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About CrimsonTemplar

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  1. Hello. I saw this thread and I've been trying to work this out as well. I finally succeeded in getting it to work: Please note that this post is WIP and subject to change, to correct any errors, update info, better ways of doing certain things etc. If you spot anything please don't hesitate to point it out. First Off. One main point to make: For more: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Animated_Opening I'll put up a test scenario to download, so that people how it works, a little later on but for now: As far as I've been able to work out (I might be wrong) the wiki entry for Animated Opening is incomplete as it's missing a couple key details, which I'll outline in the instructions below: 1) In your "description.ext" file, make sure you insert the following class entry: overviewPicture = ""; onLoadName = Animated Opening Test; author = CrimsonTemplar; onLoadMission = Test for Animated Opening Script; loadScreen = ""; enableDebugConsole = 2; class CfgFunctions { class A3_Missions_F_Tacops { tag = "BIS"; project = "arma3"; #include "\A3\Missions_F_Tacops\cfgFunctions.inc" }; }; #include "\A3\Missions_F_Tacops\cfgFunctions.inc" is required AFAIK since it contains the core function data for the Animated Opening (and also Animated Briefing) to work. Otherwise it will show script errors and unrecognised variables. (For the next step: while you can place everything into a single sqf file, for the sake of clarity and readability, I'll use the two file approach for this). 2) In your mission folder (For this guide we'll call it AnimOpen.Altis), create two sqf files and name them whatever you wish. Again for the purpose of this guide, we'll name them "timeline.sqf" and "InitOpening.sqf"*. 3) Place the images you want to use for the Opening in your missions folder (or a selected folder within the root missions folder) 4) In your "timeline.sqf" file, create the necessary "private _timeline", using whatever pictures, layers and animation you wish to use (more details can be found at https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Animated_Opening). For this we'll simply use an an altered test version of the 'Beyond Hope" Opening with a few custom images: 4b) Look particularly at [MODE_LAYER CREATE, 1, "AOSlide1.jpg" ]. That number (1-15 as AO only allows up to 15 pictures. 5 for text) defines that layer's ID. You were almost correct. Unless defined in a definition file or a string, it has to be a number. The second is the image location/path. If located in the root mission folder, you only need the name of the image and format. Supported image formats are paa and jpg. private _timeline = [ [ 0.000, { //playMusic "LeadTrack01_F_Tacops"; //0 fadeMusic 1; [MODE_BLACKIN,0,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; 0 = [true, ["Guess what", "This is some text you're reading"], STYLE_TITLE_AND_SENTENCE] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowStaticText; } ], [ 4.7, { [MODE_BLACKOUT,3,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; }], [ 7.709503, { // < Image 01 - //[MODE_DESTROY ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_INIT, [2,3,1.00] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; playsound3D ["a3\Sounds_F_Tacops\SFX\Missions\c01_1.wss",player, false, getPosASL player, 0.35]; [MODE_RESET,[true,true]] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_BLACKOUT, 0.01, true ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_CREATE, 1, "AOSlide1.jpg" ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_ROTATE, 1, 8,5 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE, 1, 8,nil,1.1 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLEMIST, C01_SLIDE5_IMG_PARTICLEMIST, nil,0.5,1 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLEMIST2, C01_SLIDE5_IMG_PARTICLEMIST, nil,0.4,1.9 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLEMIST, 20, [0.7,0.65], nil, [0.3,0.65] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLEMIST2, 20, [0.3,0.65], nil, [0.7,0.65] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_ROTATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLEMIST2, 10, -30 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_BLACKIN, 2, false ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; } ], [09.504309, { //0 = [localize "Amazing that you can read this!", STYLE_DYNAMIC_TOPLEFT, 0] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowDynamicText; } ], [10.055399, { //0 = [localize "Holy Shit", STYLE_DYNAMIC_CENTER1, 1] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowDynamicText; } ], [ 13.255399, { // Image 01 > //fade to black [MODE_BLACKOUT,2,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; } ], [ 15.388489, { // < Text 01 //[MODE_DESTROY ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_INIT, [1,3,1.05] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_RESET,[true,true]] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_BLACKIN,0,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; 0 = [true, [ "Amazing that you can read this!"], STYLE_ONE_SENTENCE] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowStaticText; } ], [ 20.059, { [MODE_BLACKOUT,3,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; }], [ 23.071934, { // < Image 02 - //[ MODE_DESTROY ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[ MODE_INIT, [8,3,1.00] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; playsound3D ["a3\Sounds_F_Tacops\SFX\Missions\c01_2.wss",player, false, getPosASL player, 0.23]; [ MODE_RESET,[true,true]] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_BLACKOUT, 0.01, true ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_CREATE, 2, "AOSlide2.jpg" ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_SKYBOX_CREATE, C01_SLIDE2_ID_SKYBOX, C01_SLIDE2_IMG_SKYBOX, 1, 30 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[ MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE2_ID_BLOOD_A, C01_SLIDE2_IMG_BLOOD_A ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[ MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE2_ID_BLOOD_B, C01_SLIDE2_IMG_BLOOD_B ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[ MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE2_ID_BLOOD_C, C01_SLIDE2_IMG_BLOOD_C ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[ MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE2_ID_ABOVEBLOOD, C01_SLIDE2_IMG_ABOVEBLOOD ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[ MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE2_ID_SOLDIER_WITH_AK, C01_SLIDE2_IMG_SOLDIER_WITH_AK ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_FADE, [C01_SLIDE2_ID_BLOOD_A,C01_SLIDE2_ID_BLOOD_C], 0.001,0,1 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //fade away the black screen [MODE_BLACKIN,2,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //rotate background [MODE_LAYER_ROTATE, [2,C01_SLIDE2_ID_BLOOD_A,C01_SLIDE2_ID_BLOOD_B,C01_SLIDE2_ID_BLOOD_C,C01_SLIDE2_ID_ABOVEBLOOD],10,15] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE, [2,C01_SLIDE2_ID_BLOOD_A,C01_SLIDE2_ID_BLOOD_B,C01_SLIDE2_ID_BLOOD_C,C01_SLIDE2_ID_ABOVEBLOOD],10,nil,1.3] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //rotate FOREGROUND //[MODE_LAYER_ROTATE,C01_SLIDE2_ID_SOLDIER_WITH_AK,8,10] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE,C01_SLIDE2_ID_SOLDIER_WITH_AK,8,nil,1.8] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //uisleep 2; [MODE_LAYER_FADE, C01_SLIDE2_ID_BLOOD_B, 2, 0, 1] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_FADE, C01_SLIDE2_ID_BLOOD_A, 2, 1, 0] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; } ], [ 24.940964, { //00 = [localize "Will it just not cease to amaze?", 999, 0,[0.5,0.45]] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowDynamicText; } ], [ 25.875478, { //00 = [localize "No it continues ever onwards", 999, 1,[0.15,0.75]] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowDynamicText; } ], [ 28.675478, { [MODE_BLACKOUT,2,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; }], [ 30.724647, { // < Text 02 //[MODE_DESTROY ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_INIT, [1,3,1.05] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_RESET,[true,true]] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_BLACKIN,0,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; 0 = [true, [ "Truly spectacular that you can see this now!"], STYLE_TITLE_AND_SENTENCE] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowStaticText; } ], [ 36.096, { [MODE_BLACKOUT,2,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; }], [ 38.434257, { // < Image 03 - //[MODE_DESTROY ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_INIT, [2,3,1.00] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; playsound3D ["a3\Sounds_F_Tacops\SFX\Missions\c01_3.wss",player, false, getPosASL player, 0.7]; [MODE_RESET,[true,true]] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_BLACKOUT, 0.01, true ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_CREATE, 3, "AOSlide3.jpg" ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE3_ID_BACKGROUND2, C01_SLIDE3_IMG_BACKGROUND2,nil,0 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE3_ID_BACKGROUND3, C01_SLIDE3_IMG_BACKGROUND3,nil,0 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE3_ID_SPARKS, C01_SLIDE3_IMG_SPARKS ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_ROTATE, [ 3, C01_SLIDE3_ID_BACKGROUND2, C01_SLIDE3_ID_BACKGROUND3 ], 8,5 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_ROTATE, C01_SLIDE3_ID_SPARKS, 8,15 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE, [ 3, C01_SLIDE3_ID_BACKGROUND2, C01_SLIDE3_ID_BACKGROUND3 ], 8,nil,1.1 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE, [ C01_SLIDE3_ID_SPARKS ], 8,nil,1.1 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_PULSE, C01_SLIDE3_ID_BACKGROUND2, 3,0.9,0,5 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_PULSE, C01_SLIDE3_ID_BACKGROUND3, 1,0.9,0.2,5 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_LAYER_PULSE, C01_SLIDE3_ID_SPARKS, 1,0.9,0.2,8 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_LAYER_PULSE, C01_SLIDE3_ID_SPARKS, 0.5,1,0,10 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_BLACKIN, 2, false ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; } ], [ 42.246390, { //00 = [localize "And that", STYLE_DYNAMIC_TOPLEFT] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowDynamicText; } ], [ 44.607636, { //00 = [localize "is a wrap", STYLE_DYNAMIC_BOTTOMRIGHT] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowDynamicText; } ], [ 44.007636, { [MODE_BLACKOUT,2,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; }], [ 46.129644, { // < Text 03 //[MODE_DESTROY ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_INIT, [1,3,1.05] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_RESET,[true,true]] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_BLACKIN,0,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; 0 = [true, [ "But now it is almost time to end this"], STYLE_ONE_SENTENCE] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowStaticText; } ], [ 51.700, { [MODE_BLACKOUT,2,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; }], [ 53.825030, { // < Image 04 - //[MODE_DESTROY ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_INIT, [2,3,1.00] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; playsound3D ["a3\Sounds_F_Tacops\SFX\Missions\c01_4.wss",player, false, getPosASL player, 0.85]; [MODE_RESET,[true,true]] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_BLACKOUT, 0.01, true ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_CREATE, 4, "AOSlide4.jpg" ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_ROTATE, 4, 8,5 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE, 4, 8,nil,1.1 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_BLACKIN, 2, false ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; } ], [ 55.679835, { //00 = [localize "Just", STYLE_DYNAMIC_TOPLEFT] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowDynamicText; } ], [ 56.571677, { //00 = [localize "About", STYLE_DYNAMIC_BOTTOMRIGHT] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowDynamicText; } ], [ 59.368241, { [MODE_BLACKOUT,2,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; }], [ 61.513304, { // < Text 04 //[MODE_DESTROY ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_INIT, [1,3,1.05] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_RESET,[true,true]] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_BLACKIN,0,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; 0 = [true, [ "So thanks so much for reading", "It truly means alot"], STYLE_TWO_SENTENCES] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowStaticText; } ], [ 67.179569, { [MODE_BLACKOUT,2,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; }], [ 69.162460, { //key 26 // < Image 05 - //[ MODE_DESTROY ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[ MODE_INIT, [9,3,1.05] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; playsound3D ["a3\Sounds_F_Tacops\SFX\Missions\c01_5.wss",player, false, getPosASL player, 0.55]; [MODE_RESET,[true,true]] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_BLACKOUT, 0.01, true ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[ MODE_SKYBOX_CREATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLESMOKE, C01_SLIDE5_IMG_PARTICLESMOKE, 1, 20 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLESMOKE, C01_SLIDE5_IMG_PARTICLESMOKE ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[ MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_BACKGROUND, C01_SLIDE5_IMG_BACKGROUND ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_CONVOY, C01_SLIDE5_IMG_CONVOY ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_SOLDIER, C01_SLIDE5_IMG_SOLDIER ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_SOLDIERSHARP, C01_SLIDE5_IMG_SOLDIERSHARP ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLEMIST, C01_SLIDE5_IMG_PARTICLEMIST, nil,nil,0.75 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_CREATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLEMIST2, C01_SLIDE5_IMG_PARTICLEMIST, nil,nil,0.8 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_ROTATE, [C01_SLIDE5_ID_SOLDIER,C01_SLIDE5_ID_SOLDIERSHARP], 15,10 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_ROTATE, [C01_SLIDE5_ID_BACKGROUND,C01_SLIDE5_ID_CONVOY], 30,30 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_ROTATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLESMOKE, -10,30 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE, [C01_SLIDE5_ID_BACKGROUND,C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLESMOKE,C01_SLIDE5_ID_CONVOY], 30, nil, 1.3 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE, [C01_SLIDE5_ID_SOLDIER,C01_SLIDE5_ID_SOLDIERSHARP], 10, nil, 1.3 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLESMOKE, 10, [0.5,0.4], 1.0 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_FADE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_SOLDIERSHARP, 5,0 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_FADE, [C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLEMIST,C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLEMIST2], 0,0.15 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_FADE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLESMOKE, 0,0.75 ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLEMIST, 20, [0.7,0.5], nil, [0.3,0.5] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_LAYER_ANIMATE, C01_SLIDE5_ID_PARTICLEMIST2, 20, [0.3,0.5], nil, [0.7,0.5] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [ MODE_BLACKIN,0,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; } ], [ 71.026742, { //00 = [localize "Gosh Golly, just wonderful", STYLE_DYNAMIC_TOPLEFT, 0] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowDynamicText; } ], [ 72.967529, { //00 = [localize "It has been a ride has it not", STYLE_DYNAMIC_BOTTOMRIGHT, 1] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowDynamicText; } ], [ 76.805115, { [MODE_BLACKOUT,2,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; }], [ 79.093933, { //[MODE_DESTROY ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; //[MODE_INIT, [1,3,1.05] ] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_RESET,[true,true]] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; [MODE_BLACKIN,0,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; 0 = [true, [ "End of Text", "Now run along!"], STYLE_TITLE_BIG] spawn BIS_fnc_TO_AS_ShowStaticText; } ], [ 88.1, { [MODE_BLACKOUT,1,false] call bis_fnc_animatedScreen; }], [ 91.9, { ["Timeline finished:%1", 0 ] call BIS_fnc_LogFormat; }] ]; 5) Open up "InitOpening.sqf" or "Init.sqf" and copy the following into it: #include "\a3\Missions_F_Tacops\Functions\fn_TO_AnimatedOpening.inc" //This NEEDS to be here or the entire script won't work enableEnvironment false; #include "timeline.sqf"; //Self explanatory _d = [ _timeline, 0, "LeadTrack01_F_Tacops" ] spawn BIS_fnc_animatedOpening; //wait until timeline is over waitUntil{!(missionNamespace getVariable "BIS_fnc_eventTimeline_playing");}; //end Intro and start mission endMission "END1"; //Or whatever you want to execute next. 6) Save and test your scenario. This is just a basic guide on how to create a working Animated Opening. I'll go into detail about layers, text and animation at a later date. However, from the code, most of it should be straightforward enough to get a good outline of how it's done. Hope this helps. *Alternatively you can place everything into one file, including the init.sqf or initplayerlocal.sqf.
  2. CrimsonTemplar

    [IceBreakr/IBIS] Lingor & Dingor for A3

    Well...I suppose no release this week then? :D. Bad times man. Here's to better fortunes!
  3. CrimsonTemplar

    Welcome to Glasgow

    Very nice. Just add a few pubs and it'll be truly authentic ;).
  4. Are there plans to have a fully detailed interior, you can look around? Or will it only be confined to certain areas/LODS (bridge, gunner etc). For the bridge at least, it'd be a nice touch to walk in and take the helm of the ship. I imagine they haven't done that (at least not yet) as it would require work on each segment of the ship perhaps? I'm not entirely sure.
  5. CrimsonTemplar

    Light snowfall script?

    There's this script made by ALIAS http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=786813177&searchtext=Snowstorm It's customisable, can set amount of snow (I believe the amount of snow is dependent on how overcast the map is) and even whether or not it snows indoors.
  6. CrimsonTemplar

    Project Infinite v1.0

    Well techinally "two", since the Ruger Mini 14 GB variant does have a pistol grip.
  7. CrimsonTemplar

    Project Infinite v1.0

    Just to ensure a valid entry, some Winchester Rifles (1886 Production): Ruger Mini 14 (Plus Government Bayonet Version or GB) http://img.readtiger.com/wkp/en/RugerMini14-F30GB004.jpg Schmitd Rubin Karabiner 31 Armalite AR-18 aka "Widowmaker" (AR-180 was the civilian Semi-Automatic only version)
  8. CrimsonTemplar

    Project Infinite v1.0

    So many ideas in my head for this. One weapon I'd like to see is a good looking/functioning Lever Action Rifle, such as a Henry or Winchester. The only one I've ever seen in Arma, was in the now defunct Breaking Point mod and it wasn't a particularly great looking or animated firearm. Other than that? Many have already posted some above but other ideas include: -Steyr Scout Rifle (or Ruger Scout Rifle), -Schmit Rubin K-11 or K-31, -AR-18, -Accuaracy International Rifles, -RSC 1917/1918 rifle, -FG-42, -Berreta PM12, -Howa 1500 -AR 10... -Edit: Ruger Mini-14 I'll stop now ;D.