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About Savage_Donkey

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  1. Savage_Donkey

    Bushlurker's Carraigdubh Terrain

    I haven't touched Arma modding in years so I have no intentions of updating the map and unfortunately don't know what would be causing the status access violation. Like Harzach said, the license leaves it open for whoever wants to take a look at it. IIRC, the only changes I made from the files in the original armaholic download were some config edits and replacing the pond objects with empty p3ds.
  2. Savage_Donkey

    Helicopter crosshair

    Yes it's from the 1.84 update from today:
  3. Savage_Donkey

    Helicopter crosshair

    I doubt there is a way to turn it off as its not a crosshair, but rather a literal scribble on the texture of the glass to assist with aiming.
  4. Savage_Donkey

    SSF Factions and Faction Overhauls

    For helicopters, there is Pook's Bell 47 Pack which includes some period variants. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30265
  5. What about the possibility of retexturing RHS's boonie model?
  6. Savage_Donkey

    Single player saves........

    Not necessarily. However, having mods does increase the chance of breaking saves. I've found that if a mod requires another mod that is not loaded, then the saves will not work.
  7. Savage_Donkey

    How to revert version?

    You can go to the Arma 3 settings, and under the betas tab. There is a beta access box where you can type in "Arma3Legacy174" and it'll unlock the previous version for you to use. I think it is only available until the next update.
  8. Savage_Donkey

    Missing file :/

    1) Right click Arma 3 in the steam window 2) Select properties and a new window will open 3) Click the 'Local Files' tab 4) Select 'Verify Integrity of Game Files'. Steam should detect the missing files and download them.
  9. Savage_Donkey

    Bring Old vehicles and Equipment Forward

    While I doubt there'll be any dlcs with that focus this late in Arma 3's life, there's always CUP.
  10. Savage_Donkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Well I have slow internet anyways so it doesn't matter to me :) EDIT: And yes I use steam for rhs.
  11. Savage_Donkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    There's always Armaholic- RHSUSAF: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27149 RHSAFRF: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27150
  12. Savage_Donkey

    TF47 Launchers [WIP]

    Assuming that blackpixxel is okay with people doing so, all one has to do is open the pbo, remove the mission folder, remove any reference to the mission from the config.bin , then repbo the file. It is an easy fix that would only take 5 minutes.
  13. You'll need some way to run the scripts; simply copying them to the folder won't work. Depending on what you need there are a few different ways to accomplish this, but all can be found on the wiki.
  14. You can grab pbo manager here. It'll allow you to extract the pbo and also pack it back into a pbo.