Hello guys i tried to make my gui menu starts with music but my ways did not worked so this is my config can any one help to let the music works
class CfgPatches
class A3Data
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = 0.1;
author[] = {"David Smith"};
requiredAddons[] = {};
class CfgSounds
sounds[] = {};
class david_sound
name = "david_sound";
// start path to sound file in AddOn with @
sound[] = { "@Admin\addons\Admin\sounds\david_sound.ogg", 1, 1, 100 };
titles[] = { 0, "" };
#include "Dialog\BIDefines.hpp"
#include "Dialog\Admin_Menu.hpp"
class CfgFunctions
class bruhinfoshitisshitaflolroflimautisticxD
class Functions
file = "Admin\Functions";
class david {};
class selchanged {};
class undtcted
class Init
file = "Admin\Functions\fn_Admin.sqf";