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About NethrosDefectus

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  1. NethrosDefectus

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    I'm pretty sure I read that you could add custom boxes to the Logistics Point but thus far I have been unable to work it out. I'd appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance
  2. NethrosDefectus

    seelenlos Zeus

    @fry02312 Do I need to adjust this line at all? Or could you think of any other reason it may not give access to modded items?
  3. NethrosDefectus

    seelenlos Zeus

    I'm using this on my Exile server mostly fine, however it is only giving me access to vanilla Arma stuff. How would I enable access to mods such as CUP or RHS?
  4. NethrosDefectus

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Yeah unfortunately the bag itself appears on the floor as opposed to the tripod when I either right click or drag the tripod to the ground. However when you dismantle a static weapon (placed by a script) the tripod correctly appears so I am not sure why it isn't working
  5. NethrosDefectus

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Thanks for pointing to the instructions :) I'm trying to use L16 Mortar on an Exile server, I can dismantle any statics that have been spawned on the map as part of a mission but the option doesn't appear for me to put them back together (Tripod on the floor and Mortar in my launcher slot) Has anyone successfully deployed one of these within Exile before? I should add that all the launchers and as well the Light Mortar work perfectly, it's just the statics that seem to be an issue
  6. NethrosDefectus

    3CB BAF Weapons

    I apologise if this has been mentioned before, I've noticed that the static weapons and tripods (those that are equipable in the armoury at least) seem to be configured as launchers as opposed to backpacks meaning you can't deploy them. Is this just something I've messed up or is it a known issue? Always check the documentation people, otherwise you look like a fool. :p