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Everything posted by Gravefiend

  1. Gravefiend

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    Take all the time you need warlord, personal life always come first
  2. Gravefiend

    USP Gear & Uniforms

    Just WOW!!!!! I cannot wait to see the final product with the H.A.L.O/H.A.H.O gear! This pack is gonna have every single piece of gear i have been looking for in years for my GU. Keep up the insanely great work
  3. Gravefiend

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    No that is not a bug. That is how you would do it in real life, you cant lay down and reload a weapon like that
  4. Gravefiend

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!! You just made my day Redphoenix!!!!!!!
  5. Gravefiend

    USP Gear & Uniforms

    OMG that oxygen mask looks amazing!!!!! I feel like a small child at christmas just waiting for the gifts!!!
  6. Gravefiend

    Taskforce 316

    TF316 is a fictional multinational coalition of Special Forces from the UK and USA, assembled to defeat the enemies of NATO wherever they may be. This multinational coalition provides a wide range of operational scenarios, equipment and tactics which when blended together creates the ultimate tool in NATO’s arsenal. The GU (Gaming Unit) is built to conduct special operations – be that in the deserts of Takistan, the forests of Chernarus or the mountains of Altis. We specialize in reconnaissance and intelligence gathering, counter-terrorism and direct action against high-level targets. We typically run these as groups of operations in a particular theater as an operational deployment. The unit at its core is currently made up of two units – SAS and Delta Force . The two units rotate through specialist insertion methods including Air, Boat, Mobility and Mountain, as well as retaining core specialist skills such as explosives, commanding, signals and reconnaissance. A clear command structure and specialist skill-sets provide our members with an immersive but fun experience aimed at accurately portraying Special Forces operations in the current day. Upon application you will be put through a training and selection process by current members of the GU, to asses your suitability. This includes skills such as navigation, contact drills and reconnaissance. During our operations and training we make use of several community-built mods such as ACE (including full medical system), TFR, RHS and regularly use a variety of community-built maps. The most recent operations made use of the Chernobyl and CLAFGHAN maps. Upon completing your training process and being accepted to the GU, you will be posted to either the SAS or Delta Troops and conduct operations and training with the GU. We run our operations/training on a Monday evening at 19:45 BST/GMT, which typically run until 22:00 BST/GMT, totally four sessions over a calendar month, the minimum requirement for joining is that you can attend 50% of these sessions. If this sounds like the GU you want to be involved with, take a look at our website at https://www.taskforce316.co.uk/ and put in an Application!