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About SonicJohnBH

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    Private First Class

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  1. Hello all! I'm trying to learn the code behind some of the fantastic mods that include complex displays and huds. Chief amongst them is @pierremgi and his MGI tactical pack. I'm looking to get a display on the custom scope we're making that includes a compass, wind indicator and rangefinder. The last of those I've gotten somewhat figured out, but it disables the text on the base hud that indicates your current zeroing. EVENTUALLY I'd like to get a autozeroing system working for the scope, akin to this: I'm beginning to understand the basics of the rsc stuff, but it's still very confusing and I have little experience with scripting. Much more comfortable with configs. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
  2. SonicJohnBH

    Project - Vertical Lift 2035

    One whole year of flying the Omaha. Dozens of ops, hundreds of take-offs and landings, troops deployed/extracted, targets destroyed and hostages rescued and I'm still just as in love as I was back when I first flew it. This is hands down my favorite aircraft to fly in the game, no contest. I'm so excited to see more aircraft and more updates to the Omaha, no matter how long it takes it'll be worth it. Seriously guys, keep it up!
  3. SonicJohnBH

    United States Air Force Mod (2019)

    Howdy again boys. So I've recently done some testing and something in some of my modpacks appears to cause the Aircraft from the mod to be...I can only really call it fatter? As though the drag and weight for the pylons was multiplied a lot? The weird thing is, it ONLY happens on multiplayer, single-player the aircraft fly as normal and take-off in a normal amount of runway with the exact same payload. I'm GUESSING this is being caused by another mod, and I recognize that's not your problem, I was just wondering if you had any ideas on what kinda mod would cause this? I've tested AWESome, but it's not that. In some cases as well it only seems to affect ME, not the other players on a server. But yeah, if any of you, whether developer or not, have any idea what might be causing this issue please let me know. Thanks for all your hard work y'all! Keep it up!
  4. SonicJohnBH

    Project - Vertical Lift 2035

    So I followed this mod for a long while, talked some with you guys. I've flown the Omaha on about a dozen proper ops now, and I gotta say that I've just entirely fallen in love with it. Our whole unit has really. Couple of notes for you guys after having EXTENSIVELY flown and tested all variants. 1. Reinserts are much faster, and it spins-up/takes off SUPER fast. My infantry guys LOVE this for reinserts especially. 2. It can land in surprisingly tight spaces, it's strong Yaw authority helps with this. 3. It is an ISR BEAST, I've gotten into the habit of slewing my targeting pod to the area where I'm landing to check for threats (and landing smoke) and I've had multiple occasions where the Infantry have asked for me to do an recon pass using the thermals and 360 degree Infrared and it has spotted many an enemy vehicle/squad, this is an especially unique skill for an insert helo to have. 4. It is so agile that (in the right hands) it can stand a chance against enemy fast-movers. With careful vectoring you can turn as-tight or tighter than some jets (when controlled by AI mind you) and I've managed quite a few takedowns (including two cannon kills) in the MAV-85. 5. It can do a very flat deceleration/landing approach, I had one op with enemy Tigris AA and I was able to go full speed the entire flight-path but still stay low-enough (even when bleeding speed) to have hill-cover from the radar. If you're an Omaha pilot PLEASE try some low-level flying, it is worth it. Some bugs/critique. 1. Sometimes when touched down on the ground it will fluctuate between 0 and 100 thrust all on it's own, leading to a "bouncing" effect. I think I've seen this on other VTOL's in ArmA so it might just be an inherent problem. 2. As others have mentioned this bird needs some flares/chaff as an option, the DIRCM is GODLY against infrareds but it doesn't have much defense against radar-guided stuff it seems like. 3. The MAV-85 seems to have a problem where the pilot's seat cannot target ANYTHING randomly. I've fixed this by, of all things, going into the co-pilots seat, taking control, locking onto something, and heading back into the pilot's seat, and then it works fine. This doesn't always work, and doesn't seem to occur on the AV-85 so I don't know what's goin on there. 4. When the auto-flaps change position it sets the vector back 15 degrees, not sure if this is intentional or not. 5. The turret camera/stability is...less than ideal. I acknowledge that this is a common issue with gunner's seats in ArmA but I figured it was worth pointing out. 6. Either fixed gunpods options or the option to have the turret slewed dead forward/controlled by the pilot would be amazing. 7. As previously mentioned people get stuck in the doorgun seats. 8. Some of the weapons pylons from other mods clip really badly but I guess there isn't much you can do about this apart from maybe making the AV-85's trapeze arms "swing" further out. Overall it is just...amazing that something like this has been done so amazingly by such a small team, almost entirely from scratch. My troops love it, I adore it, and I can't wait to see whatever you guys pump out next, don't worry about it taking a while because the Ohama has proven that your work is definitely worth the wait. Best Wishes from the 434th! -SonicJohn
  5. SonicJohnBH

    Project - Vertical Lift 2035

    By the way will this initial release include the S-97 Raider WIP from that earlier video as well or is it just the Valor's?
  6. SonicJohnBH

    United States Air Force Mod (2019)

    No worries, just glad to know it's being worked on. Keep it up!
  7. SonicJohnBH

    United States Air Force Mod (2019)

    As we approach the unveiling of the much anticipated AC-130, I find myself curious of whether the wing mounted weapons and 'gunslinger' weapons will be available? My unit already has a crew prepped for Manning a Ghostrider, we've been practicing on the Blackfish, but I find myself rather bored/disengaged just flying in a circle. As challenging as a perfect pylon turn can be I'd like to be a bit more involved in the battle as the pilot, hoping that the SDB, Griffin, Viper and the like would give me some options to do so. To say nothing of having a reliable option taking out moving vehicles. Regardless, looking forward to hearing into anything you guys turn out as usual. Keep up the great work! Also I apologise profusely if this has already been answered.
  8. SonicJohnBH

    Project - Vertical Lift 2035

    Surprised no-one has said this yet but: WOOOOOOOOOOOT! We finally get to fly this beautiful beast! I can't wait to see how the side-launching weapon racks work, how the view from the EOTS is, how maneuverable it is in plane-mode, how a "running start" takeoff looks. We get to find out what kinda weapons it can equip, whether it has a laser designator on the EOTS, whether the pilot or the co-pilot controls the EOTS, how stealthy it is, what it's low speed maneuvering is like. I can't wait to show this thing to the infantry in my unit, they won't be able to make head nor tails of it.
  9. Am I the only one who CANNOT download it from the site provided? The "Kestral Studios" website seems to be down indefinitely, at least on my end. Any possibility we can get a mirror on Github or some such?
  10. SonicJohnBH

    United States Air Force Mod (2019)

    Honestly with all those screenshots and y'all's reliability I didn't even consider it was a joke. Shoulda made a fake B-52 mod, really get back at the comments 😛
  11. I'm loving the new A-10U, I like the small touch that the cockpit space has been used for a small radar, very clever. I was curious do you model stuff like that yourself or are you editing models that you found/bought? It made me think of these renders for the F-23: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/24911/this-is-what-a-northrop-f-23a-wouldve-looked-like-if-lockheed-lost-the-atf-competition I originally wondered if you had used these renders as reference for the mod but it appears they were posted AFTER you first posted the F-23A mod, so credit to you for accurate predictions and good research. These models are based off of the final plans for the production F-23A, there's a great graph comparing the differences between the production model and the prototype YF-23, including the larger weapons bay which you featured in the mod. I figured you'd find these interesting/helpful if you ever decide to take another look at the Gray Ghost. The same artist also did the failed X-32 (competitor to the F-35), which is especially interesting as it's VERY different to the prototype: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/20971/this-is-what-a-boeing-f-32-wouldve-looked-like-if-lockheed-lost-the-jsf-competition Regardless, I appreciate that you give less popular and "forgotten" aircraft like the YF-23 a chance to shine.
  12. SonicJohnBH

    United States Air Force Mod (2019)

    Is there currently a way to set it so that the SDB's use their own sensors (infrared, ultraviolet) for terminal guidance after GPS guiding to the general area of the target? In a similar vein the SFW (Which is the coolest and most amazingly detailed thing in this mod IMHO) does the "kill area" get bigger at higher burst altitudes like in real life? As in, can you tune how saturated or spread out the "pucks" are with the burst height? Also I just gotta agree with @octop01 that the F-35A is an absolute DREAM to fly, it might be the smoothest jet I've flown in ArmA and those peddle turns at low speed are something I encourage everyone to try. Pulling off a little slipping over peddle turn in the F-35 is one of the coolest things I've done in ArmA and it's legitimately helpful for quick strafing runs.
  13. SonicJohnBH

    United States Air Force Mod (2019)

    I think we can all agree that "when it's ready" is the best way to go after the recent ACE release everyone loves SO much. Keep up the work Fuller and the rest of ya, we'll wait patiently! I just use RobJ's "fly FC-37" or "fly A-164" missions and fly with the gorgeous F-35 here instead, with a bit of zeus spawning of course.
  14. I can't seem to get mods to work, I've got them all on the list as it's supposed to be but they don't show up once the server is up. On my client I can spawn in the stuff from the mods but only through arsenal or garage not through Zeus, Zeus (so I assume the server) doesn't recognize it as existing. Using btw, is there any way to import the modlist from the launcher so I can make sure they're all downloaded and ready?
  15. SonicJohnBH

    Project - Vertical Lift 2035

    Come to think of it I'm sure there are more than a few people in this thread that'd be more than willing to test an early (even slightly broken/janky) private build and report errors, myself included. It could help spot some time-consuming bugs earlier on. Regardless, I was curious if you guys had implemented the reverse vector that the V-22 and V-280 possess. The V-22's in game right now, both Poly and CUP, unfortunately don't have this awesome and useful feature to put the nacelles at 97.5 degrees, slightly rearward from the "helicopter" position. Testing video for the V-280 APPEARS to show this ability, and it'd be rather silly for them to not have it given that they're focusing on low-speed agility. On that same note, both the current V-22's also lack a properly strong Yaw authority in low speed, seems like the devs and modders assume the V-22 gets it's yaw entirely from control surfaces and forget about the swashplates on the rotors being able to operate as a cyclic, either that or they didn't want to model it in the physics engine. Based on what I've seen so far though it seems like you guys know your stuff, so I'm hopin this sorta thing has been taken under consideration. Keep up the great work and hope you had a happy holidays!