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Everything posted by Devastator_cm

  1. Devastator_cm

    JSRS SOUNDMOD - CE.20.0419

    Do I really need all RHS mods to run the RHS version or is it ok if I am using only RHS USAF and Russia to use your RHS sound mod?
  2. Devastator_cm

    Cancel objective in mission

    there is task status module you can use that one to cancel the objective based on a condition/trigger
  3. Devastator_cm

    Devas Autopilot Mod

    The world is not that simple. This mod works when the pilot is human and not ai. That mission has AI pilot, so standart Arma 3 waypoint "LOITER" is doing all the thing. If you guys have the source code of vanilla loiter waypoint please share with me and I will implement it :))
  4. Devastator_cm

    Devas Autopilot Mod

    I thought it is already a must-have mod :P I checked the blackfish and yes camera is a bit shakey. I made some adjustments but I am worried the adjustment might have ill effect by another airplane which will mean I will end up with setups per airplane.. Loiter radius adjustment is in future plans :) See the first message of this thread I might need more math to calculate the exact circle to show the loiter path.. :( I am not sure I can handle that bit but if someone does the math part I can include it in script to draw the path
  5. @firewill as a workaround maybe adjustable hud color can be implemented by Kimi? So switch between green and let's say white to overcome the brightness issue in some maps and daytimes?
  6. although you said no mod was there but just to be sure, you flew at vanilla map? I noticed yesterday in Cup Terrains (takistan) HUD becomes not visible like your case. I think somethnig wrong with the sun on that map.
  7. Devastator_cm

    Devas Autopilot [RELEASE]

    yep already released posted some videos to show what changed as well :)
  8. Devastator_cm

    Devas Autopilot Mod

    version 2.0 released Added: Loiter functionality to airplanes Added: Speed fix for helicopters Added: Pitch will be adjusted to -5° by helicopters automatically Tweaked: Pitch limit by helicopters is increased to 25° Tweaked: +-10° is the band where helicopters are fixing their speed. Pitch angles outside of this band can be used to alter speed Added: Rudder will turn off autopilot by helicopters I advise to read the initial entry to see more details. I posted some videos in first message for version 2.0. Enjoy!
  9. Devastator_cm

    Devas Autopilot [RELEASE]

    version 2.0 released Added: Loiter functionality to airplanes Added: Speed fix for helicopters Added: Pitch will be adjusted to -5° by helicopters automatically Tweaked: Pitch limit by helicopters is increased to 25° Tweaked: +-10° is the band where helicopters are fixing their speed. Pitch angles outside of this band can be used to alter speed Added: Rudder will turn off autopilot by helicopters I advise to read the initial entry to see more details. Enjoy!
  10. raindrop in that speed? :) can be visible I think only before takeoff
  11. Devastator_cm

    ASR AI 3

    having possibility to set groups in defence position (limited radius of movement) would be really nice. I am having same issue where all groups are rushing to fight area and leaving some strategic positions defenseless and players are abusing this AI behavior to wipe them out :(
  12. Devastator_cm

    Is Arma realistic?

    So I want to share something with you guys which I find very interesting and shocked me today :) Me and my friend creatted following video but used real life helicopter communications (Turkish). So arranged the scene based on that So today one of the TV Channel took the video put some story behind (location, type of heli, ammunition, terrorist casulities etc) and published it! Here is the newspaper who find out the truth behind (Arma3!) and published against the channel who faked it http://www.cumhuriyet.com.tr/haber/turkiye/751922/A_Haber_in__TSK_haberi__oyun_cikti.html# So summary 1- Never rely on what you see by Media 2- Arma 3 rules!
  13. Devastator_cm

    Devas Autopilot [RELEASE]

    yes not needed anymore. The files in zip are up to date and need to be used in that way
  14. Devastator_cm

    Devas Autopilot Mod

    Version 1.6 has been just released. Added: Co-Pilots can enable the autopilot if they take the control Added: Switch sound when autopilot is engaged or disengaged Enjoy! :)
  15. Devastator_cm

    Devas Autopilot [RELEASE]

    version 1.7 released Added: Co-Pilots can enable the autopilot if they take the control Added: Switch sound when autopilot is engaged or disengaged Tweaked: Give more freedom to adjust the speed of helicopters when autopilot is on Enjoy!
  16. Devastator_cm

    AI mod compatibility

    Hi Guys, I just wonder which AI mods you are using? I like ASR AI3 but thought maybe there are some other mods which can be used together with it. So do you have such mods which you are using for example together with ASR AI3? Gunter might say why I open such topic as he has a pinned one :) Reason is simple, I just wonder the compatibility between AI mods
  17. Devastator_cm

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    +1 Modder decides where to keep the mod but it is also true that Steamworkshop makes the things smoother and easier. - Automatic updates - Delta loads - Smaller packages not everybody who plays computer games are from IT society. So comment about stupidity is not fair
  18. I think it depends what you consider as flight sim. Are you sure it is in that way by falcon bms? :) As far as I know, there it works more like what Firewill implemented actually
  19. Auto engage at 100%? It is terrible.. What if I want full throttle but no AB?
  20. Devastator_cm

    Jets - HUD improvements

    Anybody knows whether it is possible to add a simple static text to HUDs of all vanilla and moded planes without destroying their existing HUDs?
  21. Devastator_cm

    Blastcore Tracers A3

    do you have this edited mod in steam workshop?
  22. I think I had the dark visor down (with ace 3 compat.) there :)
  23. Check following ones. I don't have colors like you posted here are my settings
  24. I think by you game settings are making it that dark. By me it looks like that faded only if I use dark visor with Ace3 compatible