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Mr H.

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Everything posted by Mr H.

  1. I have recorded a unitplay on a car, the car is driven by an IA and the AI (variable name = pilot) will drive the players around. I do know that engineOn only works "where the unit is local" (I'm still a little bit confused about what this means exactly). The engineOn command does work but the engine stops itself after a while, i have tried this: if (local vehicle pilot) then {dummycar engineon true;}; to no avail. How would you go about it? On a side note: how would you go about to have the car's wheels rolling when playing the unitplay (they are still at the moment). I have tested the above mentioned both on my team's server and on my computer.
  2. Hi! So here's my problem: I want a script to execute only for players within hearing distance of a NPC The script will be executed from another script, the latter being launched from an addaction. I want the script to execute only on the machines of players nearby but obviously can't use a trigger area to count them. How should I go about it?
  3. Hi, I know that you can force a player to walk by using forceWalk, but i'd also like to know if it's possible to force other paces onto the player. combat pace, run, sprint namely. I cannot find a similar command for these paces. A lead I was following would be to detect the keys set for toggle on these settings and emulate their input, but I don't know if it's possible to emulate key input from a script.
  4. You've got the uid so you can retrieve it with https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_getUnitByUid
  5. You kind of answered your own question : https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers/addMissionEventHandler#PlayerConnected 😉
  6. To heal why don't you use the ace function ? [_unit,_unit] call ACE_medical_fnc_treatmentAdvanced_fullHeal;
  7. Assuming your code is correct here's how I would set it up : In your initserver.sqf In your init.sqf Using cba events to run some code where unit is local is how ACE does it instead of remote executing, I believe it's better optimized this way.
  8. Does the rest work ? If so have you tested just the text bits in the console to see if they work ?
  9. There are a few other things that are not ok in your code: replace the WEST in your remote exec's by _unit. And anyway if I where you I'd just remote exec the whole healing.sqf where unit is local (and remove all the remote exec's inside) also in the line where you use the eject action _this should be _unit. Sorry for not explaining everything or pasting full code but I'm on my phone.
  10. Okay so first you should add the handler only on the server. Best way is to add it from your initserver.sqf It will look something like that. mev addEventHandler ["GetIn", { params ["_vehicle", "_role", "_unit", "_turret"]; [_unit] execVM "healing.sqf" }];
  11. Also your messages will be seen by everyone in blufor. And instead of using a trigger you should use a getIn eventhandler.
  12. First line should be _unit = _this select 0;
  13. The file you posted is not from the original mod. You should use the original version where there are no such errors 😉
  14. Mr H.

    Unconscious Markers

    The "ace_uncounscious" event doesn't work like that addEventHandler only works with arma 3 vanilla events. Ace events use Cba event system
  15. Target has to be defined within the scope of your event handler action. You can store/retrieve it in missionnamespace for example. It depends on what type of data you are trying to pass.
  16. @GEORGE FLOROS GR for the record these are also visible if you paste in visual studio code and seem most common when code is posted from a phone. @Beans135 btw pie_helmet in your weapons array should be between ""
  17. When copying/pasting from this forum some invisible characters are sometimes created. Just rewrite the code by hand.
  18.  class CfgPatches { class TIOW_Tau_Headgear { weapons [] = {Pie_helmet}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons [] = {"A3_characters_F}; }; };
  19. { class Cargo { parachuteClass = B_Parachute_02_F; // Type of parachute used when dropped in air. When empty then parachute is not used. parachuteHeightLimit = 40; // Minimal height above terrain when parachute is used. canBeTransported = 1; // 0 (false) / 1 (true) dimensions[] = {"BBox_1_1_pos", "BBox_1_2_pos"}; // Memory-point-based override of automatic bounding box }; }; No formatting sorry I'm on my phone. Found here : https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Vehicle_in_Vehicle_Transport don't know if it works for thingX though.
  20. Do you mean with an ace 3 interaction ? If so https://ace3mod.com/wiki/framework/cargo-framework.html
  21. Mission not map. mod not mission 😉 Ace not JSRS It is possible, best way would be to ask the author do do it in his mission. You can do it yourself but you need to know how to get the mission file and extract it. (Easy to do, just google it). If you republish it/modify it you need the author's explicit authorization.
  22. It's not even necessary to use the deleteAt in this case, this will spawn units at each marker, I'm guessing that's not exactly what you want.
  23. Markerarray = ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10"]; for "_i" from 0 to (count MarkerArray) do { private ["_grp","_unit"]; _grp = createGroup [east, true]; _unit = _grp createUnit [selectRandom ["uns_men_VC_mainforce_AS1","uns_men_VC_mainforce_HMG"],getMarkerPos (Markerarray select _i), [], 350, "FORM"]; Markerarray deleteAt _i; }; try like this
  24. Hi guys! I'm trying to replace the map by a custom image whenever players open their map. What I have so far allows me to create the pic when the map is opened and works, but the trouble is it is shown over every other layer, while what I'd like to do would be to place it just above the map, but behind everything else so that players can see everything else, (tasks, briefing etc.). Any insight will be greatly appreciated. Here's what I have so far: findDisplay 46 displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", { if (inputAction "showMap" >0) then { _x = -0.00531249 * safezoneW + safezoneX; _y = -0.00399999 * safezoneH + safezoneY; _w = 1.01063 * safezoneW; _h = 1.008 * safezoneH; _ctrl = findDisplay 12 ctrlCreate ["rscPicture", 1000]; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition [_x,_y,_w,_h]; _ctrl ctrlSetText "media\img\splashscreen1.paa"; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; }; }];
  25. You have to get the cargo room for the helicopter and then count the number of dead players compare them and you're set.