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About Col.Williams

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal

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  1. Yeah I'm going to run through some specific testing here soon and see what can be accomplished. I'm going to run two servers and compare DDR3 old stuff to new DDR5 stuff and I'll stat a new thread for that.
  2. Hello I used to run an arma 3 community and I am in the process of rebuilding my server rack. I used to run a kaby lake i5 processor with 16gb of DDR4 3000mhz ram for our old server in the same conditions. I have heard that arma 3 does not use multithreading so that feature would be useless? do older processors work well? If I used my Hyve Zeus with 64GB of DDR3 Ram and two Intel Xeon E5-2695 (12 cores each per processor) would that work beautifully or am I better off running a server with the newest raptor lake processor the i9 13900K ? I want a beefy server that can handle a lot of mods. Let me know your recommendations, Thank you!
  3. Squad Name: 1st battalion, 4th marines Timezone/location: Eastern/North America Contact email: [email protected] Teamspeak: TRGNTS.us.to Website address: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfeaho7RNKSVgk5l6HyT8qeiLWekgrh8OURMuQCkfzlapMbhA/viewform Forum: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfeaho7RNKSVgk5l6HyT8qeiLWekgrh8OURMuQCkfzlapMbhA/viewform Short Description: We are a very experienced Milsim group with over 4 years of running operations. Mandatory attendance, ranks with the option to be promoted, squad leaderships roles, no dual-clanning, special forces branch and rotary and fixed wing branch. All positions are available. Teamspeak is TRGNTS.us.to see you their! Language: English
  4. Squad Name: 1st battalion, 4th marines Timezone/location: Eastern/North America Contact email: [email protected] Teamspeak: TRGNTS.us.to Website address: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfeaho7RNKSVgk5l6HyT8qeiLWekgrh8OURMuQCkfzlapMbhA/viewform Forum: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfeaho7RNKSVgk5l6HyT8qeiLWekgrh8OURMuQCkfzlapMbhA/viewform Short Description: We are a very experienced Milsim group with over 4 years of running operations. Mandatory attendance, ranks with the option to be promoted, squad leaderships roles, no dual-clanning, special forces branch and rotary and fixed wing branch. All positions are available. Teamspeak is TRGNTS.us.to see you their! Language: English
  5. Col.Williams

    United States Air Force Mod (2019)

    Reporting a bug with RHS: USAF special forces buggy and ac-130 cargo. After loading the buggies into the plane they do this (Picture below) and do not allow you to unload them/parachute them out. https://prnt.sc/ptv174 (Picture link)
  6. Of course and also have you ever thought of making your own version of the C-5 , C-17 and B-52 bomber? I would be really excited to try out a B-52. No one has created one yet for arma3 it would be awesome. Thanks!
  7. @firewill http://prntscr.com/m6etw9 here is a print screen image of my logs showing the error i talked about after removing it from my dedi it works fine im not sure.
  8. Sure thing It will be a little while but I will get back to you. Ill take screen shots of the logs on my dedicated server it could also be conflicting with the other mods we are running.
  9. @firewill Problem report: First off what a beautiful f35 I actually like it quite well how ever when this mod is loaded onto our server it throws an error. saying No entry.model Hopefully this will be looked into and yes we are sure of this being the issue once we removed it from the server our server started to work again. Thanks hopefully this will be fixed soon I love it <3 :)
  10. Col.Williams

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Question? Will the C-17 be updated so that it is able to load and para drop RHS vehicles,tanks,Hum-vees,APC's,IFV's ? along with the parachuting script for players ? C-17 is my all fave Thanks
  11. Col.Williams

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Just want to say the mod looks to be coming along great and that one of your moderators flagged me and gave me a warning point for something i said to someone which i though it was nice said i was posting spam so i call B.S. on that one mr moderator not fair!
  12. Col.Williams

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    I agree with the mod creators please give them time. They have real life jobs and maybe even families to take care of. Creating a mod is not a JOB they are not getting paid to do it. It is a blessing from them that they grant onto us the people of the ArmA 3 community so get with the program people and have some respect! Cant wait for though its gonna be a good one :)
  13. Col.Williams

    Firing Range Popup Targets

    where do we put the animate commands on what trigger and where in the trigger or object ?