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Mr H.

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Everything posted by Mr H.

  1. but you didn't comment the hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = correct? Can you post your edited cfg ?
  2. If you inherit from B_G_Boat_Transport_02_F you don't need to point at the model again, neither do you need to specify the hiddenSelections, they are already on the base version. Are you sure you've got the correct hiddenSelections[] anyway? Just try commenting this line and the model line and see if it works.
  3. Mr H.

    ArmaRig for Blender

    Thanks! I found that adding rightHandIKCurve[] = {0}; leftHandIKCurve[] = {0}; to the config fixed it also. After some tikering I managed to make a simple test animation and play it in game. Something must be wrong with my animation because it plays fine on non playable units but not on players. Anyway your rig is an awsome tool! Thanks.
  4. Mr H.

    ArmaRig for Blender

    Hey @Macser I hope you are still maintaining this... Anyway here are a few questions (I'm a newbie as far as animating in blender is concerned so I apologize if my questions sound stupid) : - Can I detach the weapon from the hands so that when exporting to arma they do not stay "glued" to it? (I've seen a comment above about removing child constraint, it works in blender but once the animation is in arma they look like this: https://pasteboard.co/IuELtlT.png) - The current downloadable rig seems to be missing the "camera" bone you mentioned above, I'm not confident I can add it myself, could you upload a new version? It's there, I'd missed it. -The M9 pistol has no control like the launcher or the weapon. I'd like to detach it as well
  5. 1) if your user texture is part of an object but not the whole object it needs its own UVMap (I think, I don't remember) 2) It needs to appear in your model.cfg sections[] = { "mainscreen","handscreen" // where these are the selections made in object builder }; 3) It needs to be pointed at in your object config in cfg vehicles: hiddenSelections[] = {"mainscreen","handscreen"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = { "\MRHMiscItems\Models\BioScanner\Data\touchscreen_co.paa", "\MRHMiscItems\Models\BioScanner\Data\hand_scan_co.paa" }; 4) if you want to have a field in its attributes where one can change the path to the image in 3den editor you will have to create a class attribtes: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Eden_Editor:_Configuring_Attributes#Entity_Specific
  6. No need for a second script: _previousVeh = missionNamespace getVariable ["TAG_scriptCreatedVeh",objnull]; if !(isNull _previousVeh) then {deleteVehicle _previousVeh}; _veh = "B_T_LSV_01_unarmed_olive_F" createVehicle position player; _veh setVariable ["BIS_enableRandomization", false]; _veh setDir _direction; _veh setPos _position; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _veh; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _veh; clearItemCargoGlobal _veh; player moveInDriver _veh; missionNamespace setVariable ["TAG_scriptCreatedVeh",_veh];
  7. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle Will spawn air vehicles flying with engine on
  8. Mr H.

    Remove Inventory from obj

    It won't remove the action (for that you MUST make an addon) but it should close the inventory as soon as you open it.
  9. Mr H.

    Remove Inventory from obj

    Easy to do via config files. But if you don't want to go the addons way and just do it for a specific object in your mission you can use eventhandlers. this addEventHandler ["ContainerOpened", { params ["_container", "_unit"]; closedialog 0}];
  10. Using https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/params you can define expected datatypes with an "Array of direct Data Types" eg. {} is CODE, but what's the correct way to check that the parameter is a side ? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/typeName seems to imply that it's sideUnknown but: params [ ["_units",[],[]], ["_side",WEST,sideUnknown], ["_position",[0,0,0],[],3] ]; Throws an error while params [ ["_units",[],[]], ["_side",WEST], ["_position",[0,0,0],[],3] ]; Does not. And I can't find the right syntax...
  11. I assume that : params [ ["_units",[],[[]]], ["_side",WEST,[sideUnknown]], ["_position",[0,0,0],[[]],3] ]; is also the correct syntax for the rest
  12. Ahhhh that's whar I was missing thanks!
  13. Mr H.

    Contact DLC-style map help

    Usually when @Larrow gives you an answer, it works 😉
  14. Mr H.

    Multi Screen Computer

    Not an answer to your question, but as a side note you can animate the multiscreen computer to open/ close with: _object animateSource ["open_source",1]; //to close it _object animateSource ["open_source",0]; //to open it
  15. Mr H.

    Protecting Pbo

    Mikero's tool allow you to obfuscate your pbos but there's really no point in doing that since any protection has a workaround...
  16. yes, you don't really have to define _ACeMedic, that was for the sake of explaining. _unit setVariable ["ace_medical_medicclass",1, true]; // set as medic _unit setVariable ["ace_medical_medicclass",2, true]; // set as doctor
  17. No setunittrait will only make you medic ( see https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/blob/master/addons/medical_treatment/functions/fnc_isMedic.sqf ) you can however set an ace medic/ doctor with: //_AceMedic = 1; // medic //_AceMedic = 2; // doctor _unit setVariable ["ace_medical_medicclass", _AceMedic, true];
  18. = defines a variable. == checks that something is equal to something SO replace = by ==
  19. Hi so I'm trying do do a mission where players will face a zeus with limited powers. The set units and vehicles costs module works fine with vanilla assets but not with units from RHS AFRF. On the wiki I've found this solution: myCurator addEventHandler [ "CuratorObjectRegistered", { _classes = _this select 1; _costs = []; { _cost = if (_x isKindOf "Man") then {[true,0.1]} else {[false,0]}; // Show only objects of type "Man", hide everything else _costs = _costs + [_cost]; } forEach _classes; // Go through all classes and assign cost for each of them _costs } ]; it works but only sets the cost of infantry units. I have changed it to: ZeusMaster addEventHandler [ "CuratorObjectRegistered", { _classes = _this select 1; _costs = []; { _cost = if (_x isKindOf "Man") then {[true,0.01]} else {[true,0.05]}; // CHANGED the else part _costs = _costs + [_cost]; } forEach _classes; // Go through all classes and assign cost for each of them _costs } ]; which sets the cost of all infantry units to 0.01 and all other objects to 0.05 but i can't change the cost further (i'd like to have cars < helicopters < tanks costs) for example. I've tried adding lines like _cost = if (_x isKindOf "Air") then {[true,0.01]} I've tried removing the " else {[true,0.05]};" part when doing that but it doesn't work... What am I doing wrong? Also I've already limited the access to addons for the zeus player but I'd also like to limit available factions and I don't know if it's possible...
  20. you don't need a public variable since you pass the object to the script. setWayPointStatement passes the group as this so you can just do: _wp setWaypointStatements ["true", "[this] execVM 'chooseWaypoint.sqf';"]; since the parameter passed is a group you will have to change deleteWaypoint [group vehicleStr, 0]; //to deleteWaypoint [(_this select 0), 0]; assuming you call it from the group leader's initbox at first call it with [group this] execVM 'chooseWaypoint.sqf';
  21. not in ARMA's addons folder! (that's an absolute don't!). Also did you include the function that @Nutzgo posted at the top of this post?
  22. What did you do exactly what's not working?
  23. Mr H.

    Multi Texture | PIP Help

    This has already been asked somewhere here and the answer was in short: possibility 1: they have added this functionality in the dev branch and it will be available in the contact update (unlikely) 2) it's just a premade video played on that screen not an actual pip feed (more than likely) At any rate it's not possible at the moment.
  24. Mr H.

    refiiling ammo box

    Okay my bad I read too quickly however you can still use : _box addEventHandler ["ContainerOpened" to check the contents of the box whenever it's opened.
  25. Mr H.

    Multi Texture | PIP Help

    This requires some further explanation, if your object as several hidden selections you can have a pip and a texture at the same time, otherwise it's either one but not both. also (but unrelated) maybe use EachFrame instead of draw3d