:32:27 Server load: FPS 32, memory used: 1683 MB, out: 1070 Kbps, in: 72 Kbps, NG:0, G:0, BE-NG:0, BE-G:0, Players: 9 (L:0, R:0, B:0, G:9, D:0) 16:32:42 Server load: FPS 37, memory used: 1685 MB, out: 1008 Kbps, in: 89 Kbps, NG:0, G:520, BE-NG:0, BE-G:0, Players: 9 (L:0, R:0, B:0, G:9, D:0) 16:32:57 Server load: FPS 39, memory used: 1689 MB, out: 936 Kbps, in: 81 Kbps, NG:0, G:0, BE-NG:0, BE-G:0, Players: 9 (L:0, R:0, B:0, G:9, D:0) how to make output data to a discord channel from the log?
  14. OS Windows Server Standart 2019 Install Python3.6+ --->>>>Install python-3.6.8-amd64.exe Clone the git https://github.com/Yoshi-E/ArmaRconDiscordBot.git Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install required modules Run the bot.py once, it will quickly terminate itself, as you still have to configure some settings: Configure the bot: The files are created upon the first launch In /modules/core/config.json you have to enter a Discord Bot Token In /modules/core/permissions.json you can setup the permissions for the bot. (WIP) In /modules/rcon/rcon_cfg.json you have to enter your Battleye RCon details. Read more about it here: Battleye Rcon. Now you should be good to go! Just start the bot.py!
  15. please update packages !!!!!!! python3.6 (((((( many mistakes