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Everything posted by Devastator_cm

  1. Sorry but I didn't understand what you mean..
  2. Devastator_cm

    Devas Autopilot [RELEASE]

    Can you send me your mission? The issue which you described was happening in 1.0 but should not happen in 1.1. I will keep script version even if I release a mod version. I will use myself the script mission in my missions :)
  3. Devastator_cm

    Hellenic Armed Forces Mod (HAFM)

    Is there any template to re-texture f-4 and apply it via script?
  4. Devastator_cm

    12 Shades of Grey (aircraft retextures)

    For day missions they have eagle and for night they have bat. I didn't notice the Bat one in your mod!!! :)))) I feel happy now Is there still possibility to get Panther fleet if you consider any update?
  5. Devastator_cm

    12 Shades of Grey (aircraft retextures)

    Can I make a small request In NATO F-16 Pack there is Turkish F-16. That fleet stopped flying as fighters as far as I know (due to coup attempt) but became reconnaissance. Can you maybe add block 52 181.Pars Fleet or 161. Yarasa Fleet (LANTIRN) fleet??
  6. Devastator_cm

    Devas Autopilot [RELEASE]

    which version you tried? 1.1. or 1.0?
  7. Devastator_cm

    Devas Autopilot [RELEASE]

    hmmm this sounds like a valid reason :)
  8. Devastator_cm

    Devas Autopilot [RELEASE]

    Guyssss please tell me why you want it as mod :) I thought everybody would be glad if I do my stuff as scripts because they can simply use them in their servers without asking people to install them :) But now because both of you asks MOD version I would like to know the reason. Maybe I am missing a point :( @GamerOnkel Circle flight path is also what I was thinking to do. I see the necessity by USAF Mod's AC-130. Basically for that I might need a small GUI to let user enter a radius or pitch angle. As usual I do my software releases in iterative cycles instead of big bangs, so I might release an initial version with hardcoded radius and meanwhile I can study how to implement GUIs in Arma 3 to improve the functionality :)
  9. Tornado or Jaguar? :-) I don't remember any conflicts in Europe during 80s to be honest..
  10. Russian one? Mig-23 maybe?
  11. Can't wait to test it! :)
  12. Devastator_cm

    Devas Autopilot [RELEASE]

    Shrike also want to use it with helicopters. I will wait his feedback with modified version of script and based on that I can release official version which includes helicopters. And I am open to any nice requests as usual :)
  13. Devastator_cm

    Devas Autopilot [RELEASE]

    v.1.1 uploaded Fixed: Autopilot not showing in some airplanes Tweaked: Minimum speed of automatic turn off set based on landing speed of airplane I don't see how it will benefit the helicopters actually. Normally I use hover there if I want to look around. Do you really beleive it will have benefits? iskindof returns the classname of a given unit. Entities is returning all objects which are airplane (based on the filter which I passed). p.s. I add sample mission
  14. That's really pitty :(( No idea they will release that DLC and to be honest I hope they will not do it before they find the reason of 3FPS Bug...
  15. @Firewill, I created a script for pitch hold mod of autopilot. I think you might want to add it to your mods. If you are interested PM me :-)
  16. a small feedback for gbu-24 Damage is given a bit interesting :) The buildings just near the impact area were intact but the ones on the other side of the street collapsed. Is this normal?
  17. @Firewill there is a small not critical error
  18. how was the condition of the vehicle? If badly damaged they ignore it
  19. Can you give an idea how you define position of advantegeous for convoy in Arma? Then I might think to implement it :)
  20. @firewill something weird is happening in dedicated server with loadout module. I am getting extra missiles and bombs if I play in dedicated server and start the game inside the airplane. So instead of 6 gbu-38 I get 7, instead of 2 AIM-120 I get 3, instead of 1 laser I get 2 :/. It happens if loadout is set with module and if I start inside the plane. In editor all works fine.
  21. Devastator_cm

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Will there be any improvement about tanks? In current stable branch they are not aware that they have a turret at all! In cities they are hitting their turrets to buildings, power lines etc. and getting either stuck or rolled over..
  22. Devastator_cm

    Tanks - Fire-control system

    The lase will not cause AI flying around to send hellfires right? At the moment if a laser is created on an object AI is firing rockets or dropping JDAMS which can be unwanted behavior here.
  23. nope nobody crashed yesterday due to that. As far as I see the crashes yesterday were due to 3fps bug
  24. ok until then I will unload the vulcan magazine via script :) Yesterday ground troops were just looking while I was destroying whole city. Mission accomplished in 10 minutes without any casualties :P