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Everything posted by Ry4nD

  1. Ry4nD

    Fast Server Setup

    Maybe hard with only core, I've used the desktop and data center variants no problems.
  2. Ry4nD

    Fast Server Setup

    Server files https://github.com/rcantec/Serverfiles
  3. Takes me about 5 mins to setup a dedicated server on Windows Server 2016. Probably one of the easiest game servers to setup. I have my server files and brief explanation here -> https://github.com/rcantec/Serverfiles I have a more in depth explanation here -> https://github.com/rcantec/Dedicated-Exile-Server-Setup-Simplified You could ignore the Exile part, and just focus on the dedicated server part, so skipping the Exile mod and mysql setup I have a video here -> I plan to make an updated video soon, with just the Arma dedicated server part.
  4. Interesting, possibly if the name was the same as the support module? You can also set the support module parameters in the module itself.
  5. Ry4nD

    Battle Malden

    PLayed it last night for a few hours on my server, was a blast lol
  6. Ry4nD

    Battle Malden

    Steam link https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1489494509 Malden has been lost to an Alien drone force. Intel markers in red suggest possible locations. Find and destroy enemy units, Good Luck. Not really sure where i'm going with this, it was just a crazy idea I had today, thought to try and make a mission based on what I was watching at lunchtime. XD # Battle Malden Futuristic Insurgency style mission for Malden, complete with all the tools you need for a unique MILSIM experience. This is the 1st edition of the mission and is a WIP, still many things to do. This mission is designed for a multiplayer environment, however you can also enjoy it in single player. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. To play this mission CBA_A3;Operation:TREBUCHET;HMCS Addon are required. The mission is compatible with all other addons. To begin using the Software; 1. Move the file into the following directory (assuming you have the Steam version of ArmA 3); C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\MPMissions Special thanks to BangaBob, Engima, cobra4v320 and PHRONK for the use of their scripts to make some things happen. The Software is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The Software is not an official addon or tool. Use of the Software (in whole or in part) is entirely at your own risk. This mission is (c) 2018 RCANTEC(RyanD) www.rytechlab.com rights reserved. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
  7. Ry4nD

    Battle Malden

    The newest update makes this mission nuts Still a few things to do, but man the robots are nuts.
  8. Ry4nD

    Battle Malden

    you're welcome, hope you enjoy it
  9. Got some errors in dedicated server now, I can't figure out oh to fix it lol _refPosX = (_refPlayerPos select 0) + (_minSpawnDist> 14:01:58 Error position: <_refPlayerPos select 0) + (_minSpawnDist> 14:01:58 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refplayerpos 14:01:58 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Malden\Engima\Traffic\Server\Functions.sqf, line 278 14:01:58 Error in expression <= "NULL"; _refPlayerPos = (selectRandom _allPlayerPositions) select 1; _areaMark> 14:01:58 Error position: <_allPlayerPositions) select 1; _areaMark> 14:01:58 Error Undefined variable in expression: _allplayerpositions 14:01:58 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Malden\Engima\Traffic\Server\Functions.sqf, line 268 14:01:58 Error in expression <_spawnSegment = [_currentInstanceIndex, _allPlayerPositions, _minDistance, _maxS> 14:01:58 Error position: <_allPlayerPositions, _minDistance, _maxS> 14:01:58 Error Undefined variable in expression: _allplayerpositions 14:01:58 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Malden\Engima\Traffic\Server\StartTraffic.sqf, line 276 14:01:58 Error in expression < true; _dir = random 360; _refPosX = (_refPlayerPos select 0) + (_minSpawnDist> 14:01:58 Error position: <_refPlayerPos select 0) + (_minSpawnDist> 14:01:58 Error Undefined variable in expression: _refplayerpos 14:01:58 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Malden\Engima\Traffic\Server\Functions.sqf, line 278 14:01:58 Error in expression < true;
  10. Ry4nD

    Battle Malden

    Updated, added RHSUSAF assets, eye candy
  11. Ry4nD

    Battle Malden

  12. Ry4nD

    Battle Malden

    oH YES, OK
  13. I put together my collection of files that I use to quickly make a dedicated windows server. GitHub Link -> Serverfiles Server Files Files required for a dedicated Arma III server on Windows. DirectX Visual C++ Redistributable 2015 x86 and x64 You also need steamcmd from here -> SteamCMD File Topology 3 Directories are required. You can use any local, virtual or network attached drive. E:\A3Files E:\steamcmd E:\A3S1
  14. Ry4nD

    Battle Malden

    I'll be searching the workshop for some interesting content to add to this mission, Kind of looking for an alien invasion kind of feel xD
  15. Ry4nD

    Ghost Missions

    Here is a pretty straightforward guide https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Dedicated_Server
  16. Ry4nD

    Battle Malden

    Thank you, You're welcome!
  17. Ry4nD

    Ghost Missions

    Sounds like the way you have your server set up on your machine, I've never had any problem running Ghost missions, some of my favorites. I recommend maybe watching a few videos or guides how to set up a server. I have a few guides/videos around ;-)
  18. Ry4nD

    User Mission Request Thread

    All very easy to accomplish
  19. Right on, i'll keep that in mind, but for now the error is gone, and #missions is working so maybe it was just a glitch, or my server perhaps just needed a restart as it was a brand new machine and a fresh install of everything.
  20. Ry4nD


    Thank you! Happy you like it
  21. Ry4nD


    Thank you!
  22. You have me confused with the internal and external #include can you provide a link to more detail? I only had one mission in the folder, it didn't contain any #include No one said I had to change anything, so why would the #mission command now work since nothing serverside was changed? however the #mission command now works... meaning it fixed itself.
  23. Ry4nD

